I never thought when I first started typing at age 7 that I would end up doing what I love to do. I love writing, living vicariously through characters and trying to make something read like I had envisioned. Sometimes it works, sometimes the books write themselves. Odd characters show up, the books don't follow rough drafts, and I have so many colorful names for characters when they don't do what I want them to.
Enjoy the books....I enjoyed writing them! More books to follow!!
Blindsided By Love
Just Once More
Cold Case
This Side of Forever
Poetry From The Heart
Once In A Lifetime
The Yankee Gentleman and His Southern Belle
Everlasting Love
File Under "L" For Love
One Man's Promise
Tammy's Romance Novels
Just Me

Monday, March 10, 2014
Friday, September 14, 2012
I had some advice in July when I was in Virginia. That advice was to publish online. I thought about it, wondered if it would be worth the time, waffled back and forth and decided today to just go for it. In the next week The Yankee Gentleman & His Southern Belle will be available on Kindle and Amazon.com. I can also order copies and cannot wait. For 3 years I've tried to get this out into the marketplace and, all totalled, 28 years and 26 rejection letters later, I'm finally goimg to recognize my dream. I'm so happy, and so hopeful. Not only is this a step in the right directiom, but also the start of something even better, hopefully!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Writing More, Headaches Galore
I used to wonder if two people fell deeply in love, was it because of them getting to know each other so much that they did, or was it because they saw each other so much that they couldn't find themselves not seeing each other and thought they were in love? Was it because the feelings of just having someone there to talk to daily, someone to laugh about, cry about, or discuss your day overwhelmed your senses and you thought you loved them because of that? Or does it go deeper than that? Is it because deep down you feel that pull, that bond with the other person? Do you feel incomplete without them? Do you know them inside and out and can tell their moods just by a word or a phrase they speak? Can you feel their feelings, their thoughts? Can you have that kind of connection because of how much you've talked, laughed, hung out together? Or, do you have this connection because of a past life ya'll had? Is it possible that you do? Or are you just trying to find a reason to why you have a connection that's so deep and strong? All of these questions ran through my head when I started my book a few months ago. A man and woman meet each other through a weather forum. They have that in common, the weather, but throughout getting to know each other, they find out they have so much more in common. Then comes the shocking discovery that they can feel each other's moods and pick up on the other's feelings. Calling each other when the other needs to hear from them at "just that time." She owns a garden nursery and he's a homocide detective. They live in different states and had never seen each other. She had decided to go visit him and they found out they had more than the deep connection, they did have a pure deep love for each other. Then comes a murder case, 4 murder cases, to be precise. They look like her and he starts getting taunting phone calls. He wants to keep her away and she wants to come to him. He's scared he won't be able to protect her. She goes to stay with him for a while to see if things would work out between them. The killer goes after her and her detective finds her almost too late, but he does get her back safely. She tells him that she's going to rent a place, a place that she's already looked at when she starts her life up there. He's a little upset because he thinks it's an easy way for her to get out of the relationship whenever she wants. He doesn't think she's really serious. She packs up her stuff and heads to her new place. She calls him up when she gets there and asks if he can go check the home out, because when she was there last, she thought she left it behind. She hides and he goes over, and she surprises him, tells him she really bought the house, she loves him, wants to marry him, can't live her life without him, and would die if he left her or wanted her to leave him.
This book has been really hard to write. I've had scenario after scenario, and they always seem to not be the right mix of romance or to the deepest level that I want. I know what I want the finished product to be, but it always seems like it's lacking just a little bit of Oooomph. I kept thinking if I would write a little more then it would finally come together. It's hard for me, to see something in my head, and not get it on paper, or the computer, just exactly how I'm envisioning it. I took a 2 week break from writing, or at least tried to. Laying on my bed one night, fan blowing on me, I finally got the inspiration for what I had been missing from a simple phrase. "Sugar, I won't be able to live without you if you're not in my life. Life just isn't worth living without you." I picked up the pen I had, the pad of paper I had brought it with me before and started writing. Before I knew it, the Oooomph had come back into the story, it was going perfectly, and most importantly, it SOUNDED perfect!
Pretty soon, A Once In A Lifetime Love will be finished and on here. In the meantime, also working on Mick & Callie's Story, also about a cop and his former love. I will be finishing that soon, also, and posting both.
This book has been really hard to write. I've had scenario after scenario, and they always seem to not be the right mix of romance or to the deepest level that I want. I know what I want the finished product to be, but it always seems like it's lacking just a little bit of Oooomph. I kept thinking if I would write a little more then it would finally come together. It's hard for me, to see something in my head, and not get it on paper, or the computer, just exactly how I'm envisioning it. I took a 2 week break from writing, or at least tried to. Laying on my bed one night, fan blowing on me, I finally got the inspiration for what I had been missing from a simple phrase. "Sugar, I won't be able to live without you if you're not in my life. Life just isn't worth living without you." I picked up the pen I had, the pad of paper I had brought it with me before and started writing. Before I knew it, the Oooomph had come back into the story, it was going perfectly, and most importantly, it SOUNDED perfect!
Pretty soon, A Once In A Lifetime Love will be finished and on here. In the meantime, also working on Mick & Callie's Story, also about a cop and his former love. I will be finishing that soon, also, and posting both.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Goings On
Writing books has always been easy for me. I've always been able to sit down, get my head in the right frame of mind and just start writing. The characters have always taken their good own time writing themselves, but the story has told itself. The characters have always changed what I had written for them, as crazy as it sounds. In the end, though, everything always came together and was perfect UNTIL these last 2 books. Trinity and Mick & Callie's Story.
Trinity started out when I had an idea for a lady who worked on antebellum mansions, victorian homes, restoring them. (I always loved the idea of taking a worn out home and refurbishing it to where it looked before. Like bringing life into it again. Where you could hear the home saying, "Yes, this is how I was before.") I know, sounds fanciful and you can't really hear a house talking, but, if you listen closely, and you know what you're listening for, you can. Anyhow, she's in her office one day with her partner when she thinks she sees an old friend walk down the street. She chases after him, but the guy shrugs her off. She tells her partner, Paul, that she had a past with him and what it was, and he shows up at her home. He find out she still thinks of him. The next day in a meeting with potential clients, she finds out it's the same guy, named Cade. On a tour of his home, although she doesn't know it's his at the time, she tells what needs to be done to the house and she gets the job. They also explore the relationship they could've had. That's where the story ends. I know that in future chapters, just when they are getting close, Cade's ex comes into the picture, to make waves in Trinity's life, but I just can't move past this.
In the meantime, I started Mick & Callie's Story. This started because I was wondering one day, if an ex boyfriend/husband/lover came back into your life after 15 years to make amends, say he's sorry, would you listen to him? Then I decided to expand on the story. What would happened if you were in a small town and he tracked you down, found out that you had a child that he didn't know about or want to know about, and wanted to make amends? Would it change anything? What would then happen if the gentleman's ex wife came into the picture and was threatening you both? Would you protect your daughter and ex girlfriend? Would you try to get your ex wife to see the saner side of life? Would you say "screw it all" and walk away from everything? Mick is a cop. He's never gotten over Callie. His exwife Dina told lie after lie and he listened and believed everything she said until the lies came unravelled one long night. Mick knows he has to find Callie, so with the help of a P.I., some court records that just came to light, and a chance glimpse of her, he find her, finds out she has a daughter that he was never told about. Then he finds out he exwife knew a lot more than she let on. Now, Callie's life is in danger because Dina is after her and the child too. Mick will do everything to protect them both and that's where I'm stuck at. I have his exwife in Callie's house, but do I let her kidnap Callie and take her somewhere to have Mick find her, or do I let him rescue Callie out of her own home? Do I have it where Callie's is near death, or does she kill the exwife and stands trial.....sooooo many questions, and no answers to help me out.
I do have other stories started, but these 2 are driving me absolutely insane! Just when I think I have everything planned out, the characters decide they won't cooperate and go in a different direction.
Don't us writers sound crazy?
Trinity started out when I had an idea for a lady who worked on antebellum mansions, victorian homes, restoring them. (I always loved the idea of taking a worn out home and refurbishing it to where it looked before. Like bringing life into it again. Where you could hear the home saying, "Yes, this is how I was before.") I know, sounds fanciful and you can't really hear a house talking, but, if you listen closely, and you know what you're listening for, you can. Anyhow, she's in her office one day with her partner when she thinks she sees an old friend walk down the street. She chases after him, but the guy shrugs her off. She tells her partner, Paul, that she had a past with him and what it was, and he shows up at her home. He find out she still thinks of him. The next day in a meeting with potential clients, she finds out it's the same guy, named Cade. On a tour of his home, although she doesn't know it's his at the time, she tells what needs to be done to the house and she gets the job. They also explore the relationship they could've had. That's where the story ends. I know that in future chapters, just when they are getting close, Cade's ex comes into the picture, to make waves in Trinity's life, but I just can't move past this.
In the meantime, I started Mick & Callie's Story. This started because I was wondering one day, if an ex boyfriend/husband/lover came back into your life after 15 years to make amends, say he's sorry, would you listen to him? Then I decided to expand on the story. What would happened if you were in a small town and he tracked you down, found out that you had a child that he didn't know about or want to know about, and wanted to make amends? Would it change anything? What would then happen if the gentleman's ex wife came into the picture and was threatening you both? Would you protect your daughter and ex girlfriend? Would you try to get your ex wife to see the saner side of life? Would you say "screw it all" and walk away from everything? Mick is a cop. He's never gotten over Callie. His exwife Dina told lie after lie and he listened and believed everything she said until the lies came unravelled one long night. Mick knows he has to find Callie, so with the help of a P.I., some court records that just came to light, and a chance glimpse of her, he find her, finds out she has a daughter that he was never told about. Then he finds out he exwife knew a lot more than she let on. Now, Callie's life is in danger because Dina is after her and the child too. Mick will do everything to protect them both and that's where I'm stuck at. I have his exwife in Callie's house, but do I let her kidnap Callie and take her somewhere to have Mick find her, or do I let him rescue Callie out of her own home? Do I have it where Callie's is near death, or does she kill the exwife and stands trial.....sooooo many questions, and no answers to help me out.
I do have other stories started, but these 2 are driving me absolutely insane! Just when I think I have everything planned out, the characters decide they won't cooperate and go in a different direction.
Don't us writers sound crazy?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Destiny's Love
Tammy Lynn Dowdal
Destiny’s Love
"I found it. I found the treasure." Destiny Devereaux screamed above the noise. Michele Green and Hope Andrews were searching in the train car below her. She was on top and had found the secret compartment. Lifting out the small container, she shook it to make sure it wasn't empty. Hearing the small noise inside she motioned her friends up.
"Come on, open it. I want to see it for myself." Hope wasn't one to wait for anything and she wanted it unveiled now."
"You know we can't. If we open it, that's when all the evidence will be destroyed. Once they catch the crooks, then we get to keep the treasure. Come on, guys. We have to get this to the cops." Destiny scrambled down from the top of the car. Jumping down, she joined her friends on the ground and they started toward the clearing in the woods.
"Not so fast. It seems like that is our treasure and you stole it from us. If you think you can take that to the cops, then you are badly mistaken. Now hand it over before something happens to you."
Destiny, Hope, and Michele looked at the three men with guns in their hands. They had huge guns and the men were even larger. The men started advancing toward the trio of girls and pointed the guns at them. Raising the guns at eye level, they warned the girls one last time.
"If you hand that over right now, you won't be hurt. We'll just tie you up and before any one could find you, we would be long gone and who would believe a story about finding treasure above a train car and then losing it to the thieves who put it there in the first place? I don't think anyone would even give that story a second thought."
The girls looked at one another and knew they couldn't give this up. They would fight to the death if they had to, but the treasure wouldn't stray from their hands. One by one they shook their heads no. They started to back up thinking they could get into the train cars and then hide if the need arose. The men would never find them in there. Turning around, they heard the unmistakable sound of guns being cocked.
"We won't let you have this. You murdered one of our teachers for this and we can't let you get away with it. Just don't kill us. If you let us get away, we won't tell anyone we saw you. No one has to know who you are. We'll let you get a head start and then we'll leave." Destiny was backing up while Michele was talking, but the killer out in front caught the maneuver and motioned her back with her friends.
"There will be no taking this to the cops. The only thing that will be going to the cops is your body in a body bag if you don't cooperate with us. Now give us the box. I'll give you to the count of three. One..., two..., th-"
"Get your hands up and drop the guns. You three girls get out of the way now."
Destiny, Hope, and Michele practically ran for the train cars. When they reached the last car, they hopped on and watched as the police handcuffed the men and led them away.
When the last one was out of sight, the three girls came off the train and approached the officer in charge. "Can I help you with something?"
"Here is the box containing the evidence against those men. Here is also a tape that was given to us by our teacher before she was murdered. If it's possible, we would like the box back and the film inside. The film inside has pictures of our teacher and some of us with her."
"I think that can be arranged after the trial and then we'll see about putting you in special care. You know who the killers are if they were to ever get out of prison, which is highly unlikely, they might come back and retaliate against you three."
"It won't be necessary. We're going to be going away to college and from there wherever our careers take us. I don't think they'll ever remember us. We're grateful you showed up, but how did you know where to find us?"
"A guy named Cory Ritchfield told us. From what he said, you three girls were going to get some evidence and to look by the trains. He overheard a conversation between you three and figured you must have come here when you didn't show up at school today. We thank you very much and I think you better go give this Cory person a thank you call for saving your lives. I'll be contacting you later on this week for some answers to this case."
Destiny handed over the case and the three friends walked out of the woods and towards the road where the car was parked. Getting into the Ferrari, Destiny put it in gear and then drove off toward Michele and Hope's home. An hour later, Destiny was at Cory's home knocking on the door. She couldn't believe he had saved her life. There was no way for her to say thanks properly, so when the door was opened, she was propelled forward. Unfortunately, it wasn't Cory who opened the door. It was his father and Destiny found out that Cory wasn't going to be home until later on that evening.
Telling Cory's father good-bye, Destiny got into her car and went for a drive. Instead of going home, she drove toward the lake. Not too many people were at the lake this time of day, but she saw one lone car parked in the spaces. Sitting at the picnic table was Cory. Destiny parked the car and headed over to him. Looking up, Cory smiled at her, but he smile didn't quite reach his eyes. He looked dejected and she didn't know what to do to cheer him up.
"That was a stupid thing to do. You could have gotten yourself killed along with Hope and Michele. Why didn't you leave the thing to the police instead of doing it yourself? Doesn't my love mean anything to you?"
"Yes, it does. I love you too, but I wanted to find Mrs. Hin's killers. There was no way that I was going to stand by and not do anything. She left a tape and it told of the last place she was going. The tape then had a voice saying she better get down before it starts up again. Hope and Michele both reached the same conclusion I did. Last night we planned to come here and try to find it before getting the police out here. We had no idea that the killers were going to be out here too."
"So you three risked your lives to be martyrs? You could have given the stuff to the police and then let them find it. Did you think of me once while you were in danger?"
"Truthfully, no. So much was going through my head on how to get away from them and I didn't have time to think about anything else. I came to thank you for telling the cops what you heard. You saved our lives. I think I'll leave you alone now."
Destiny started to leave, but Cory called her back. She looked back and saw tears shimmering in his eyes. Going over to him, she was startled when he reached and grabbed her, holding her like she was a fantasy and he was unsure if she would leave if he let go.
"Destiny, I was so scared that I was too late. The police said that there was a chance that you might be dead when they got there. I don't know what I would have done. It's too hard to explain my feelings and the reaction, but I love you so much and when we finish high school, I want to marry you. Will you be my wife?"
"You know I will, but what about our colleges? We're both going to different ones and they're so far apart. I want to get my degree and you want to get yours."
"Des, we can talk about that later. I just want to hold you for a little while longer."
Cory and Destiny held each other and then they walked for awhile. In her heart, Destiny knew it wasn't going to work. Cory did too, but they held onto the dream for a while despite the pain in their hearts.
Walking back to their respective cars, they slowly kissed each other and then left. When Destiny got home, she found the killers had confessed and the trial would start sometime in the coming year. The date hadn't been determined. Since they wouldn't need any of the girls to testify, they could leave anytime they wanted.
Destiny had one more test and school and she needed to study for it even though she knew the material backward and forward. Before she knew it, the clock in her room struck ten and she jumped off the bed.
Down the stairs, she heard the laughter of her parents and she went into the kitchen where they were making themselves some popcorn. Going over to them, she hugged them both and then told them what had happened that morning. Knowing the response she was going to get before she was done reciting the story, she held up her hands when she was done.
"I know what we did was wrong, but I had to do it. You would have too. My thoughts have been straying to what could have happened if Cory wouldn't have called the police. Right now, I would be dead and so would Hope and Michele."
"I know what you're saying is right to you. There is no excuse for what you did though. That kind of stuff should be left to the police and not to amateur detectives. You should know that by now, Destiny. I think you have done enough soul searching of your own for us to start berating you. I think you have learned you lesson. If not, then I think you had better start."
"I have, Dad. Thank you for not yelling or punishing me. You're right. I have done enough soul searching. There is so much that I would have missed if something had gone wrong. For one thing, I would have missed Cory's proposal this afternoon. He asked me to marry him after we graduate."
"You two are getting married?"
"He did ask, but after I accepted, I got to thinking. Our marriage won't hold together once we get our careers on track. Heck, we won't even be in the same state once we go to college. I'll be in Wyoming and he'll be staying in Colorado. What are we going to do, commute on weekends? We both know that it was fear that told him to propose in the first place, and it was fear that made me accept. I have a lot to think about, so I think that I'll just go to my room and go to bed."
"Destiny? By the way, how was I supposed to have punished you? You'll be leaving tomorrow after your finals. You're not even going to be here for your graduation. Was I supposed to say you have to stay here until after your graduation is final?"
"You could have, Dad, but I would have just climbed out of my window and left anyhow."
"You know we're going to miss you, terribly, don't you?"
"I will too, Dad, but I have to be on my own, now. I love you both, and I'll be back for visits. It's not like we won't see each other for years on end, you know. I'll be leaving right after my last class tomorrow. I don't want to cry and if I come home and say good-bye, I might not want to leave."
"Honey, you don't have to leave."
"Yes, I do, Mom. I have to be on my own and earn my place in life. I love you both."
Destiny ran up to her room and cried herself to sleep, while her parents held onto each other like they never wanted to let go. If things would have turned out different many years ago, they would have been saying good-bye to two daughters right now, instead of only one.
A night filled with nightmares and unforeseen events, she wasn't exactly refreshed when she awoke the next morning. She told her parents good-bye one last time, packed her bags in the car, and raced out of the house. It was so strange to know that after her school hours were over today she wouldn't be coming back here.
Destiny wasn't sure of what she was going to tell Cory when she saw him, but she had to think of something. Walking to her classes, she thought she could easily let him down, but the decision that was made really wasn't up to her after all.
The class came too quick for her and she was walking up the stairs to it when she heard his voice.
"Destiny!" She turned around and saw Cory standing on the steps leading to the second floor. She walked down the steps and they went to stand beside the lockers on the side of the staircase. "Weren't you even going to say hi?"
"Hi. There's something that I need to tell you. This isn't going to work, you know. There isn't any way we can be married when we go off to college." She didn't say anything else, but looked sadly into his eyes.
"I know. What are we going to do about it?" Cory looked at the woman in front of him for long moments, like he was trying to memorize her face. Destiny put her arms around Cory's waist and hugged him hard, not wanting to let him go.
"Just do one thing. Tell me you love me, and let me go."
"Oh, Des. I do love you, so much. You're right. We have to let it go." Cory bent his head and softly kissed her good-bye and then he turned and went up the stairs before her."
"Good-bye Cory. I hope you have a good life. I love you too." Destiny softly spoke to herself, then walked up the stairwell, into her class, and took the last test of her school years. An hour later she walked out of the school, got into her car, and left for the airport. It was now time for her to be an adult.
She couldn't look back, she had said her good-byes, shed final tears, and hoped for the best. There was only tomorrow to look to now.
Fifteen years later Destiny awoke with a start. Realizing she was shaking violently, she turned on the light and looked at her alarm clock. Shaking her head she realized it was only eleven o'clock. She had only been asleep for over an hour. What was the dream about anyway?
Thinking back, she slowly recounted everything that had happened in the dream. She saw three men and they were pointing guns at her. This was no dream. This actually happened to her. Why was she dreaming this now? She hadn't thought of them in years. It must have been the movie she saw before bedtime. Why hadn't she just watched the romance movie marathon instead of the murder mystery?
Destiny knew she was safe, but she just wished she had some one to actually tell her she was. Laying back down, she tried to go back to sleep, but knew it was useless after fixing some hot chocolate and drinking it and she was still wide awake. Looking at the television, she really didn't want to watch the news and there was no good movie on.
Giving up and going back to bed, she wished she had someone to call. There was no one awake at almost midnight, she knew that for a fact.
Looking around her house, she saw the momentos of her high school days with her friends. Hope and Michele looked back at her with smiling faces and she had to smile. The picture was taken on her last day of school and they were sure they were all going to be living closer together when they had finished college. How times had changed.
Hope had ended up in Vermont, married and with a child in high school. Michele lived in Delaware with her husband and no children. Michele and Destiny had lost contact with one another over the years, but last Christmas Destiny had received a card from her telling Destiny what had happened. For the last few months they had been planning their get together. Destiny couldn't wait to see the both of them again.
Once they got together it would be like they never parted, of that she knew. There was only one thing bothering her. Would they mention Cory? Both of the girls went back home to see their families regularly and she knew they had to see him. She had never went back home. She couldn't. The last she heard from her parents, Cory was still living in Rainbow Falls. That was fifteen years ago. Was he still living there?
What was he like now? She had thought about him many times over the years and fantasized what it would be like to see him again. Unfortunately, or fortunately, she never would know the answer. She didn't want to see him again. Rather, she wanted to see him again, but he hurt her too bad back then for her to forget his face and the way he looked. Then she remembered. He hadn't hurt her, they had realized it was over long before she had left Rainbow Falls. His face was just one that she would never be able to put out of her mind.
Coming out of her musing, she looked at the clock and found out it was way past two in the morning. Destiny had to get some sleep. There were still so many things to take care of before the girls came in two days. How was she supposed to get everything done in time for them? She would think about that tomorrow. Now she was going to bed and get some sleep.
The ringing of the alarm clock woke her out of a sound sleep. She couldn't believe she slept soundly and didn't hear it the first time. Getting out of the bed, she went over to the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of orange juice.
Drinking the glass, she rinsed it out just as the phone rang. Hoping it was one of the girls, she answered without her usual reservations.
"Hello. Is this the Destiny Devereaux residence?" The voice sounded strangely familiar.
"Yes it is. Could I ask who is calling please?'
"My name is Cory Ritchfield and I am the sheriff of Rainbow Falls, Colorado. I need to talk to your mother."
Oh no. It couldn't be him. But it was. How many Cory Ritchfield's lived in Rainbow Falls? She couldn't talk to him. Why was he calling now after fifteen years.
"Hello? Are you still there?"
"I'm here and your are talking to Destiny Devereaux. Why are you calling me here and how did you know where I lived?"
"I called Hope and Michele and with some bribery and a few veiled threats, they gave me your address and number. I need to talk to you and it's very important. I heard from Michele that you girls are getting together this weekend. Is there any way that I can see the three of you? I am not trying to see you just out of curiosity. This is official police business and we need to get together. After this weekend it will be too late."
"Can't you just tell me what the problem is over the phone? I haven't seen the girls in along time and we only have this weekend together."
"I really can't Destiny. I need to speak to you three in person. If any lines are tapped you could be in danger. I have your address and I'll see you on Saturday morning early. I want to tell you this and then we can figure out what to do when I'm done."
"Okay, but I want to say right now, Cory, that I'm not very happy about this at all. Fifteen years is a little long to wait for a reunion."
"It would be a very sad reunion if I waited until you showed up here to tell you. This is very important. I wouldn't lie to you about that."
"I know. I have to go Cory. I still have a lot to do before I have three guests this weekend. By the way, where are you going to be staying while you're here?"
"We'll talk about that Saturday morning. Good-bye Destiny."
Hearing the phone go into a busy signal, she hung up the phone and then started shaking. Why was he calling now? Why couldn't he have just left her alone? He better have one good reason why he was coming down. Her luck, he was inviting her to his wedding or to his children's soon-to-be graduation. She would think about that when it happened. Right now she needed to get dressed and call Hope. Hope would be able to get everything straightened out for her.
Dialing the familiar number, Destiny prayed that Hope would be home. On the fourth ring a breathless voice answered the phone.
"You weren't doing anything were you?" Destiny hoped she didn't interrupt anything important.
"The only thing you interrupted was my exercise routine. Thank you for that. Why are you calling?"
"You didn't get a phone call from Cory Ritchfield telling you had to talk to us three girls this weekend, did you?"
"Oh, that. I forgot about him calling. He called and said something was urgent, but I really don't think it is. Maybe he's just calling to find out where you were and that he wanted to see you again. This could be a good excuse to see you."
"Right Hope. He's going to travel all the way from Rainbow Falls, Colorado to Rapture, Wyoming just to see me after fifteen years. No, there has to be a good reason why. He didn't say anything about it over the phone?"
"No. The only thing he said was it was very urgent he talk to all of us. I told him we were getting together this weekend at your house and for him to call you if he had any questions. I gave him your number and address. I should have called you first, but he did sound urgent. I'm sorry if it was too troubling hearing from him."
"It's okay, Hope. It was a shock, but this is something that has to be done. Let's get off the subject. When does your flight get here again?"
"I arrive at the Rapture Airport at ten. I'm renting a car instead of having you pick me up. That way you can get everything ready and I can pick up Michele instead of having you run around like a chicken with its head cut off."
"It is a good idea. I guess I better go. I still have some things to pick up and I want everything to go perfect. Well, as perfect as can be expected. The first time we're going to be together in twelve years and we have an uninvited guest coming."
"I'll see you around eleven Saturday morning. I want to look around some and see how much it's changed in twelve years. I just hope I don't get lost."
"See you Saturday."
The two hung up the phone and Destiny worked the rest of the day cleaning her home and getting caught up on dusting and laundry, her two hated chores. By the time no more could be done it was almost five. Where did the day go? Just then the phone rang. Who could that be? Hopefully not another guest coming.
It was her next-door neighbor Faith wondering if Destiny would watch her newborn while she went out to the store for some formula and diapers. Agreeing, Destiny hung up the phone and smiled. There was nothing like a little baby around the house. Over the last fifteen years she had watched many newborns and had a few stay with her for a few weeks. She was a temporary foster parent for newborns when they didn't have one lined up.
Five minutes later her doorbell rang and Faith had the baby in one hand and a bag of clothes, diapers, bottles, and other accessories in the other. If Destiny didn't know better, she would think the baby was going to be living with her forever instead of at least half an hour.
"What's all the stuff for? You're not going to be gone long are you?"
"As if you minded. Actually, I'm going out of town tomorrow and packed everything tonight. I wasn't about to be hassled tomorrow."
"It's a good idea. I'll take Noel and we'll be waiting for you when you get back. See you in a little while." Destiny took the bag and came back for Noel. Closing the door, Destiny rocked Noel back and forth to quiet her and then turned on the radio softly to an easy listening station to soothe the baby.
Not five minutes had passed when the doorbell rang again. Smiling, Destiny walked with the baby over to the door and opened it. "You just couldn't stay away and let me keep Noel all to myself could you, Fai-"
Looking up with laughing eyes, she stared directly into ice green ones. She stumbled a little and backed up against the door. It couldn't be him. He said not until Saturday morning. This was Thursday night. He wasn't here, it was only a figment of her imagination.
She started to close the door when a hand reached out and stayed the reaction. "I would like to come in. It's pretty cold out here."
"I would rather you freeze out there until Saturday. That's what you told me. You never were too good at holding to commitments, were you?"
"I don't have time to talk to you about things that happened long ago. This is very urgent, can I please come in?"
Destiny stood back and allowed him in and when she closed the door, she flattened herself against it.
"You don't have to worry about if I'm going to attack you. I don't make a habit of assaulting women who are married and just had a baby."
Looking at him strangely, she was about to correct him when she thought better of it. If Cory wanted to believe she was married and had a child let him. Maybe it would get him out of her house quicker.
"What do you want, Cory?"
"About that matter we discussed over the phone. Things happened more quickly than what thought they were going to. This is going to be quite a shock to you, so I think you better sit down."
"I can stand just fine. Get on with it, Cory. Quit stalling and spit it out."
"Those men you, Hope, and Michele put away fifteen years ago are out and looking for retaliation. They bought a good lawyer and finally he got them out under a loophole in the law. According to the depositions, they were never read their rights and under that they can be released.
"It came across my desk yesterday and I knew they would be looking for the three that put them behind bars for the last fifteen years. They were supposed to be released next Monday and that was to give me time to find all three of you, but they got out this afternoon. I tried calling you, but the line has been busy the whole afternoon."
Destiny couldn't believe her ears. They had been released. She walked weakly over to the chair and sagged in it. Noel started crying and that brought Destiny's head up. Reaching down to the bag that was on the floor, she picked up one of the bottles and gave it to the crying baby.
"How old is the baby?"
"She's a little less than a week old. Her name is Noel."
"I hate to say this, but we have to leave and you're going to have to take more clothes than that and contact your husband. He'll have to leave too. He's in danger by association."
"You don't understand, Cory."
"No, Des, you don't understand. They'll find you just as easily as I did. All I had to do was find Michele's parents, and from there you were easy."
"Let me finish. This isn't my baby. I am not married. I'm baby-sitting for my neighbor. Plus I think your idea is a little farfetched. For one thing, I don't think those people know any of our last names. If they do, then they're going to have a hard time tracking us down. Hope and Michele are married and my number they can't get through the phone company."
"You're right. I still want you to leave. Call whoever you need to and see if you can stay with them for a few days until we figure something out. I don't want any of you three in danger. Like it or not, you are in danger."
"I think you're making more out of it than really is warranted, Cory. Those men have had to forgot about us. Heck, they didn't even know our names. I'm not calling any one and I am having my weekend with my two friends and nothing is going to change."
"Nothing except for one thing, Des. I'm staying here. You admitted you are not married and I'm not having you nagging my conscious until we can get those three men back in prison. I couldn't do my work right. It has nothing to do with you and the way we felt about each other in high school. I am the sheriff for Rainbow Falls and I protect all people in my city and those in danger out of my range.
"I am not leaving, Cory. This is my home and next week is my first vacation in five years. There is no way I'm leaving."
"Then there is only one option left. I'll stay here. I can protect you."
"Don't be ridiculous." She took the bottle out of Noel's mouth and lifted the tiny bundle to her shoulder to burp her. "I can protect myself. I am fully aware on how to use a gun to protect myself and I will if the situation arises. I am not a shrinking violet afraid of my own shadow. I have shot at intruders and protected myself against a rapist and there is no way I'm going to change my life or anything for three men who want to kill me or do whatever."
Destiny was busy watching Noel, so she didn't see Cory's reaction to her statement. His face went ashen and he clenched his hands to his side. My God. A rapist and intruders. What kind of work did she do to warrant such behavior? He decided to ask her.
"Why don't you sit down for a while, Cory. It doesn't look like you're leaving anytime soon. You might as well make yourself comfortable."
"Tell me about your work, Des."
"Please don't call me that. I prefer Destiny."
"Okay, Destiny. Tell me about your work."
"I work in a radio station part time as a late night talk show host. I am also a temporary foster parent for HRS when a home isn't ready for a baby yet. I know you must think whey would someone like me be working in a radio station, but I love my work. It's never the same day after day and I haven't had a vacation in a long time. Are you happy now?"
"I was just curious about what you do. I know you went off to college to study children's psychiatry and over the first few months you were away, I wondered how you were making out."
"I did just fine, Cory. I did get my degree but when I got out of college, I had to have a job, and this was the first one I got and I love it."
"You said you've shot at intruders and fended off rapists. What happened? I don't want to be nosy, but you've piqued my interest."
"Well, the guy who broke into my house said I had a sexy voice and he fantasized about what I looked like. In court he said he just couldn't help himself from breaking into the house to see if the fantasy was reality. The attempted rape happened when I was out jogging one morning. He jumped me from behind and I fought back. What's the end of the story. Now can we forget about this?"
"I'm sorry I brought it up."
The two people sat there across from each other absorbed in different thoughts and broken dreams. When the knock at the door came, Cory jumped and pulled the gun from his waistband. Jumping up, he went over to the door and looked out the peephole.
"Put it away, Cory. It's only Faith. She's the only one who knocks. Everyone else usually rings the doorbell." Getting up, she walked over to the door and opened it for her.
Faith looked at the man inside the door and raised her eyebrows in question. Not too many men visited Destiny at her home. Let alone a man with a gun.
"Is everything okay, Des? Do you need something?'
"I'm fine Faith. This is Cory Ritchfield. He's visiting for a few days and will be leaving soon. I'm sorry he pointed the gun at you, but he's used to cops and robbers breaking in on people. Noel was a good baby. She drank an ounce and went to sleep. Here's your stuff. I'll watch her anytime."
"I appreciate it Des. You're a good friend. If you need anything, just give me a call and I'll have Terry come over and help you."
"Like I said, Faith, he's an old friend from my hometown visiting for a few days. I'm perfectly safe with him."
Faith left and Destiny closed the door. Leaning against it, her body felt cold from where the baby had been laying and was now gone. Looking at Cory, she saw his eyes harden.
"What did I say now?"
"Besides me being 'an old friend'? We're more than that and you know it! Why is it that she can call you Des, but when I say it, you insist that I call you Destiny?"
"It's different. There aren't any memories of her calling me that. There are too many with you."
"Oh yes, the memories. You know, I always wondered about where you had went to. This is an exciting town. Rapture, Wyoming, population five hundred and twelve at latest count. Why didn't you ever let me know where you were?"
"I tried many times to write, but never knew what to say. Look, it's getting late and I have to be up early tomorrow. Your bedroom, since you insist on staying here, is through that door and down the hall to the right. There are new sheets on the bed and towels in the bath. I'll leave you to your own resources. By the way, we're not more than old friends anymore. That was a long time ago, and some things just can't be brought back."
Saying good night to him, she went into her room and undressed, slipped under the covers and prayed for a restful sleep. It was not to be. For the second night in a row she hardly slept at all.
In the room across from hers, Cory had just as much trouble as she did trying to sleep. He speculated whether or not she would kill him if he went into her room. Ever since he got here this afternoon, he wanted to kiss her. He had taken two cold showers and they were vastly overrated. Cory wanted her with an intensity that shocked him.
Destiny got up the next morning and hoped it was all a dream, but she knew better when she spied him in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Bacon and eggs with juice and coffee surprised her, but she opted not to show him.
Cory turned around just as she walked into the kitchen. God she was beautiful. Short brown hair and ice blue eyes complimented the oval face with full lips. Her eyes still held traces of sleep and her cheeks were flushed. Putting the food on the table he went over to her and bent his six foot six frame and kissed her fully on the mouth startling her.
"Why did you do that?"
"Des, I've been wanting to do that since you opened the door yesterday."
"I told you I wanted you to call me Destiny."
"I can't. You know why, I've told you but you just don't want to admit it. I'm not going to lie to you. I haven't felt the same way for any woman since the day you left. I still love you Des and sooner or later you're going to realize it. There's only one problem. By the time you do, it might be too late.
Cory turned around and put his food in the microwave and then walked out the door. Destiny looked at the man who walked out the door and shook her head. He ignited her like a house afire, but here was no way she could tell him that. If it would be too late for her to admit her love to him, then so be it.
Destiny had finished eating and did her dishes when the phone rang. Picking it up, she was surprised to hear Hope and Michele's voices on the other line
"Why are you calling here?"
"We just heard on the news that those three men had been released from prison due to a loophole, but they are supposed to be in a half way house, only they never showed up. They are now fugitives on the run. We finally have names to go with the fades. The one who is the mastermind is Harley, they call him that because he has a large tattoo of a Harley Davidson motorcycle on his arm, the second in command is Ed, and the mean looking one is Dave. We just wanted you to know we're coming down early and we'll be with you very soon."
"There's no need to worry about me. I have police protection. Thanks to the kind sheriff of Rainbow Falls, Colorado. He decided to come on up and stay with me, providing me with all sorts of company. Come on down anyway, I could use some friendly company."
Saying good-bye to her friends, she heard the back door open and close then decided to have some fun.
Keeping the receiver in her hand, she spoke with what she hoped sounded like an angry voice. "You can't call me and threaten me. I have a police chief waiting right here for you. Oh you will, huh? Well I would like to see you even try to get me. I put you away fifteen years ago and I can again."
Slamming down the phone and trying to keep a straight serious face, she turned around.
"Who was that? If that was them why did you say that stuff? You know they're after you. You provoke them and they will find you faster than anything. You're leaving, come on."
"Calm down, Cory. I was only joking. I heard you open the door and decided to try and lighten things up a little. I was talking to Hope and Michele. They'll be here later on this evening."
He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Don't you ever do that again. You gave me the scare of my life."
"I'm sorry, Cory. You're right I shouldn't have done that, but you're taking this way too seriously. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I can't live like this. I have to have some fun and laughter in my life. If you're not going to supply it, then I'll just have to supply it myself."
Looking at her with mixed feelings, he wrestled with emotions better left buried. This was way too difficult for him. He should have sent his deputy for her, but for some reason he knew he had to protect her himself. He still loved her and for the rest of the time he was here, he would protect and care for her and make her realize she loved him.
"I said I was sorry, Cory. It won't happen again."
"You're right, it won't. For now on I answer the phone."
Smiling at some cute remark Cory had said while talking back to the television, Destiny thought that it hadn't been that bad having him around a whole day. Sure there were moments when they got on each other's nerves and she wanted to strangle him each time the telephone would ring and he would get it before she could. More than once, she almost screamed at him just to get her emotions under control.
Looking at the clock for what seemed like the thousandth time in five minutes, she was relieved when she heard the doorbell ring. Giving Cory a shake of her head, she went over to the door and opened it without looking first. Cory could have strangled her with his bare hands.
"It's really you guys. I thought you would never get here. What took you guys so long?"
"Well, to be honest, we got lost. From the airport to the main street was fine, but after that, we sort of rambled around until we found a fast food restaurant, only to find we were no longer in Rapture, but in Glory. These are the strangest names for cities I've have ever heard."
"It's better than Rainbow Falls. If you would have looked down the main street while you were here, you would have seen why they named the town Rapture. Down by City Hall, they have dozens of the Rapture Rose growing. Now come on in while I look the two of you over."
Looking at each other and comparing them to the ones she knew twelve years ago, she saw many minor changes, but none of them were really outstanding. Hope had cut her hair and Michele had gotten contacts instead of glasses, but that was the only changes she noticed.
"You look very nice, Des. I still can't believe it's been so long since we've been together. Hope and I talked the whole way here and thought for sure you wouldn't be the same person you were back then." Michele looked at her friend and laughed. "Still the same to me." Hope agreed.
"She's the same person, only she has a mouth on her and a sick sense of humor." Cory told them what she did that morning. Hope and Michele took one look at her and burst into laughter. From then on it seemed like they had never been apart. Even Cory and Destiny were on better terms with each other.
The rest of the evening went on with reminiscing and much laughter. Getting out the old pictures, they looked through them each commenting with a different story until they couldn't hold their eyes open any longer.
Destiny told them where their bedrooms were and then Cory told all of them he would talk to them in the morning after they had been well rested. Going to their separate bedrooms, Destiny prayed she would sleep, but it proved fruitless and she spent most of the night tossing and turning, her mind weaving erotic dreams about the man in the room across the hall.
Dawn came too soon and when all three were sitting around the table, Cory stood behind Destiny and told them exactly what happened and that he wanted them all to go into hiding. It came as no surprise to him when all three turned him down. They had husbands and the only one who really needed protecting, as Hope pointed out, was Destiny.
Not knowing exactly what to say, Destiny focused on the task of eating, knowing Cory knew how she felt. The other two knew something was up and decided to sightsee a little before lunch and they left the two alone to discuss the problem.
"As I said, you're not staying alone here, and while you do, I will stay with you. I have a lot of vacation time built up and I'll spend it here in the small quaint town of Rapture. I can be just as stubborn as you."
"And I told you, I know self-defense. I have taken courses and no mugger, rapist, or ax-wielding murderer would dare come and get me. Give it up."
"I bet you I could catch you off guard."
Before she knew what happened, Cory had her wrists captive behind her back and she was flush up against his body. Destiny's body was betraying her and instead of trying to pull away, she was pushing her body against his. Looking up at his face, she saw his eyes darken and then she felt what was happening to him and groaned.
Trying to get away, she tugged, but he just pulled her harder against him. Her eyes were mirroring the same emotion his was and then he looked at her lips. They were wide and parted slightly. She licked them with her tongue to moisten them, trying to think of something to say so he wouldn't kiss her, but hoping he would, desperately.
Her eyes are what held him fascinated. Going through many different emotions, they finally tuned smoky and she whispered the one word he thought he would never hear again from her.
"Please, what, Des?"
"Kiss me. You want it, I want it, so do it."
Cory leaned down and slowly melded his mouth with hers and it felt so right. Softness and warmth invaded his mouth and he felt like an addict with her as the drug. This is what he had wanted from the first minute he had seen her with the baby in her arms. Why did the lady affect him so much?
Lifting his head when he felt her push at him, Cory looked down at the woman in his arms.
"What's the matter? Was I too rough?" Cory looked at Destiny's lips and saw they were swollen and bright red.
"No. It's just that it's going too fast. I don't want or need this right now." Who are you trying to kid? You want this, you dream about this. Cory just kept looking at Destiny trying to will her into letting him kiss her again.
Destiny looked up at Cory and shook her head when he started talking. "I'm sorry if I went too fast, but you still have the softest lips and you move your mouth and tongue like no other woman I've ever kissed."
Destiny didn't want to think about the other women he had kissed. Why should that bother her so much? The feelings she had for him were in the past and that's where they should stay, shouldn't they?
"Why are looking at me that way? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just a little shaken. I never expected to feel like this kissing you again. Those feelings I thought had disappeared and I hoped they would never return."
"Des, you have to know, I never intended to hurt you like I did. I never really hurt you, we both pointed out the obvious back then. You have to believe me. I did want to marry you and I think you felt the same way."
"I did feel the same way. It's just in my mind, I keep seeing you leaving me. If you really wanted us to be together, you could have tried to make it work, somehow."
"What about you, Des. You could have stayed instead of hopping the first plane and leaving without even saying good-bye. At least it could have been an appropriate send off. You said good-bye, you loved me, and then you left. If I would have even imagined you really meant good-bye, I wouldn't have even let you go."
"It's not going to do any good to rehash things, Cory. What's done is done and it can't be changed. Let's just try to get through this and we'll see what goes on from here. I don't want to discuss this any further. I want to try and clean up while Hope and Michele are out. They deserve a good time, we all do, and I intend to give it to them as best as I can."
"What about me, Des. Can you show me a good time, too? You know what I like and how to do it. How about a little preview?" Cory just looked at Destiny and knew he went over the line.
"You're turning what we shared into something graphic and sickening. You're making me sound like a whore."
"I'm sorry, Des. I'm only trying to lighten things up around here. I'll make a promise right now. I'll act like an adult, only if you promise to quit making me feel like the enemy. If you would have stayed fifteen years ago, we could have had the girls up to our house showing them a good time right now, and I wouldn't have to worry about your life the way I'm doing right now."
Destiny turned her back on him and walked right into her bedroom, slamming the door in the process. Cory only smiled at her departing back. She was scared of her feelings for him and she didn't want to admit it.
He still had a chance and he was going to go for it. Still smiling, walked out the front door and to his car. He needed to go for a drive and sort some things out. By the time he got back, he would have a way for her to see the truth.
Destiny couldn't believe how much Cory's words hit home. The truth always came out, that's what her mother always told her. So far everything had hit home with a vengeance. She knew she was using leaving Rainbow Falls as a smoke screen, and she knew she had to stop. It was bound to come out in the open why she disliked him so badly, but she couldn't bear to tell him.
When he did find out, how would he react? There wasn't anything he could do, the damage was done and sooner or later everything would be reconciled. The past had a way of catching up with people and this was creeping up a lot faster than what she would have like, even though it did take fifteen years later for it to happen. Destiny should have felt prepared, but no one could have prepared her for the hurt to surface.
Forty minutes had passed by when a car pulled up in the driveway and honked the horn. Looking out the kitchen window, she recognized Hope's rental car and walked out the door.
"What are you honking for? Why didn't you just come in?"
"We just wanted to make sure that everything was all clear before we came barging in. After all, you were alone in that house with a gorgeous guy. You haven't been seeing anyone for fifteen years, and I know that you must be getting very horn-"
"That's enough Michele. Point taken. Now what do you want to do?"
"We found the perfect thing to do for a Saturday. Let's go play some miniature golf. Worst two out of three pays for supper. The winner gets to pick the place to eat."
"You've got a deal, Hope." Not bothering to write a note, Destiny got her purse and then sat in the car. Thirteen minutes later they were standing on the first tee off and Destiny was the first golfer.
Trying to line her shop up, she whacked it a good one, but missed the hole completely. Hope and Michele had the same fate as Destiny. Destiny was up again and she got the ball in the whole in four shots, Hope had three, and Michele have five. The next seventeen holes went similarly the same, but with each one getting a hole in one on a different hole. Tallying up the scores, Destiny found she had lost badly, but had her sights on round number two.
The second eighteen went most the same way with Hope losing. Comparing the scores between the two games, Destiny was the loser by only one point.
"Okay, Michele, where to?"
"Well, we could go fancy and go to the River Restaurant, or we could go reasonable and go to a fast food restaurant."
"Which is it going to be, Michele. Fancy trimmings with little portions of food, or cheap with moderate helping?"
"Well, Hope, since you put it so indelicately, we'll go reasonably cheap." Getting into the car, they went to their favorite fast-food place. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Hope noticed it was well after five.
"How long have we been gone, Des?" Destiny looked at the clock and noticed that five hours had gone by and quickly got up.
"I have to call home. Cory is bound to be worried about us."
"About you maybe, but I don't think he's as worried about Hope and me. What is going on between you two anyway? The tension is so thick in that house that I think a knife could cut it."
"We've been having some serious discussions and I think that he should go on home and leave me alone with my own thoughts. There is no way those three killers are going to track us down. I just wish he would go back to Rainbow Falls and leave me and Rapture out of his protective thoughts."
"Do you really want that? I mean, sooner or later you are going to have to tell Cory why you are so angry with him. I think that this is the best time for it. Lay all the cards on the table, sort of speak."
"I suppose you're right, Hope. There is no time for something like this and there will never be. He's here now, so let him find out why my temper is so short with him. After all, he didn't want to help with the medical bills after our daughter was born, or after the funeral costs that I had to pay for. I wrote him letter after letter and they were never sent back, so I assume he did receive them."
"Instead of getting angry with us, why don't you tell him and get some if it out of your system." The three headed for the car and then Hope drove to Destiny's house and they all got out of the car.
"Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick about you."
Hope and Michele looked at each other with smiles on their faces. If that wasn't justifiable concern, what was?
"I went out for some badly needed air and we all went golfing and then we went out to eat. Is that okay with you? I didn't know I needed your permission to go out with my friends, that were invited here, by someone who wasn't."
"Damn it, Destiny, when are you going to get it through your thick head that all three of you are in danger? Is it when one of you gets hurt, killed, or abducted by them that you finally realize it? You better start thinking about that. I don't know why I'm putting up with this." Cory stalked back into the house and left the three girls outside staring at him.
Five seconds later he came rushing back out. Grabbing Destiny by the shirt, he growled, "Yes I do." His mouth came crashing down on hers and the heat and pent up passion came into play that he had tried denying. He lifted his mouth and said, "Think about that, Des," then turned quickly and went into the house.
"I think we all better have a talk about what happened fifteen years ago. Come on, Des, it's time you stop putting off the inevitable and tell him."
"Hope's right, Des. Cory still loves you. I know you don't want to hear that, but it's obvious. He's worried about Hope and me, too, but I don't think he'd be able to stand it if something happened to you. Ask him what happened when you left."
"Do you love him, Des? If you do, I think you had better tell him." Hope and Michele put their arms around their friend, both of them knowing that she loved him.
"I don't know if I still love him or not. I don't want to put myself in for anymore hurt when he leaves. I can't go with him when he leaves. I have my own talk show here and this is where my life is. My parents aren't going to be there for me, so who am I going to be around?"
"Just think about it, Des. I found out that no matter what the consequences are you have to tell them how you feel."
"You're right, Hope. Come on, I'm going to need your moral support."
Hope and Michele preceded Destiny into the house. Destiny went looking for Cory and that's when she noticed he was packing his suitcase. Rushing into his room, she took the suitcase off the bed and sat on it.
"What do you think you're doing? I can't take anymore of this. One minute it's like we're on the same wavelength, the next it's like you don't care whether you get hurt or not. I'm not going to stand by and watch you put you life into danger. If I'm out of town, I'll be too busy to worry."
"You can't go. I have to tell you something and it will be worth your time to here this. If you want to know why I'm so angry at you, come into the living room and you'll find out." Destiny walked out of his room and sat down in her favorite rocking chair praying her nerve wouldn't give out on her.
Cory came in to where she was and sat down opposite Hope. Michele looked at him and then he looked at Destiny. He knew somehow this wasn't going to be a nice talk. "Well, Des, did you bring me out here to just look at your friends or are you actually going to tell me what is bothering you?"
"I just have to figure out where to start to tell you. I never thought I would have to tell you this face to face."
"The beginning is always best, Des. Come on, just tell me."
"Remember the first time we made love? I was a virgin and you knew that, but you didn't use any protection. I knew I should have insisted on it, but never thought about what the consequences would be."
"What happened? There is no way I gave you AIDS. That is a fact. If you're trying to pin that on me, you're going to have to find a better excuse and someone else to frame."
"No one gave me AIDS. Just listen for a minute, will ya? Anyway, I never told my parents what we did. Of course they figured it out on their own, but that wasn't until later. Remember the last day we saw each other?"
"That's something that I'm not going to ever be able to forget. I didn't want you to go, but at the time it was the only solution. Not you going, but not getting married. It felt right at the time, but it just hurt so bad. I had an ache in my chest. It felt like someone ripped my heart out when I found out you were gone."
"The day I left, I wanted no reminder of you or what we shared. A month later I found I had no choice." Destiny looked over at Cory and saw his face pale in recognition of what she was saying.
Cory shook his head. "No. If you had been pregnant, you would have told me and I would have been by your side in a flash."
"I did tell you. I wrote you at least twenty letters and they were never returned to me. You got them, you just don't want to acknowledge your responsibility."
"Des, I never received any letters from you I swear I didn't. A week after graduation, I left and stayed with my grandmother for a week and then when I came back, I got my own apartment. My parents didn't like that too much. They wanted me back under their roof so bad, that we haven't talked for more than ten minutes at a time in ten years."
"I mailed everything to you in care of your parents. Do you think they could have read what happened?"
"I don't know, but could you please tell me what happened?"
"I had the baby on time. Hope and Michele can testify to that. It was a little girl and I named her Whitney Noel. She looked like you. I brought her home and a week later she died of SIDS."
"What is SIDS?"
"It stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. I woke up during the night and she wasn't breathing. I tried CPR on her, but it was already to late. I wrote you letters telling you what happened, but again, no response. I pawned my jewelry just to pay for the funeral costs. There are times when I would get so mad at you that I didn't care if I ever saw you again. I didn't ever want to, Cory. I still don't, but I have no choice. You remind me of my daughter and it hurts. She would have been fifteen today!"
Destiny held back the tears. If she let them go now, they wouldn't stop. Later, when she was alone, the tears could come, and she would rejoice in them. It was the only time she was able to see her daughter, in her mind, sleeping, or grieving over her.
Hope and Michele looked at Destiny. They had completely forgotten. Please, Cory don't say you're sorry. Destiny wouldn't be able to bear that. Hope prayed in her mind that Cory wouldn't be that insensitive.
"I'm telling you the truth Destiny. I never received any letters from you. If I would have known anything about his, you wouldn't have had to go through it on your own."
"I wish I could believe you Cory. It's just too late for apologies. My daughter is dead and you can't bring her back!"
"She was my daughter too, Des." That softly spoken statement brought out the anger already building in Destiny's shaking body.
"Don't you dare call her that! If you really wanted to try and find me, all you had to do was ask my parents. They would have told you anything. Just leave me alone right now. I don't want to talk about it anymore."
"I'm truly sorry. I really didn't know. If you want me to leave you alone, I will, but I won't leave. I'm staying here until Dave, Ed, and Harley are caught and put back behind bars where they belong."
"Suit yourself, but don't expect me to welcome you with open arms. You will respect my silence and I will be able to answer my own phone. One other thing. I will be able to live my life and not have interference from you on how to live it. Is that understood?"
"Perfectly. Don't worry. You won't have me bothering you once."
"Now that we have that settled, let's go have some fun, Hope and Michele. You guys never go to bed before midnight, so let's play a game." Destiny left Cory out of the conversation and left the room with her two friends.
In the kitchen, the three of them put out a game and then Destiny looked at them. "What?"
"I think you know why we are looking at you like this. You told him what happened and then you walk out of the living room and leave him sitting there. If what I'm thinking is the same thing Michele is thinking, then you better get out there and talk to Cory a little bit. After all he just found out he had a daughter and she died."
"That wasn't my fault. I wrote him and not one word or letter was returned to me."
"Destiny, listen to reason." Michele went over to her best friend. Destiny was hurting and she would strike out at anyone she could with her words. "Do you really think Cory would really take all leave of his senses and not even try to find out how you were if he knew you were pregnant? Fifteen years ago we went through all of this and it was never resolved. If you really want to get to the bottom of it, call his parents and find out if they ever gave him the letters."
"Michele, you know how they'll react. They'll say yes and that will be the end of it."
"Not really. Put them on the speaker phone so Cory can listen to them. What do you say? It's the only way to get to the bottom of it."
"You're right, Hope, but then you almost always are. Come on, let's get this over with."
"No Des, you and Cory have to do this yourself. Go on. We'll be right here if anything goes wrong." Pushing Destiny through the kitchen door, they smiled at each other.
"You know Hope, if this thing fails, I don't know what we're going to do. I can't survive another fifteen years listening to Des talk about Cory over and over again."
"I know Michele. This will work. If it takes us staying here and pushing them together every opening we get, we'll do it. I'd even lock them in a closet for an hour if it would help. They belong together and they know it, but they're too scared to admit it."
Destiny walked into the living room where Cory was sitting where they left him. He looked so hurt she wanted to go to him and put her arms around him, but she stayed the impulsive reaction. Instead she sat beside him.
"Cory, I have a proposition for you. You say you never received any letters from me, and I know I wrote them and mailed them so the only choice we have is to confront the people who I sent them to. Are you game?"
"Sure. Do you want to call?"
"Dial the number and I'll put them on the speaker phone. Do they know you're here?"
"I don't think so. If they do, oh well. I'm not allowing them to lie about this anymore. I need to know why they didn't give me those letters."
Cory dialed the umber and when a lady answered they phone, Destiny identified herself. "Could you tell me if Cory Ritchfield is there or where I could reach him?"
"I'm sorry, but I have no idea where he is. He went on vacation and will be back sometime within the month."
"Then maybe you could answer a question for me. Fifteen years ago I dated your son. I moved away after we graduated and wrote him some letters. I sent them to you and he never received them, that I know of. I would like to know if you ever gave them to him."
"Why do you want to know now instead of fifteen years ago? I think it's a little late to be contacting someone you used to date."
"Mrs. Ritchfield, I have a legitimate reason for trying to find out. You see, there is another person's life at stake here and we need to find out if he knows about it."
"Are you saying that you had Cory's child? You should have told him fifteen years ago and not now."
"I tried to tell him in numerous letters. He never responded and they were sent to your address. After no response I gave up. Did you ever give those letters to him?"
"If I remember correctly, Miss Devereaux, they never reached the intended person. You hurt him once already and I wasn't about to let him go through that again. I just hope that your child doesn't want to know its father because Cory will never find out."
"It's too late Mother, I already have! Why didn't you give those letters to me? You know I loved her and wanted to find her."
"Yes. Answer my question."
"I didn't want you getting hurt all over again. Once was enough, wasn't it?"
"It doesn't matter anymore."
"I guess I should ask. Do you have a son or daughter?"
"You're fifteen years late, but I had a daughter. Her name was Whitney Noel. Unfortunately, I never got to meet her. She died within a week of being born. If you would have given me the letters, I could have been here for that short period of time."
Cory hung up the phone before his mother could say any more about the subject. Looking at Destiny, he saw she had unshed tears in her eyes. Starting to say something, he shut his mouth and went over to her and put his arms around her pulling her into his warm embrace. Silently he was telling her he was there for her and she could count on him no matter what.
Michele and Hope looked in the room and saw the two in the embrace and smiled. That's where they belonged. It was too late to go back, but it was never too late to go forward.
Destiny and Cory looked at each other and then pulled apart. "I apologize for all I've said to you. I shouldn't have acted like that. It still doesn't change the fact that Whitney is dead, but it helps to know that you didn't abandon me, and that you tried to find me."
"I tried for two years to find you. I never even thought of contacting Hope or Michele until the wire came over my desk. It was hard to do, and even harder when I heard your voice. For a while I was hoping that you weren't the Destiny I knew in school. All I could think of was how you looked and what it would be like to hold you in my arms again, feeling your body against me, your mouth under mine, and most importantly, your body under mine."
"Don't do this to me Cory. It's true, I've thought of you many times in exactly the same way, but we can't do anything about it."
"Don't be so sure, Des. I want you and I'm going to have you." Cory raised his hand to her face and touched it lightly. "I'll prove it to you, Des." He leaned down and kissed her lips not wanting her to pull away, but praying she had the strength to do so. This was going to be torture.
Destiny pulled back slowly, still feeling his lips on hers. "You don't have to prove anything to me. Just promise me one thing. Don't kiss me again. I don't have the strength to push you away. I just can't handle anything right now."
"Then you better do one thing, Des. Lock your door tonight, unless you want me in there with you." Cory walked into his room and unpacked his clothes while Destiny walked into the kitchen.
"It's a little late to be playing games right now. How about I call out for pizza and we can eat and then go to bed. I have something planned for tomorrow. I hope you two haven't forgotten how to ride horses."
"Looks like you were playing a good game a minute ago."
"Hope, you know it was just out of sympathy."
"Maybe so, Des, but it sure didn't look that way to me."
"It didn't feel like it either, you guys. I have to learn to trust him before anything else. Let's call out for that pizza now."
Cory had been listening at the door for the last exchange and he smiled. She could trust him, that was one thing he could do very well. Turning around he walked back into the bedroom until they called and said the pizza had arrived.
It was sometime during the night when Cory heard the cries. Looking at he digital alarm clock, he noticed it was after one in the morning. Listening again, he knew exactly who was doing the crying. Getting out of his bed, he walked into the hallway only to see Hope and Michele out there too.
"One of us should go in."
"That one of us isn't going to be me, Michele. You know how she can get if this is one of her nightmares where she sits up in bed with her eyes wide open. That's down right scary when you walk in there. You go in and wake her up."
Hope and Michele then looked at the disheveled guy looking at them in amusement. "What are you looking at, Cory?"
"She sits up in bed with her eyes open?"
"If you don't believe us, you can always go in there and check on her. I think you should go anyhow. I have a feeling that she's not sleeping."
"Michele, why wouldn't you two go in?"
"You're supposed to be a sheriff and you can't figure it out?" Michele looked at Cory in surprise. "Just go on in and see if she's all right. We'll see you in the morning."
The two went back to the room they were sharing and Cory went to Destiny's. Opening it he smiled, she didn't lock the door. She wasn't sitting up either. She was laying on her bed with her head face down on her pillow, trying to muffle the sobs that were wracking her body. He put out a hand and touched her on the back.
"What do you want, Cory?" Destiny rolled over onto her back and looked at the man by her side looking at her in alarm.
"How did you know it was me?"
"Hope and Michele would have talked you into coming in here. They're not stupid. They know something is going on."
"Tell me what's going on. Why are you crying your heart out in the middle of the night? Did I do something? I know, it was the remark about not wanting to ride the horse tomorrow, right?"
"No. I wish it were that simple. I just miss her so much. God, you should have seen her, Cory. Her face was pink with life. Her eyes were the blue that all babies have, but I could tell they would have stayed that way. Her hair was white and the little mouth puckered whenever she was hungry. Her little nose was pert, but it was the fresh baby smell of her that I can't get out of my mind. I still have the blanket she slept on that last night. It smells just like her.
"I won't ever be able to forget her. It's just so hard to believe she would have been fifteen today. She should have been bugging me to go out on dates and to wear makeup. To be able to have sleep overs and all the birthday parties. It's just not fair. First I lost you and then I lost my daughter. Do you think that God hates me? I mean, nothing has gone right for me since I left school. I do have a beautiful goddaughter and I'm lucky to have the friends I do, but why does bad things always happen to me? I just wanted to have a little girl to take care of, not be taken away from me." Destiny sat up and looked at Cory. Then she did something completely unexpected. She threw her arms around his neck and held on like she was drowning.
Destiny broke down in fresh sobs. It broke Cory's heart to hear her, but there's no way he would have pulled her out of his arms for all the money in the world. He rocked her back and forth, brushing her hair with his hands and saying soft words to comfort her.
Cory thought she had finally drifted off to sleep half an hour later, but when he moved, she stirred and said, "Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone right now. Stay with me until I fall asleep. Better yet, stay with me until the morning comes."
Cory took off the pants he had put on, and slipped into the bed with her pulling the covers over top of the both of them. He settled her into his arms, giving her a small kiss on the neck as he did so. Pretty soon both of them were asleep, not plagued by dreams of what tomorrow would bring.
"Come on, sleepyhead. It's time to get up, Des. You promised us a horseback ride and it's time to get going." Michele and Hope opened the door and bounded into the room where they got the shock of their life.
Destiny was curled up beside Cory who had his hands resting possessively on her waist and thigh, which was bared. Looking at each other they just smiled. Maybe grief did bring people closer together.
"Hey, Des, it's time to get up." Michele said it louder and then backed up toward the door as if preparing to bolt.
Destiny came awake and looked at her surroundings. She had a companion in her bed for the first time in fifteen years. She looked at the two ladies by the door and her face blushed a nice shade of red. "Cory, come on it's time to wake up." She tried to get out of his embrace, but he only tightened his hold on her.
"I wish we could stay in bed all day, Des. This feels so good and if you don't move your hand, you're going to be in a lot of trouble."
"Cory, I think you should look towards the door. We have company."
Cory took one look and threw his hands to his face. "It's not as bad as it looks. Nothing happened between us."
"We didn't say a word, did we Michele?"
"Not one. Besides, you're both adults and if you want to indulge in a little pleasure then that's totally up to you. Besides, we're not your parents. You can sleep together if you want."
By this time Michele and Hope were in spasms of laughter. Destiny got out of bed and shooed the girls out. "We'll be ready in fifteen minutes." Shutting her door, she went around the bed and into the bathroom to wash her face.
"I'm sorry about that, Des. I didn't mean for them to see us this morning." Looking at her face, he asked, "Did you sleep okay?"
"I slept fine after you came to bed with me. In fact, last night was the best I've slept in years. By the way, they know that nothing happened. They're smarter than they look."
Cory kissed Destiny lightly and then was shocked when she pulled him back down for another more erotic kiss, which he didn't want to end. Putting her away from him, he reminded her, "We only have ten minutes left."
"Why did you pick this activity as our last day together, Des?"
"Well, Hope, I decided I wanted a day none of us would ever forget."
"At least that's true. I'm going to have saddle sores for a month. What about you Michele?"
"I'm having a good time. Why don't you come up here and look at this view?"
Michele and Hope rode ahead to the mountain drop-off. It was fantastic. In late October there was a little snow at the top of the ridges in the distance and the sun was glinting off of it like it was silver.
Destiny just looked at Cory. He hadn't complained once about the horse ride. Smiling at him, she urged her mount forward and saw that he followed. It was hard to believe that in four hours only the two of them would be together. How would they handle being together without having Hope and Michele as buffers?
After stopping for a picnic, they brought their horses to the stable where they had rented them for the day. It had been a fitting ending to a perfect day. No one was fighting or screaming names. Too bad it couldn't always be this way, Cory thought. What he wouldn't give to see her smile at him like that all the time.
At the house, the girls cleaned up, packed their clothes and looked around for little possessions they might have forgotten. Cory and Destiny had been in the kitchen talking while she made a few sandwiches for them to take with them. Turning around she accidentally bumped into him. He reached out and stopped her from falling only to have his hands brush her breasts in the process.
Destiny's breath rushed out of her and she automatically raised on tiptoe at the same time his head came down. Sighing in the back of her throat, Destiny didn't want the embrace to end.
"We hate to interrupt you, but we really should be getting to the airport if we're going to catch our flight on time."
Destiny looked at her two best friends. Why did time have to go so fast? She never had enough time with them. Especially this visit. Why couldn't they just go back to three days ago? Maybe they could have started it out better.
"I wish you guys could stay longer. I really would feel safer if you told your husbands about those guys being out there. They are dangerous and will stop at nothing to get you three out of their way."
"We'll be just fine. If I call every night at the same time, will you try not to panic? Hope can do the same thing and you'll know we're fine."
Michele and Hope just laughed. Never did they think that Cory would actually go for it. He stood in the middle of the room nodding his head. "I think it's an excellent idea. How about each evening around eight you call and say, ' All is well, the fort is secure.'"
"That's the dumbest and most stupid thing I've ever heard in my life. Why don't we just say we're in for the night?"
"Good idea, Hope. It's short and simple and won't run up the phone bill." Michele was all for simplicity when it came to bills.
"Okay. I'm serious about this though. I want to hear from you two every night and no excuses. I don't want anything to happen to you two."
"Well, Hope, we better get our stuff out to the car. We're just going to make it if we leave now." In other words, no tears, no long good-byes if we leave quickly.
After they left, it seemed the closeness Destiny and Cory had shared, diminished somewhat.
Two hours later, Cory and Destiny were sitting at the kitchen table when a knock came at the front door. Cory started to rise, but the look Destiny gave him sat him back down. He heard laughter and then a baby's cry.
A minute later Destiny walked into the kitchen with Noel against her shoulder. Sitting down, she slowly rocked back and forth and the baby quieted right down and finally was sleeping soundly.. She walked into the adjacent room and laid her down in what Cory thought was a bed.
"Why did you lay her on that? She'll roll off."
"It's a crib in there. It used to be Whitney's room but I never had the strength to take it apart and turn it into something else. When Noel comes over, she gets the room."
"How well do you know Faith?"
Destiny looked at him like he sprouted another head. "I've known her for fifteen years. She was on campus with me, but dropped out when she got married. Later I moved in with her and her husband, just enough time to save to buy this house. When she got pregnant at the beginning of this year, I was the first one she told. Her husband was killed in an armed robbery two months ago.
"She has her brother living with her now and I'm Noel's godmother. Faith is like a sister to me and she treats me with respect and she knows what's happened between us. I had to tell someone or go crazy right after Whitney was born. She was the first one I called when I found her that morning. Why do you want to know?"
"I was just curious. You're so outgoing that she could be related to one of those guys and could be giving them information on the side about you."
Destiny couldn't help it. She burst out laughing. Every time she thought she had it under control, she would see his serious face again and the laughter would come back. She finally had it under control a few minutes later.
"Where do you come up with these strange ideas? Is it taught to you at training or do you endure lectures about it?"
"Des, in this line of work, everything and anything is a possibility. We were taught not to overlook a single item. It could be fatal. Now, if you are done laughing, I think I'm going to bed."
"Cory? Thank for all you've done. I'm sorry, really, for the way I was acting and for not believing you yesterday. I'll see you in the morning."
"There's no thanks needed, Des. I just want you safe. I'll do anything in my power to keep you that way. Good-night."
Destiny sat down and started watching the television, but there was nothing good on. Leaning her head against the cushions of the couch, she started thinking about Cory. Soon it gave way to dreaming about him.
"Destiny, what is it? Wake up, Des, come on, look at me." Destiny looked up at the man standing above her. His brown hair was rumpled and his eyes were like that of a madman.
"What's the matter, Cory? Is something wrong with Noel?" Getting up, she make it halfway to the nursery before Cory caught her arm.
"Nothing is wrong with Noel. You were screaming out in your sleep. Why were you yelling for me? What happened to make you call for me so much? What were you dreaming?"
"It's nothing important. Just something that comes back to me now and again. Usually when I think about her, the dreams come at night."
"It was Whitney you were dreaming of?"
Destiny nodded her head and told him the dream. "I was screaming for you to help me get her back to life. You never showed up and I was terrified."
"I wish I could have been here, Des. I really do" Cory pulled Destiny into his embrace and kissed her temple. "I'm so sorry, Des. I just wish that things could have been different."
Cory stood up to leave and looked at the woman sitting when she pulled on his arm. "Please don't leave me tonight. Stay with me. I don't want any more bad dreams. You said you would protect me, and I want your protection against the demons that haunt me at night."
He lay on the couch and pulled her with him. Laying side by side, she slowly went to sleep and that's when Cory had time to think about the troubled woman at his side. Whatever she thought about him, she knew he would try to keep all harm away from her.
Slowly succumbing to sleep, Cory dreamt of Destiny laughing up at him and teasing him with her hands and mouth. The dream was so real that he didn't want to wake up. His eyes opened and that's when he realized the dream was real.
Destiny was slowly kissing his chest and raking her fingernails down his sides and across his thighs. "Destiny, wake up, please. Des, wake up."
"I am awake. Don't you like what I'm doing?"
"Believe me, I like it, but you're half asleep and you've been through an emotional time. That is bound to play a part in what you're doing now. If you don't stop soon, I think you might regret it in the morning."
"I'm not going to regret anything in the morning except not doing this when I first saw you on my doorstep. I want you and you want me, so what's the problem now." Cory had shifted to a sitting position removing her hands from his body.
"I think that we should wait until you are ready for this completely. It's just not right to do it now."
"You really don't want me then, do you? When you give me kisses like you have the last few day, hot, erotic, soul searching kisses, you lead me to believe you want me, but as soon as I try to start something, you call a halt to it. Just say you don't want me and I'll stop making a fool out of myself." Destiny shot up from the couch and ran into her room. Grabbing the door, she started to slam it when Cory grabbed a hold of it first and walked in.
"If I didn't want you, would I do this?" Cory reached up and grabbed her breast with his hand and then squeezed the nipple lightly. "Or this?" With his other hand, he slid it down her body and to the vee of her thighs where he could feel the heat emanating. "Or this?" Then he lowered his head for a hot erotic kiss that made Destiny's insides go into flames. Lifting his head, he said, "If I didn't want you, would I have this problem?" He took his hands off her body, took her hands and pulled them flush with him. "I never said I didn't want you, damn it. I've always wanted you."
Cory slammed his mouth onto hers and ravaged it until he felt her push at him. She turned her head for some needed air. "Why have you been so brotherly around me then? What was I supposed to have thought?"
"Last night you were strung out with emotions and if I would have had my way, I would have stripped off that excuse you called a nightgown and made you beg for me to take you."
"Do it now, Cory. Make me want you until I'm mad with desire. Of course that shouldn't be too hard."
Cory backed away from her and sat on the bed. "Before anything happens I want to know something. I heard the girls talking and they said you hadn't been with anybody in a long time. Why?"
Destiny looked straight into his eyes and then walked over to him. "You're the only one who has ever made love to me. I've never wanted another man's hands on me. From the moment you took my virginity, I belonged to you. How can I make love with someone I don't love?"
Cory had a hard time believing that she had saved herself for him all these years. "Are you telling me that you haven't been with a man in fifteen years, Des. The truth."
"Well, I wouldn't be making this up. You're the one who taught me to love. All these years I've fantasized about you, that's good enough."
"I'm honored, Des. I never thought that something like this could affect me this much."
Destiny went over to him and kissed him with all the feeling she had held in her for so long. The kisses they had shared the last few days were pale in comparison to this one. "I have only one question," she said when she lifted her head. "Do you want me now?"
"There hasn't been a moment since I've walked through your door that I haven't wanted you."
She pulled his head back down for a kiss then lifted her head, breathing heavily. "Don't make me stop this time, Cory. I don't think I can."
"Then don't Des. Show me how much you want me."
Destiny kissed him like she never had before. If this man was the water she needed to live, she drank like she was dying. Lifting her head and looking into his eyes, she saw he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. Pulling his head back down for one more explosive kiss, she slowly lifted her lips and moved away.
Cory looked at her in confusion. Then he smiled. Destiny lifted her shirt and exposed a lacy satin white bra and then the jeans came off and exposed more lacy satin panties. Cory dragged in a breath and then went over to her. Touching her lightly, he didn't want to wake up and find this was all a dream. Reaching for the front fasten, he unclipped it and removed the garment, sighing as he did so.
Destiny suddenly felt alone being half naked. She put her hands on his shirt that he had hastily donned when she had screamed, and slowly unbuttoned it. Removing it slowly, she wasn't prepared for the sight she saw. A large scar ran from the middle of his ribs down to his navel. She gasped and looked to him.
"I decided to get drunk one night after you left and ended up trying to slice myself open from the ribs down when I ran into a light pole. I haven't taken a drink since."
"That's what Hope and Michele wanted me to see."
Destiny went on down to his jeans and unbuttoned them and then took her fingers and gripped the zipper like she was going to rip it open. Slowly it went down enough to release him, and then the pants came off in one fluid motion. She could tell he was ready, but she didn't want to rush anything. Going over to the stereo, she turned on the radio to her station.
Her voice, low and sultry, came over the airwaves and Cory looked at her in shock. "I did this session a couple of months ago." Turning the knob a little to the right, she got a radio station with soft music floating through the speakers.
The only two obstacles left were the underwear on both of them. Cory could tell Destiny was a little shy about removing them so he removed them for her and then his before laying her back on the couch.
"I don't know how you kept this shape after fifteen years, but however you did it, it's dazzling. I wouldn't alter one bit of this body. Come here you and ply me with those magical kisses of yours."
Destiny did as she was asked and then when he couldn't take any more of them he rolled on top of her and started kissing parts of her body that she forgot had any feeling. Nobody had touched her there but him and she doubted any one would ever again. She only wanted him.
"Is this what you wanted, Des? Did you want me touching you like this?"
"Oh yes. It feels so good and I don't want you to stop, Cory. Don't ever stop." Destiny moved her head back and forth and then flipped him on his back and continued the torture that he was inflicting on her.
Running her fingers through his chest hair, she flicked his nipples and grinned when they tightened in response. Giving him small kisses across his abdomen, she went farther down and kissed his inner thighs, giving small love bites to the center of him that stood out so rigidly. He knew that if she continued, he would climax instantly, so he flipped her on her back and kissed her wildly for a moment before rolling her on top of him.
"Come on, Des. Make yourself want me like I do you." Destiny slipped her fingers down her body and knew she couldn't wait any longer. She lifted up and let him slip inside her. She felt like she was being torn apart. When she was totally filled, she stilled herself from moving and caught her breath.
"Look at me, Des. Let me watch your face, experience your pleasure." Destiny looked into his eyes like he asked and moved slowly at first, reacquainting herself with the feel of a man inside her. Soon she felt him grip her hips and move her faster. She moved back and forth faster and faster until she heard her blood pounding in her ears and her breathing stopped.
That's when the world exploded. Colors, bright and vivid, swirled around her and she fell head over heels until she finally hit earth again. Right after that, she felt Cory experience his own climax. After their breathing had slowed, and heartbeats were back to normal, Destiny glanced at Cory.
"You're not sorry this happened are you? I mean, I did come on really strong."
"Des, I loved it. A man likes it when a woman comes on like that. Spontaneity is what men like. Not choreographed moves and planned romance. I just don't want you thinking that you have to do this every night to please me."
"I did this because I wanted to. I needed to feel you against me. I guess seeing you and then telling you about Whitney forced me to really see you for the person you really are. You haven't changed, but I have."
"Hello. Yes Chris, what is it? Just tell him that I'm unavailable right now and there is no way I can talk to him. If he won't listen, just tell him you're going to call the phone company and you'll find out exactly who he is and we can have him arrested for harassment. You've handled this guy before, Chris, so why is this so different now?"
Destiny looked like she had seen a ghost when she answered. "I didn't realize. Isn't there any way you can get him to hang up? I'm not coming out there tonight. It's my vacation, and I'm not going to stop what I'm doing because he's calling again. Handle it for me, Chris, please. I'll be at work tomorrow and he can talk to me then."
"Who's Chris? Who are you going to talk to tomorrow?"
"Chris Marchand is my station manager and a guy keeps calling there trying to get me to talk to him. He calls almost every night and has been for the last couple of months now. Tonight's topic was a repeat on friends who were murdered and how the friends were now. I've talked to the guy before, and on some topics he really gets upset if I don't listen to what he says. He's told me on many occasions that he's going to get me and screw me up if I don't do what he says. I've never paid any attention to him, mainly because I don't go by my real name on the talk show. He can never find me."
"What name do you go by?"
"Promise you won't laugh?" At his nod, she answered, "Roxie. I call the show Roxie's Revenge. Since it's about how people feel and how they felt when someone they helped put away for something they did to someone else, I felt it was appropriate."
"I like it. Do you ever have any sexual topics?"
"A lot of times, why?"
"Roxie has a very sexy and hot sound to it. Maybe this guy has the hots for you. I'll tell you, Des, with that voice I heard on the radio, I would want to find you too. "
"Maybe, but right now I have the hots for you. Come here, wild man and let's make love."
Destiny and Cory loved intermittently throughout the night. When the light of dawn started to brighten the morning sky did the two lovers finally drift into a light sleep. Destiny hadn't been asleep long when the cry from the nursery woke her. Sitting up suddenly, she looked around in confusion trying to figure out what the noise was.
After the second cry, she got out of bed and went into the nursery. Noel was wet and hungry. Changing the baby's diaper and feeding her went by without any thought. She had been a foster parent for a good many years now, and nothing ever made her upset. For some reason with Noel, she started crying as soon as she put the baby in the crib.
That's how Cory found her. Sitting in the rocking chair, tears streaking down her pale cheeks, sobs racking her body. Concerned, he went over to her and put his arms around her holding her tightly.
"Honey, what's the matter? Are you okay? Did I hurt you last night?"
"You didn't hurt me. You could never hurt me. It's just that for some reason having Noel in the house and taking care of her makes me think of Whitney. I've had lots of newborns in this crib, and they've never affected me like this before."
"Does it happen all the time?"
"The last couple of weeks it has. I've thought about Noel and the tears come."
"Have you ever stopped to think that Noel was Whitney's namesake. That's the main reason. Now, why don't you go back to bed for a while. I'll make breakfast after while and then we can all rest."
"I can't. I have to take Noel over to Faith's house in fifteen minutes, and then I have to go see Chris. I'm afraid my little vacation is over. I put in for a couple of weeks, but I don't think that Chris can handle these calls on his own.
"Des, I don't want you going into work. I would like it if you stayed here where I know you'll be safe. Please. I know something is going to happen to you. I just have that feeling. Isn't there some way you can tape your shows? If last night's was a repeat, why can't they do others?"
"The show you heard was the last in a series of repeats. I swear, if there was a way, I would stay here. I've already told you that I'll be safe. You can't keep me from doing my job. If I get fired, what will you do?"
"That's easy. I'll take you back to Rainbow Falls with me and I'll marry you."
"That's not funny, Cory. Don't even joke about something like that."
"I'm not joking, Des. Until a few days ago, I really didn't care if I saw you again. Now since I have, I don't want to let you go. Come back with me and be my wife."
"Cory, you know I can't. Things are happening way too fast for me to make a decision like that. I don't know what I feel for you right now. The emotion I have is something like the one I had for you then. I just don't want it to get it confused with gratitude. I need some time to think about this. Give it to me and don't pressure me and I swear I will think about it.
"I need to get a shower and then I'll meet Faith at her house with Noel. I'll be home about five tonight. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
"I'll worry about you until my dying day. I want to tell you something. I still love you, Des. That emotion is one I've never lost, at least not consciously. There will always be a part of my heart reserved for you and that Destiny, is the God's honest truth. I'll let you take your shower now."
"Okay Chris, play me back the tape where the guy was talking. I want to hear what he said."
"It's already loaded." Chris pushed the play button and the familiar voice came across.
"Listen to this Roxie. I know how it feels to have someone killed. I wasn't exactly mourning when she died, but I mourned in my own way for the last decade and a half. I want to talk to you about her death and how I was compensated for it. I want you to feel what I went through and how I had to suffer to her death. I want to tell those people who made my life the way it is, suffer just as much as me."
"I can't believe that he said that. He's never said that much to me at one time. Has he ever given his name?"
"Not really. He started to once, but all we got was D-"
"Well I guess we'll just have to put a tracer on the phone and see if we can get phone numbers for every call that comes in. I'm going to get my things together for tonight's show. The topic is going to be about incest inside the family. I just hope this isn't going too far. I read somewhere that some members of the family try to ignore it, but you can't anymore. It's in the paper, on television, in books. Why can't it be on radio?"
"I don't disagree with you, but do you really think that your listeners will go for something like this? You've done kinky sex shows, murder revenge shows and fantasy shows, but never one like this."
"If they don't like it, then we'll never do one like it again. Sort of like a trial run."
Destiny left for her office and started mapping out some of the segments that she wanted to air. Hoping she wasn't doing something she was going to regret, she put out the final draft for Chris to see and approve and then left for her home.
Cory had been thinking about what he had said to Destiny. He couldn't believe he just asked her to marry him. Why did he even say it? He had been thinking it, but never in his wildest dreams, did he think he would propose to her after a few days of being back in her life. Last night had been so wonderful he just couldn't believe they had actually made love. That's when it hit him. They had used no protection!
Hearing a car pull up in her driveway, he went over to the window. She was getting out of the car. Deciding not to act like a lovestruck teenager, he went into the living room and sat down. Turning on the television, he turned to a talk show. Smiling at the irony of the situation, he left it on.
"Hey there, what are you watching?" Destiny looked at the television and then back at the man sprawled on her couch.
"It's about men and women who have come back into each other's lives and find they have a relationship after all those years. Kind of ironic, isn't it?" Cory looked at her and had to admit she looked rather interested in the program.
Destiny sat on the couch beside him and watched the rest of the program. When it came to the final minutes the show had a warm reunion with high school sweethearts that had been separated for over thirty years. Was this how it was to be with them? Was there any hope for them if nothing happened to her? She didn't want to spend the next fifteen years looking for love when she could have him by her side from now on.
"Hey, why so quiet? It wasn't that emotional." Glancing over at her with interest, he watched her face go from one extreme to the next. What was she thinking of? "Des, are you okay? What's the problem?"
"What? Sorry, I was thinking of something."
"It must have been important."
"It was Cory. I need to know something. When you proposed to me this morning, were you saying that out of guilt for our dead child? I really hope not, because if you did, you know my answer will always be no. Even if it wasn't, my answer is still the same. I can't marry you right now, and I doubt if I ever will. Last night was great, but I'm still the same person I was yesterday.
"Can you honestly look at me and not see me for who I was the other day when Hope and Michele were here. I know I can't. There is only one way I will marry you. You have to love me for who I am and not what I represented once before. I'm not the same person you loved before."
"Des, I'm not asking you to marry me for what might have been with Whitney. I was asking you to marry me because I still love you. Yes, you are the same person who make my life turn upside down just a week ago, but those feelings are still the same as if I've never left you. You are the same person who've I've loved for the last fifteen years."
Destiny got up from the sofa and walked to the other side of the room. Why couldn't he just leave her alone and let her figure out her feelings for him? She opened her mouth to say something, but it was effectively cut off by the ring of the phone.
Cory looked up when she hung up the phone. "I have to go. That was Chris and this person who's been calling my show is at the radio station. He is insisting he speak to Roxie. I have to go."
"Then I'm going with you. Who all knows that Roxie is not your real name?"
"Chris, the other two people who work the day shift, and now you. Why?"
"How long has this guy been calling you?"
"I don't know. Maybe seven or eight months now. Why are you asking me these questions for? It's not like it's Harley, Ed, or Dave. They were in prison at the time."
"They were in prison, but they do listen to radios and they are allowed to make phone calls. I just want to make sure you're not in any danger. I also want to meet this guy."
"You're not going to go with me, or meet any guy. This is my radio show and if you show up each time there is a guy down there who calls me, Chris and my job will be on the line. I don't want anything to jeopardize this job. It's all I have, nothing else makes me as happy."
"Will you be happy if I go and leave you alone? How about if something happens to you when you're at work? Will you be happy then? I know I won't."
"Nothing is going to happen to me at work, Cory? I promise. We have security cameras and most of the time everything is secured. I park in a well lighted area and there is nobody around when I leave the building. Well, sometimes there is a guy around, but he's been there for the last five years. He works in the pharmacy nearby."
"Des, I just don't want you getting hurt."
"I'm not going to get hurt. I was fine before you showed up and I'll be fine after-"
"After what? After I leave? I'm not going anywhere without you. I'll be here with you until you agree to marry me."
"Don't hold your breath Cory. There's a lot you don't know about me."
"Yes, but there's a lot more I do know about you. I know you like this." He lowered his mouth and slowly kissed the parted lips. Pulling her closer, he deepened the kiss and slowly brought his lips back up. He looked at her smoky blue eyes with humor. "You better get going. Chris will be waiting."
"Good-bye, Cory."
Destiny walked out the door a little shaken. She had never been kissed like that before. Face it, she's never been kissed by anybody except for Cory. Chris didn't count, he was a friend. Cory's the only one she wanted to be with. Now that he'd given her the chance, she turned him down. Why? She still didn't know. By the time she got to the station, she still didn't have an answer.
"That is the guy who has been calling me all these months?"
"Yes. Do you know him?"
"No. Send him on in." Destiny continued to look through the glass partition of the office at the small blond haired man sitting in the chair. He looked familiar, but it must have been her imagination.
"How do you do?" Destiny shook the man's hand who had been introduced as Marty. "Why did you want to meet me for?"
"I've been listening to your program for the last three months every night and couldn't wait another minute to meet you. I just wanted to meet the person behind the voice and wisdom of late night. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble telling you to hurry over here. I have a good reason though. You see, your shows have helped me through some rough times and the show you did on men and women not being able to commit themselves to someone else really had me looking at my life. Because of you, I proposed to the woman I've been in love with for the last five years. I just wanted to thank you."
"You're welcome, Marty. I'm glad I did some good. Just promise me one thing." At his nod, she continued. "I want you to give her lots of love and don't go to bed angry. Work everything out if it takes all night. There's nothing stronger in this world besides love."
Thanking her, Marty left the station and then Destiny let out a sigh of relief. Why should that have shaken her up so much? Did she really expect one of the killers would be here and kidnap her or kill her. She laughed at her and Cory's imagination.
How would she react if she saw him in the store or something? Would she start screaming or would she run? No doubt she would run and make a fool out of herself. One of these days she had to calm down and Cory wasn't doing her any good.
Telling Chris she was going home until her show, she left the station and headed home. Once more she pulled up in her driveway, only to wonder what Cory would be doing. Why was she thinking about him continually?
Walking into the house, she called out his name, but there was no answer. She went into the kitchen only to find a note on the refrigerator door. So, he went out for a while. Good, she had time to reassess her position.
Five hours later he still hadn't shown up and she was getting ready to leave for work. Writing him a quick note, she left the house. At work, she make a quick call home, but he wasn't there. She left a message, just in case.
The clock on the wall showed her it was time to get situated in her booth. The headphones on and the sound checks made to suit her were done when the music sounded. Roxie's Revenge was about to start.
"Hello, this is Roxie speaking. Tonight we are talking about a very sensitive topic. Incest inside the home. I want to hear from anybody who has suffered because of this. Let's talk a little about the signs you can spot." Destiny talked for a little over ten minutes when the first light showed up.
"Hello. What can I do for you?"
"My name is not important, so you can call me Eddy. I wanted to say I was molested. There have been incidents of incest in the family, not to me, but to other members. I was wondering if anything like this ever happened to you."
"Nothing happened to me Eddy, but I do know what to do."
"Too bad. I bet you would have like it. Is that why you talk on this show? Do you get off on hearing all the kinky little pieces people tell you about their lives. When you get home to that empty house, do you masturbate and get yourself to orgasm, or do you just fantasize with the live in cop you have in that house?"
Destiny had been shocked when she first heard the voice. She knew that voice from somewhere. Making a motion to Chris, Destiny hung up on the caller and quickly went to another caller. This one was more graphic. The third caller actually had something to say, but she was already upset by the time it came.
During the break, Destiny started to shake. That guy knew where she lived and who was with her. Who was he and how did he know all those things?
Hurrying her shift up, she asked the security guard to walk her out. At three o'clock in the morning, the streets were pretty well deserted, but deserted or not, it was still frightening. Inside the car, she locked all the doors and then raced home as fast as was allowable by law.
The house was dark, but Cory's rental car was in the driveway. She all but ran to the house and the next instant, she was shaking in his arms telling him the entire story. Soon the shaking stopped, but the fear didn't.
Cory kissed her temple and assured her he would get to the bottom of it. Destiny knew he was just saying that, but all she needed was the assurance.
Following the curve of her neck down to the swell of her breasts he kissed. Not stopping and praying she wouldn't, Cory unbuttoned the shirt and took off her jeans. Pretty soon they were both naked and hot from wanting each other.
Cory slipped inside Destiny and she welcomed him instantly. How could something this wild feel so right? Destiny didn't know the answer, but she knew at that moment she didn't want to let him go.
The next few weeks passed without incident. The police had no new updates about Ed, Dave, and Harley, only that they were known to be in Michigan. That had Destiny relieved. She knew that Cory should be getting back, but that's when the unthinkable happened. She found out she was pregnant.
How could this happen to her? They had been so careful, except for that first night when it happened all of a sudden. Why didn't she use protection? Now the only thing to do was tell Cory.
As if sensing her need for him, he walked into the room and enveloped her into his embrace. It never failed to amaze her how he instinctively molded her body to his and made her feel like she was the only person in the world that mattered to him.
"I have something to tell you. I hope you're going to be pleased."
"What is it? For days you've led up to this and then backed down. If it's as important as I think it is, then I'm going to be ecstatic."
"I found out I-", the phone cut off her statement.
"Just a minute. I need to answer that Des. It's the Rainbow Falls police chief. He promised me he was calling me back as soon as he got word."
Cory was back in ten minutes with a smile as big as the Rio Grande and just as wide. "Guess what, honey. They caught them. Dave and Ed were captured just outside of the Michigan line and Harley was captured in Tennessee. We had some information last night, but it wasn't final until just now. I was wondering how long I would be staying here. I was sort of getting homesick."
Destiny heard the words he was saying, but didn't want to believe him. He wanted out of her sight. He didn't love her, it was just a saying to him to get in her bed and her body. It worked all right. Just like it had fifteen years before. There was no way she was telling him now. She had just about made the worst mistake of her life.
"Now, what did you find out."
"Nothing special. I found out I'm up for station manager and have Roxie's Revenge syndicated. Isn't that great?"
"Yeah. That's wonderful. How about we celebrate?"
"Not tonight. I'm a little tired. You know I haven't been sleeping will. Now I can without any worries. I think I'll go on to bed. I'll see you in the morning."
With that Destiny walked out of the room, and out of Cory's life once more pregnant and all alone.
Three weeks later, life was going on as normal for Destiny. She had talked to Cory a few times over the phone, but never disclosed the truth. If he ever came looking for her in Rapture he would get a big surprise. Hope and Michele had been notified that the criminals had been caught, and they had both been told she was pregnant, but that's as far as it had gotten.
If Cory had just decided to stay, everything would have been fine. Why couldn't he had loved her for her and not for Whitney? Maybe she was just a person who couldn't be loved. That's the only explanation she could come up with.
Destiny turned on the television and the program she was watching was interrupted by a news bulletin. According to the report, Dave had been killed on the inside of prison and Harley and Ed had escaped during the riot following the murder. Just this once she wished she had never set eyes on them or found anything to incriminate them.
The ringing of the phone took her out of her musings. Picking it up, she expected to hear Cory's voice, but was shocked when Faith's voice came over instead.
"What's the matter, Faith? Is something wrong with Noel?"
"Nothing's wrong with the baby. Something is wrong with me. I'm not feeling very well. Is there any way you could come over and pick up the baby?"
Assuring Faith she would be there in a matter of seconds Destiny hung up the phone and ran next door. Rushing in, Destiny looked at her friend. Faith's usually vibrant face was pale and sweaty. Instead of sitting on the couch or laying down, she was slumped forward. Destiny checked for a pulse and found it thready. Calling 9-1-1, she prayed everything would turn out okay.
"If anything happens to me, promise me you'll take care of Noel as if she's your own. Des, you have to promise me."
"I promise Faith, but nothing is going to happen to you. It's probably a touch of the flu. Here's the ambulance now."
Destiny walked out the door with Noel in her arms, fearing that this might be the last time Faith would see her daughter. How would she work and raise Noel and her new baby? Only time would tell.
Three hours later Destiny received news that Faith would be just fine. It had been a case of food poisoning. It was a happy moment when Faith took Noel in her arms and hugged her close. Destiny left the two alone for an instant so she could wipe her eyes.
That night when Noel was settled in the crib, Destiny was looking ahead for a change instead of looking back. In less than eight months she would have her baby in that crib. This time she would make sure nothing went wrong with that baby. The only thing she had to do was tell Cory and hope he wanted this baby as much as she did. Regardless of his decision, she wasn't giving the baby up.
Walking over to the door, she double checked the lock and did the same for the windows. When all was secure, she went inside her bedroom and lay down. Just as she was drifting off to sleep, the blasted phone rang again.
"Is this Destiny Devereaux?"
Thinking it was Cory again, she was exasperated. "We've already made it a point that I live here, so why keep asking, Cory?"
"Thank you for the information." The phone went to a busy signal indicating the caller hung up.
Shaking her head, she dozed off again before she realized that Cory wouldn't have hung up. He would have laughed and talked to her. Sitting up in bed she started shaking. How could she have been so stupid?
Looking at the clock, it showed midnight and she needed to get some sleep before the baby woke up. Laying back down, she closed her eyes and slept fitfully. Dreams haunted her and she woke up at five when the baby cried, feeling like she had been out all night drinking.
Calling in to the radio station, Destiny told Chris she would be in to talk about that night's show about four o'clock. Hanging up the phone, she turned on the television and found out Ed and Harley were still on the loose. Since Cory hadn't called, he probably thought she could take care of herself.
The sound of the doorbell brought her into the present. Faith was waiting on the front step and Destiny handed Noel over. Everytime she gave the baby back, it felt like a little part of her heart was going with her.
Later on that afternoon, talking with Chris, Destiny started getting scared. She knew she could take care of herself, but would she be that calm knowing she was pregnant. Deciding to tell Chris what was happening, they hired an extra security guard around the radio station.
"Maybe you better stay home until these guys are caught. I don't want anything happening to you. Roxie's Revenge is the best thing that's happened to us."
"Nothing is going to happen to me, Chris. I'll tell you what. If I call you when I get home each night and when I leave for work will you stop being so worried? I'll even give you an emergency number to call if something happens to me, okay?"
"Okay, Des. I just want to know you're safe. I've never told you this, but if we weren't so different and I wasn't married, you're the first person I would want."
"Thanks Chris, I think. I'd better get home. I want to finish cleaning the house before it gets too dirty."
Laughing, Chris thought to himself, her house is cleaner than a hospital is. Waving good-bye he called out to her, "Call me when you get home."
Nodding her head, Destiny went to her car and drove home, not noticing the car following her. Inside the car behind her was a man covered with tattoos and another man dirty and unshaven.
"Hey, Harley, ya think that's her?" When the other man didn't answer he continued with a smirk on his face. "I hope so. I can think of nothin' but roughing her up a little bit. Kinda pay her back for what we went through in that stinkin' hole they call prison."
"Keep your cool, Ed. Anything happens before I get to her, someone is gonna pay. Understand?"
"Perfectly." The two men watched the little red car pull into the driveway and they waited.
Destiny walked into the house and checked her answering machine. No messages. Picking up the phone, she called Chris and told him she was safe.
Well, now what should she do? Kneeling in front of the cabinet, she took out her cleaning supplies and proceeded to clean everything in sight. Three hours later, you could eat off the floors if you wanted to. Putting everything back in place, she picked up the phone and called Hope. It was time for her weekly check in and gossip hour.
There was no answer, save for the answering machine. Leaving a wise cracking message, she hung up the phone and took a shower. Less than an hour later, she was dressed and ready for work. How could she pass three hours? Looking in her video collection, she picked out In The Line of Fire. Clint Eastwood was an excellent actor and she used to fantasize about meeting him in a dark alley. Of course, he would have had to be younger or her a little older.
She was engrossed in the last part of the movie when the phone rang. Reaching over without looking, she answered hello without enthusiasm. Glancing at the time, she noticed she had less than twenty minutes to talk, call Chris, and leave for work.
"Hello. I was wondering what idiot left the message on my machine to call back and you would talk if you had time out of your very busy schedule?"
Laughing at the familiar voice, Destiny turned off the movie and told Hope what had been going on. Hearing a strange note in her friend's voice, she stopped and asked what was wrong.
"Nothing really. Last night there was a strange call I answered that asked if this was Hope Andrews. I thought it was Cory checking in. He calls every few days to make sure everything is okay. When I told the person it was Hope Andrews, they hung up. I was going to call you last night, but decided against it."
"The same thing happened last night to me. I thought it was Cory, but there is no way he would have hung up without saying anything else. You haven't told Cory about me being pregnant have you?"
"You know me better than that. I haven't told him anything. We talk about different things and when he brings up your name, I tell him very little. When is the last time you talked to him?"
"It's been about a week or two. I know he has the right to know, but I don't want him flying back out here out of a sense of duty. It's sort of hard to explain, but I will tell him when the time is right. Look, Hope, I've got to run. I have to call Chris before I leave for work. That way he'll know I'm safe. I'll call you later on in the week."
Destiny hung up and then dialed Chris' number and told him she was now leaving for work. Driving the ten minutes to the station, she once again didn't notice the car following her. Inside the parking garage, she looked around for the security guard that was supposed to be there. Maybe he would show up when it was time to go home.
Inside the building, she went to her office and got ready for the broadcast of her show. Tonight was going to be about sexual fantasies and if they thought they would ever be fulfilled. She had done two shows like it before, both with a tremendous response. Starting the music, she pulled the microphone toward her and spoke into it.
"Hello. Here is another session with Roxie. Tonight we are talking about your sexual fantasies and if you think they'll ever be fulfilled. If you would like to talk about any of them, please call and ask for Roxie."
No more had she said that then the phone lines lit up. Getting the first caller on air, she looked at the monitor for the name.
"Hello Dave, what can I do for you tonight?"
"I'm calling about my sexual fantasy. It involves a certain woman in the spotlight, or, I should say, the night light. She had golden brown hair and eyes the color of grass. I want to tie her down to a bed and torture her with pleasure like I have been. I know she'll love it."
"Well, Dave, do you think it will come true?"
"Tonight as a matter of fact. I'm picking her up after work and then she'll find out how much pleasure pain can be!" Dave laughed and hung up.
Destiny shook her head. Some of these people definitely had some kinky ideas. She hoped the lady in question loved kinky stuff. Taking the second and the third callers, she was ready for a small break and put on a promotional for the next night.
Out in the car Ed and Harley laughed. Harley's pants were starting to get a little tight in front and he hoped the zipper wouldn't pop. Ed had the same problem and decided to call again. Picking up the phone in the car, he started to dial the number when Harley stopped him.
"No. Not yet. We'll act out our fantasies tonight when we get her. I think we should just listen and get our ideas from these people."
"I think you may be right. Tonight we'll prove who's in charge and hear her beg for mercy."
Destiny glimpsed at the clock and noticed she still had two more hours until her show was over. For the first time, she would be grateful when she could go home. Continuing her kinky sex show, she had twenty more callers and each one of them had very perverted and kinky ways to have sex. Too bad she couldn't try some of them out on Cory.
Where had that thought come from? If she wanted to have sex, why should she say it should be with Cory? Sure, those few nights were like something she had never had before. He kissed like wildfire and made love like there was no intention of stopping. She would have liked to have made love with him one more time, but one of those times was enough to get her pregnant.
That thought right there was enough to stop the thought of him and her in bed. Concentrating on her work, she was relieved when the clock showed two fifty in the morning. Wrapping up the dialogue, she put on the theme to Roxie's Revenge and then signed off. Going our of her office, she spied Chris putting on the first song and waited for him.
"I'm heading for home now. I'll call you as soon as I reach it. Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm going to be home in my own bed in less than an hour."
"Too bad none of those people that called is going to be in there with you. I'm surprised that you do those shows. It would make me horny as hell."
"I'm not saying it doesn't, but right now it's just not feasible. I'm leaving now."
Destiny walked out into the parking garage and looked around for the security guard. Not finding one, she decided against going back inside and walked toward her car. She had the key in the lock when she felt someone grab her from behind. She turned around ready to jam her key in his eyes when she sighed in exasperation.
"I thought I told you to make sure you had a guard with you and if not, to go back in the office and wait for one."
"Chris, I told you I was going home. I didn't think I needed a guard to walk me to my car. We have security cameras. If someone would have kidnapped me, they would have been caught on tape. Someone would have found me."
"Quit being so lackadaisical about this. When are you going to think about those who care about what happens to you? I'm scared that something is going to happen and I know your listeners do."
"You care about ratings and the listeners, all they care about is getting on the air and telling some made up story and try to get attention. What I want is for some people to just leave me alone. I know how to take care of myself. When I need help, you will be the first person I contact."
Destiny unlocked the car door and started the car. With one last look, she sped off down the ramp to her house.
At her house, Destiny went in and got out of her clothes. Listening to the answering machine, Cory and Hope had called, with only Hope saying when she would call back. Just as she was dialing Chris to tell him she was home, the line went dead. Jiggling the line back and forth with no result, she went over to the jack and checked the plug. It was in and everything seemed like it should be working.
Could be the phone lines in the area. If they still weren't on tomorrow, she would call the telephone company from Faith's house. She had to get a message to Chris. Why had she said those things to him? He was the closest thing to a brother she had. Going out the door, she walked the short distance to Faith's house and called him.
"I really am sorry about what I said to you, Chris. I'm just a little worn down. I'm home, right now my phone is out of order, so I'm using Faith's. If you want to talk tomorrow about what the show format will be, I'll be in around four and we can talk about it then. I'm truly sorry, Chris. Forgive me?"
"I forgave you before you left the station. I know with everything that's going through your mind that it's hard for you to stay neutral on some subjects. Don't worry about it, though. I'll see you around four and call me before you leave."
Giving him a positive answer, she left Faith's house. She was almost to her door when Faith called her.
"I just thought of something, Des. If your phone is out, mine should be too. We're both on the same line. I don't like the way that sounds. Maybe you better stay here."
"I'll be fine. I'll check my outside line. It's probably inside the house. I'll do it tomorrow. If you don't hear from me tonight, you know everything is fine, okay?"
Halfheartedly agreeing with her friend, Faith walked back inside her house. Agreement or not, she wasn't going to sit by and let her friend get into trouble. Calling the phone company, she told the answering service the problem and they promised to send someone out the next morning as early as possible.
Meanwhile, Destiny had went into the living room and turned on the radio on to her station. The soft rock sounds came out of the speakers and she found herself singing to them. Right after the song ended, the radio went off and so did the lights. Groping her way to the fuse box, she found the flashlight and noticed the fuses had all blown. Turning them all back on, she turned around only to be face to face with a huge man covered with tattoos.
The other man went slowly around Destiny and grabbed her arms. Destiny jabbed with her elbow and tried to get away, but he blocked the blow. Trying to scream, she felt one of them trying to put something against her mouth and nose. Trying to fight them off, she was suddenly too weak, and then she knew nothing.
Ed and Harley lifted her up and put her in her bedroom. No one would be the wiser. No one would be coming out here to look for her. "Ed, you take her car and park it on another street while I tie her up. Park our car there too, and then when you come back, I want you to turn all the switchbreakers off. They'll think she went away.
Ed got the car keys from the end table by the door and went out to the Ferrari. Starting it up, he gunned the car once smiling. He had always wanted a car like this, but never had the money to buy one.
Faith had looked out the house when she heard the Ferrari's motor gun. Destiny never did that. It was her baby. Seeing the car drive off she waited by the window for twenty minutes when she saw a guy coming up Destiny's walkway. Her eyebrows went up when she saw him walk right in. Even the guy she had staying with her a couple of weeks back used a key or knocked. No one walked in on Des.
Faith watched as the guy then walked out of the door and drove away in a blue car. The license plate read RGT MOVE. Fifteen minutes later, the guy came back and walked back in the house. Destiny was in trouble, and somehow Faith had to find out how much.
Ed and Harley lifted Destiny onto the bed and tied her to it. No one would be the wiser, they thought. "No one is gonna know she's missing until tomorrow afternoon. By then we can have everything set up and say we're e xterminating her house while she went out of town."
"Yeah, Harley. That little bitch isn't gonna know what hit her when she wakes up. Come on, let's get the signs we stole out on the grass." The two stuck the signs in and then locked up the doors. This would work out just fine. "Well, we got her tied up. Can we have a little fun with her now?"
"Not yet. We'll leave her like she is, but nothin's gonna happen until we're sure no one can find her. We'll just rough her up a little and scare her a lot. Of course, we can feel. No one can stop us from doin' that."
The two guys just looked at the lady and laughed. "She's gonna wish she never laid eyes on us!"
"Terry, can you come here, please?" When Terry showed up in the living room, Faith looked at him worriedly. "I'm worried about Des. She came over here to use the phone because hers is out, but mine is on the same one hers is. She went back home and a guy got her car, moved it, walked back here, moved another car, and then came back to her house. A few minutes ago, two guys were putting signs in her yard. Something is wrong, I can feel it. Can you go over and check for me?"
"Sis, I think we should leave things well enough alone. Maybe they're guests of hers and she wanted them to move her car."
"Terry, she wouldn't even let me sit in the driver's seat. No one drives that car but her. Please go over there for me and find out what's going on. Please?"
"Okay, but if it's nothing, you owe me a home cooked meal tomorrow night."
Terry walked over to Destiny's house and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, he knocked again and yelled out that it was Terry. The door opened and Harley just smiled and invited him in.
"Hey, Terry! How the Hell are ya? When did you get here?"
"I've been here for the last fourteen years. I've been biding my time just like you guys have. Where's Dave?"
"There was an accident and he was killed. He came in on Ed and a guard and tried to protect him, but the guard shot him. He was killed instantly, no pain for long. We decided it was time to take some action."
"You know of course that my "sister" saw Ed moving cars. She thinks there's something wrong and sent me over. Who are you supposed to be this time?"
"We're the exterminators. Kind of ironic, huh? Exterminating people who know too much."
"Harley, just make sure Des isn't hurt too bad. She's pregnant and I've come to like her like a sister. Faith has treated me with love and kindness and never asked to see proof that I even really exist."
"It just means she's naive and stupid, just like this one."
"It means that no one better get hurt. Just scare her a little, but don't kill her. I swear I'll turn you in if any one is hurt. I only wanted a little revenge, not any part of killing. Kidnapping is fine for a while, but after that it becomes something else."
"Fine, we'll treat her just like an inmate. Food and water and disrespect like we got. You better get home to your "sister". Tell her everything is hunky dory and it was Destiny moving the car and then giving the exterminators the key. She should buy it."
Terry walked over to the house and told Faith the story they thought up. "I'll cook you a good home cooked meal tomorrow. Thanks for going over there, Terry. You're a good brother."
Terry winced. If she knew what he really was, she would kick him out so fast, he wouldn't know which way was up. Smiling, he just went over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and picked up Noel. Sitting down, he rocked her to sleep and then put her in the crib. Then he told Faith he was going out for a while.
Harley and Ed sat down in the chairs in the living room. Not wanting to rush things with Destiny who still lay unconscious in the guest room. They turned on the television and watched an old I Love Lucy rerun. Laughing at some of Lucy's antics, they didn't hear the muffled sound coming from the bedroom.
Destiny had been coming around when she saw a shadow in the bedroom. Thinking it was one of the guys, she started to scream when a hand clamped over her mouth.
"Don't say a word or scream when I let go. I promise I'll help, just don't scream."
Destiny recognized Terry's voice and nodded her head. He let go and tried to unlock the handcuffs on her wrist with no luck. Looking around for something to pick it with, he saw her hair was up with pins. Taking one out, he inserted in the lock and twisted it until he heard the click. Doing the same with the other one, he soon had her loose.
"Thanks, Terry. How did you know I was here?"
"Just a hunch. It was Faith's idea. Come on, let's get out of here." Just as Terry was helping Destiny to her feet and out of the window, two figures jumped them from behind.
"And just where do you think you were going? Lucky there was a commercial on and we heard some noise."
Harley punched Terry and then pushed Destiny back on the bed. "Now, no one is going anywhere. No one will be the wiser."
The next day Chris stood by the phone waiting for it to ring. She should have called by now. She had always called before she left for work. Giving her another fifteen minutes he started to get worried. He picked up the phone and dialed her house. Nothing but a busy signal. That's right. Last night she said her phone was out of order. Calling the phone company, they told him there was something wrong with the line itself.
Picking up the sheet of paper that had the number she gave him, he dialed the phone. He hoped he wasn't over reacting. What if she had spent the night with someone. But Destiny wouldn't do that. She liked her privacy too much. Should he hang up? After the second ring, he thought maybe he should, then on the third ring somebody answered.
"H'lo." The rest was mumbled by sleep.
"Hello. My name is Chris and I work with a lady named Destiny Devereaux."
Right away the person on the other end said, "What happened to her?"
"That's just it, I don't know if anything did. Could you tell me your name please?"
"I'm Cory."
"Cory. You're the cop that was staying with her a few weeks back, right?"
"Yes. Could you please tell me what's wrong with her?"
"Well, she gave me this number to call if she didn't call me when she was coming in to work or when she didn't call from coming home to work. Last night she called me and said she got home all right. Her phone was out of order and she still hasn't called me today. She's usually here by now. I haven't heard anything and I'm starting to get worried. That's why I called. I have a feeling something is wrong. I'm waiting for my replacement to get here and then I'm going to Destiny's house.
"I wouldn't be so worried, but I know those guys who were around had escaped from prison. Since they haven't been found, I'm starting to think they found her."
"I was informed they caught the two guys. It came over the wires this morning they were back in prison."
"I know for a fact, they're not. Is there any way you-"
"I'm on my next flight out. I just have to make a few arrangements. I'll call you back with the time and meet you at Destiny's house."
Cory hung up the phone with a feeling of dread. He should have went out there the minute he heard they had escaped. Nothing was going right in his life.
Forty-five minutes later he was on the three hour flight to Rapture, Wyoming. I'm coming Des. Just hold on and don't do anything to make them hurt you.
Destiny was awake and looking at the bonds that held her captive. She was getting frightened and just then Harley walked in.
"Well, well, well, looky who's awake. I think it's time for some payback. Don't you, Ed? Let's us have some fun!"
Destiny knew when she awoke that she was in real trouble when she saw the men sitting on her bed. Something was wrong. Then it all came back. The two men who had been in her house and had slapped her. How was she going to get out of this, now?
"Please let me go. If you leave now, I won't tell a soul. You can hide out somewhere and no one will ever know the difference."
"You hear that, Ed. She won't tell anyone where we are or who we are. Maybe we should let her go." The two guys looked at each other with a sneer on their faces. "We'll let you know if we decide to do that. Right now, no one knows you're being held hostage and by the time they find out, you'll be somewhere where they'll never find you."
"You should have kept your mouth shut fifteen years ago. All of this could have been avoided then. If that Jap teacher of yours that we killed hadn't left that evidence in that train, you could be on your way right now, making it with that cop boyfriend of yours that was staying with you.
"You know, you should be more careful of who your friends are. It was so easy finding out where you lived. The first time we looked in that window, we got the shock of our lives. You two goin' at it like two dogs in heat." Harley gave Ed a high five and then laughed.
Destiny looked at the two men standing over her in disbelief. They had spied on her and Cory and they didn't even know it at the time. That's what made her scared. The fact that they had her tied up and what they were planning didn't scare her as much as that did.
"I want to know on question. Why did you kill our teacher for? What did she do to you?"
"That Jap teacher was one of our informants. She posed as a teacher, but was really a cop. Whenever the cops were planning raids or drug busts, she would tell us and we would know what to do. She turned on us and ended up busting us. I didn't like that. I decided to take matters into my own hands. That little teacher was the best in bed that night.
"Squirming and making little sounds, she had me out of my head. I didn't mean to actually kill her, just scare her a little bit. After I had my orgasm, I looked down and she wasn't breathing. From what some of my friends told me, I had strangled her to death. I couldn't live with that, so I shot her too, just to make it look credible."
Destiny couldn't believe her ears. Dumbfounded, she shook her head. "What are you going to do with me? The same thing?" She couldn't tell them that more than likely, the police and Cory had been notified. She didn't know who her friends were, but she knew Cory could be trusted.
"Well, little lady, right now, we're gonna leave you like this, just until we can think of something to do. I have a lot of ideas, thanks to Roxie's Revenge. The show is great. I got a lot of ideas from Dave, your first caller." Ed lowered his voice and Destiny's eyes widened. This was Dave and she knew exactly what was going to happen to her tonight.
She couldn't take the thought of those two over her crushing her and the baby, and that's when she started to fight. Pulling at the handcuffs, and straining at the ropes, she only enraged Ed and Harley and hurt herself.
"Do something, Harley! Make her stop!"
Harley didn't have to be told twice, his instinct just kicked in. Raising his fist, he let her have a good wallop on the jaw. That was effective and Destiny went out like a light.
"We have to keep her from finding out who our informant is now. The next time she wakes up, I want you to just shut your mouth and ignore her. I'm going out right now and get some food. I'll be back in fifteen to twenty minutes. I better not see her in any different position then what she's in right now."
"I'll be good, Harley. I'm just going to touch her a little. Maybe kiss her once or twice."
"Nothing else, Ed. I catch you with her doing anything else, and you'll be the one who's out like a light."
Harley left and Ed touched Destiny on the face and moved down to her breasts. A light squeeze here and there and a kiss or two on the mouth, and he wanted more. Lifting up her blouse, he looked and smiled. Later on tonight he was going to feel these beneath him. Feeling himself harden, he got up and walked into the living room and turned on the VCR. The dirty movie they had bought from the video catalogue started playing and he got some relief to the women in there.
Meanwhile, Cory had arrived in Rapture and was at Destiny's place. He had talked to Faith and only one clue had turned up. I seemed like the car that the guy had driven the day before was sitting on the next block. He went over to it and looked at it inside. Nothing suspicious, but it definitely smelled of alcohol.
Going back to Destiny's house, he looked inside, but nothing looked suspicious at first. Then he saw the flash. Trying to see better what it was, he tripped over one of her bushes and landed in the grass. Crouching down, he waited for the door to come open, but nothing came. He didn't want to knock on the door, so he went around back. It was the guest room, but unfortunately the window drapes were pulled closed. He didn't want to chance opening the window for fear of making too much noise. He walked back around the house and then went over to Faith's. Trying to phone Destiny, all he got was the busy signal.
"I've got to try and make her know I'm here. Can you go over there?"
"I have. I've gotten the answer that she had went to a motel or she was out of town or something while they were fumigating her house. I know that it's a lie because she used my phone over here last night to call Chris. Somehow I think she's in trouble. I know she's in trouble."
"I know and somehow I'll get to her. How much time has gone by since that guy left?"
"It's been about twenty or thirty minutes, no more than that, why?"
"I've got a plan. Call this number for me and tell them that I have a hostage situation and I need backup immediately. Tell them to come with their sirens blaring and lights flashing. They don't want to be caught. They'll let her go."
Faith went to her phone and called the sheriff of Rapture and told him what Cory had told her to say. Five minutes later, she got the affirmative answer that they were on their way and would be there within minutes.
Destiny was just starting to come around when she felt someone fondling her breasts. Trying to push herself up, she came fully awake when she felt the rope across her leg pull and the handcuffs on her wrists tighten. Letting her eyes focus, she recognized Ed sitting there leering at her.
"Ed, I know you must be a sensible guy. Why don't you untie me and let me go. You can say that I somehow got loose and punched you out. Come on, have a heart. You're not really all that bad. I can make them go easy on you if you help me. What do you say?"
"I say, you're really somethin''. For one thing, there's no way Harley would believe that and I say you're stayin' right here where I can see you. You're one good lookin' broad. I just wish I didn't have to share you with Harley."
"You don't have to Ed. You let me go and we'll meet at some hotel and you can do whatever you want. I want to confess something to you. What you said on the radio, really turned me on. You do what I like. It really makes me want you, after you told me you saw me with my boyfriend."
"Really? I could try and loosen you up and you could feel what you do to me. First, I want you to give me a real kiss."
Destiny knew she had to act like kissing him was what she really wanted. Smiling in encouragement, she tilted her head to the side and wet her lips. Ed leaned over, but right before he could kiss her, the door banged shut and Harley walked into the bedroom.
"We have to get our of here. Our source said the cops have been called and know where we are. We have to move now."
Harley reached over to Destiny's handcuffs and undid them at the same time Ed untied her ropes. Suddenly she was free. With all she had in her, she kicked and pushed at the two guys. She felt her fist connect with one of the men's jaw and she jumped up and ran for the door. Opening it, she ran for the car, only to find it not there. Instead, she ran for Faith's, which had been parked in the street instead of the garage. Inside, she locked all the doors and that's when her hopes deflated.
Harley was standing there, looking right in the window, holding an ax in his hand. Why did she have to have all the bad luck? Nothing was going her way at all. If they wanted her that badly, they would have to break out the glass and then swing the ax at her to get her to stop screaming for help. She heard a loud noise and looked out the back window. Ed had a large baseball bat and was bashing in the window along with Harley, who wasn't having any luck after the wood broke off the ax.
Destiny knew she didn't have much time to do anything, so while they were busy banging in the window, she unlocked the driver's door and carefully opened it. Risking a peek into the back, they were still going at it. Flinging the door open, she took off like a bat out of Hell. Running into the street, she tried to flag down a passing car, but it didn't stop. Hearing Harley scream her name, she ran farther down the street.
Just at the moment she saw a door open from Faith's house, a hand grabbed her by the arm and jerked her back. Destiny went flying backwards and landed on her stomach. She tried to shield her unborn baby when she felt herself falling, but she landed square on it. Please, Dear Lord, don't let me lose this baby too. Protect him or her and if anything happens to it, let me die too. I can't go through another loss.
Harley hauled her up to her feet, and slapped her across the cheek with enough force to rattle her teeth and jaw. "Now you little bitch, try to get away again. Next time you won't come back alive."
Cory had just rounded the side of Faith's house when he saw Destiny flag down a car. Stopping, he saw Harley haul her back and, in slow motion, saw her fall to the ground. Watching in anger and horror, Cory watched Harley take his hand and slap her across the face and blood come out of the corner of her mouth. That was the last straw.
Putting his feet into a running motion, he barged up to within ten feet of Harley and held up his gun. "Okay, Harley, let her go. I've already got backup on the way, and pretty soon, they're going to be all over here." Cory knew there was only four cops on the way, but hoped it would work. Seeing the indecision on Harley's face, he kept on with the farce.
"You let her go, and we'll go easier on you. If you kill her now, nothing will keep you out of prison for life."
"Shut up cop. No one can tell me what to do. This bitch wrecked my life and now she's gonna pay." Harley put Destiny on the ground and then pointed his gun at her. "I suggest you put away that gun or the little lady is history."
"Okay, Harley, just don't hurt her. See, I'm putting down the gun. Now, let her go." Cory didn't look at Destiny. He knew if he did, he would lose his nerve and run to her.
"I'm not lettin' her go. She's the only bargaining chip I have with you people! I suggest you get in the fancy car of yours and head back to wherever you came from."
"I'm sorry, Harley, but I can't do that. You see, if you take her now, kidnapping will be added to your list of crimes. You've already escaped from prison and they don't know why Dave was killed. They suspect it was you and Ed, but they can't be sure. If you let her go, the sentence will be reduced easily for accommodating an officer."
"You're full of it, cop. I know for a fact that they don't bargain like that. I made the mistake of trusting one a while ago, and I got burned. Now, I want you to leave and let me take her in peace."
"There's no way I'm letting you take her, Harley. I'll kill you if I have to, but I really don't want to. If you want to try it, I'll tell you right now, I'm a crack shot! Try me, Harley and I'll prove to you how deadly that mistake would be."
Harley looked like he was about to actually do it, when Ed came out of the house and put his hands up. Harley looked over at Ed and then he too, put down the gun and had his hands in the air. Destiny ran over to Cory and he safely put her out of harms way before he went over to his prisoners.
Ed and Harley were handcuffed and, fifteen minutes later, put in a squad car. Destiny couldn't believe it was quite over. Sitting in Faith's house shaking, she realized how close she had come to death.
"Des, are you all right?"
"What do you think, Cory? I'm handcuffed and tied to a bed, fondled and kissed, what do you think?"
"I'm sorry for asking, but you don't look the best."
"Cory, I've been awake most of the time that they've had me except for the times I had been smacked or punched out. All I want to do is go to bed and get something in my stomach. I'm starting to feel a little squeamish."
Nodding his head in agreement, he led them both out and went to the nearest fast food place. Ordering for the both of them, they were soon in Destiny's house eating the food.
"Not bad for fast food, huh?"
"No, not really. Do you want to tell my why Chris called me?"
"Chris had been getting worried about me when he heard that Ed and Harley had escaped from prison. He made me promise that I would call before I left for work and after I got home. If I didn't he was supposed to call the emergency number. Luckily it was you. How did you find me?'
"I went crazy at first, but after slowing down and allowing myself to think, I thought about how those two didn't want to go to prison for any reason. Faith has been a big help. She already had thought of a lot of things and we ruled out the motel. The house was the only logical place you could be. She was tipped off when she saw Ed moving the cars and walking back. You're not hurt really bad are you?"
"I don't think so." Destiny hadn't felt any sharp pains in her stomach to prove herself wrong, so she kept quiet. When he left tomorrow, she would go see her doctor just to make sure everything was okay.
"So, now that I'm safe, when are you leaving?
"Can't wait to get rid of me, huh? Well I'm staying just to make sure Harley and Ed are put away. I don't want them near you again. I should have come when I heard they were out of prison. I didn't because for some reason, I thought you might not let me back in your life."
"I wouldn't have, but sometimes circumstances beyond our control do arise and our feelings have to be put on the back burner."
"What in the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about me. I have some unfinished business with you and I guess it's as good time as any to tell you. I don't really want to, but if something happens, I know you'll end up hating me."
"You're not going to tell me that something happened between you and Chris are you?"
"No! That's the farthest from what I'm about to say that it's laughable."
"Then tell me Des. I'm not going to hate or laugh or even make judgments."
"I'm glad to hear that. What would make you the happiest man in the world right now? If you could have anything, what would that be?"
"I think I would have loved to see Whitney. I know that's not possible. The only thing that would make me more happy is to have those two creeps back in prison without hope of parole ever again. There's nothing else that would make me happier."
"Are you sure, Cory? Nothing else?"
"No. Why? Let's just skip this whole line of talk and tell me what you need to."
"One more question, okay?" Seeing him nod his head, she continued, "Would you like to have another child?"
Cory looked stunned at the question. Pondering it for a minute, he responded slowly. "Yes. It would have to be with the right person, a person I loved and respected. Des, nothing would please me more than to have a family, but right now, it just isn't possible."
"I see." She did and it almost broke her heart. "I was only going to tell you that you could stay with me if you needed to."
"That's what all those questions were leading to? Des, sometimes I swear you ask too many questions that doesn't even pertain to what you want to really ask."
If he only knew, she thought. What would he have said if I would have told him about the baby? He would have ran so fast, and so far, I never would have found him.
"I'm sorry, but I really want to go lie down. I'm very tired all of a sudden. If the phone rings, let the answering machine get it." Then she realized the phone still wasn't fixed yet. Destiny went into the bedroom and as she lay on the bed, she let the tears fall. Cory didn't want her or the baby. Screaming inside, she silently cried herself to sleep.
Walking to the living room, he picked up his cell phone and now called Hope's familiar number and filled her in on what happened. Assuring her that Destiny would call when she was feeling up to it, he hung up the phone and went to write a note on the sheet of paper next to the phone. What he read made his face turn white and he almost passed out.
'Take one tablet after breakfast and one after supper to get iron count up and to ease morning sickness, eat a few dry crackers
or dry toast. Office checkup at 2:30 Saturday afternoon.'
My God, no wonder all the questions about a baby. She was pregnant. He had to be the world's biggest fool right at that moment. At least he felt like one.
Walking down the hall to her bedroom, he knocked softly and when there was no answer, he walked in. Destiny was laying on the bed, face down with a few sobs still wracking her body. Going over to her, he sat on the bed and stroked her back.
"Des? Honey, wake up for a minute. I need to talk to you. Des?"
Destiny woke slowly to the sound of a deep voice. "Cory, is that you? I thought you would leave me."
"I can't leave you now."
"Why not?" Destiny still wasn't fully awake, but the next words did the trick very effectively.
"I think you know why. I want to see my baby being born and growing up." Cory spoke softly, but the words had enough of an effect for her to sit straight up and look at him like he was nuts.
"Why do you think that I'm pregnant?"
"If you're not, deny it." Not hearing any denial, he went on. "I spoke to Hope and-"
"You don't have to say any more. Hope spilled the beans, didn't she?"
"Hope didn't say a damn thing. As usual, she is still very protective of you and wouldn't tell me anything even if I had a steamroller and threatened to run her over with it. The iron pill instructions and how to keep morning sickness at a minimum was proof enough. Why didn't you tell me?"
"You already said that you wanted a family, but you weren't ready for one. Why burden you with a baby when you really don't want one in the first place?"
"Honey, a baby is a blessing to me. A second chance at what I didn't have in the first place. I want to stay here and watch my baby grow in your stomach and feel it when it kicks."
"You can't. You have a job back in Rainbow Falls and there is no way I'm moving back there and you wouldn't be happy here. This town isn't hopping the way you like it. I'll let you know how I'm doing and after the baby is born, I'll let you know what it is. You can come anytime to see it and I'll send pictures, but you're not staying here."
"I want to, Des."
"No you don't. You want to stay here out of a sense of duty and some fantasy you have about Whitney. This baby isn't like Whitney. Whitney was made out of love, this baby was made out of carelessness. Don't get me wrong. I'm going to have this baby and love it, but I don't want you here out of obligation."
"It's not obligation, Des. For me, it's love. I do love you Des. It has never left. The love will always be there just like it was in high school and every day since then. You can't turn me away."
"Believe me, I want to believe you, but I can't. I can't turn you away, that's for sure. You can stay here all you like, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. As for being in love with me, you've told me you love me, but I think it's just leftover emotion from high school and a close call to getting shot."
"That had something to do with it, but I've always been in love with you. I've told you way before you were pregnant and kidnapped, if you'll think back. Destiny, I want you to marry me."
"No! I'm not marrying anybody for the sake of a baby. For me it has to be based on love and right now, that wouldn't be. When I'm ready, I'll be sure to let you know. Until then I would like to go back to sleep. I'm very tired."
Destiny lay back down and turned away from him. Closing her eyes, she prayed he would leave and it happened, but not after these words were spoken, "You might get away from me now, but I'll never be too far away from you again."
Cory walked out the door and into the spare bedroom he had used the last time he was there. It seemed like it was a lifetime ago. It was so hard for him to believe that Destiny was going to have his baby. Somehow he had to convince her to marry him and move back to Rainbow Falls with him. Why was she so adamant about not moving back?
Her parents might have the answer, but he knew the two people who definitely did were Hope and Michele. Michele wouldn't answer any of his questions, but Hope, not that was a different story. Making sure Destiny was still in her room, he glanced at the clock. Eight o'clock wasn't too late to call. Before long he was speaking to her.
"I just need an answer. Why doesn't she want to go back? If I'm with her, who can hurt her? She'll have her parents there and some friends from school. You and Michele go back to Colorado a lot more than Wyoming. In a way you will be closer to her there and can visit more than what you have been."
"It's not that simple. She didn't tell you about her parents after she had Whitney?"
"Not a word. What did they do to her?"
"Cory, you have to promise not to tell her I told you this. She'll kill me and our friendship will be finished. Promise me." At his affirmative answer, she continued, "Des called her parents and told them she had Whitney. They seemed happy for her. She sent them some pictures and then when Whitney died, she called them and they didn't believe her.
"It took the doctor's admission for them to believe her that the baby was dead. That's when they called her up and told her they didn't want anything to do with her since she killed her baby. To this day, they still believe that she did it. Nothing the doctors told them seemed to change their feelings toward her. They disinherited her and claim they have no children."
"I can't believe that they would do that to her."
"Well they did and that's one of the reasons she's never returning to Rainbow Falls. She's told me and I believe her."
Cory made some small talk and then hung up the phone. He had a lot to digest and he sure as hell couldn't do it while he was in the house with her. All he would want to do is hold her and try to comfort her.
Thirty minutes later he was talking to Chris at the radio station. Cory didn't really trust him, and wanted to find out what he knew.
"So Chris, why were you so scared for Destiny? I knew the guys were out of prison, but I thought that Destiny could handle it herself. She had told me many times she could."
"I've known her for fifteen years, Cory. I love her." Seeing the other man's eyes darken, he quickly rectified the statement he had just made. "I love her as a friend. Nothing has ever happened between us, except for maybe a few kisses when she first came here. I knew she was in love with someone else, and obviously it's you."
"How well do you know her, though? There were some incidents that she told me abut and I've often wondered how she coped with it."
"Are you talking about the attempted rape?" At Cory's nod, Chris continued, "I knew about it. She talked to me right after it happened and it made me shudder to think that something could have happened to her. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish that on any one, but it served right at the time."
"You better explain that comment!"
"Destiny was walking around in short skirts and, at the time, she was doing her radio show under the name of Rockin' Roxie. The themes were different and almost all concerned rape and sex. It was like she wanted it and when it finally happened, she cried and said it was wrong. She tried to press charges, but no one could verify where she was that night and if she actually went out with anybody. Even the guy said he was at home and his wife alibied him."
"Even if she did go out with him or any one else, Chris, that doesn't automatically mean she has to have sex with the guy or she gets raped. I thought even someone like you could understand that."
"I do, but circumstances sometime prevent it from being right or wrong. She had it coming and she damn well deserved it! Now get out of my radio station and you can tell Destiny that she is due in to work tonight at the regular time. If she's late, she loses her show. I've had enough of her taking off work in the last month. It isn't professional."
"She needs the time off, Chris. If you fire her, I know of a real good job she can have, no questions asked. She's the best in her field, and you know that."
"I know, but we need her here. Ratings are needed to keep the show running, and without her, the ratings are slipping."
Cory turned on his heel and left. Chris just didn't know who he was messing with. With a determined shake of his head, he vowed that Chris would find out sooner than later. Jumping in his rental car, he headed toward Destiny's house to have a talk with her.
Quietly unlocking the door and walking in, Cory saw Destiny sitting on the couch. Startled, she swung her head around when the door closed. Her hand over her heart, she looked at him in anger.
"Don't you ever do that again. You scared the life out of me." Just then a thought came into her mind. "When and where did you get a key for my house?"
"Faith." Nothing more was said about it and Destiny looked hurt. Cory went over to her and wanted to comfort her, but as soon as he came close to her, she shrunk away from him.
"Don't touch me. I don't want you hands on me ever again. Right now, I don't want anybody touching me."
"You sure like me caressing and stroking you a couple of months ago. Come on Des, why are you so angry with me? Is it because you know deep down that you love me and that my feelings for you are real? If was hard for me to admit after all these years, my feelings for you hadn't lessened, only gotten stronger. What will it take for me to convince you I'm telling the truth?"
"The day that you can come to me and talk to me and not about the baby, or Whitney, that will be the day I believe you. Until then, you can propose all you like, but my answer will remain the same. Now, until that time, do whatever you want. Have fun going out, make some friends, go back to Rainbow Falls and work as a cop, or stay here, I really don't care. One thing will remain the same. I will continue working and do whatever I want to. Is that perfectly understood?"
Cory just stared at her like she had sprouted two heads. He slowly nodded his head, knowing with awful certainty that Destiny would never come to him if he kept pressuring her. He had to go back and let her make her own mind up. She would never be ready for him if he didn't leave her alone.
"Fine, Des. You've made your mind up and apparently I'm not in any future plans with you, so until I am, I am returning home. I will keep in touch with you and I want you to call me any time you have a problem or if you need to talk. I want you to keep me informed of how the pregnancy is going. If you don't, I will come back and we will get married, if I have to force you to."
Destiny looked kind of shocked at that statement, but then it was masked. "I wish you luck in going back. I will keep you informed and I'll call you once a week to let you know everything the doctor tells me."
Cory couldn't believe he was hearing her right. Wasn't she at least going to offer him to stay a little longer? Wasn't she scared of being pregnant and alone? He decided to ask her.
"No, I'm not. I've been alone before and I have Faith to help me if I need it and Chris will understand if I need to miss work. Hope and Michele are there if I need a shoulder to cry on. I've been through this before."
Cory looked at her, knowing that she could take care of herself, and wishing she couldn't. He didn't want to leave her, but he knew he had to. If he stayed, she would never know her true feelings for him and it would be hell on her and the baby. Going over to the phone, he picked it up and made travel arrangements.
"I'll be leaving on the six-thirty flight. How about some supper before I leave?"
"I don't think so. I'll just go in and lay down. When you're ready to leave, come in and say good-be."
Destiny got up and walked into her room and lay on the bed. Why couldn't she have had a small supper with him? Would it have killed her to be polite to him? Getting up, she knew she was being and acting stupid. She went into the living room where he was sitting and said, "Supper sounds good all of a sudden. What's cooking?"
Cory just looked at her. "I was thinking about getting some pizza. What would you like on yours?"
An hour later they were finishing up the last few slices of pizza. "I better start to the airport. Traffic isn't bad in this small town, but Glory is another story. I'm going to miss you."
Cory got up from the table and walked over to the spare bedroom where his suitcase was waiting for him. Picking it up, he walked back over to the front door and opened it.
"Wait a minute." Destiny came out and stood in front of him. Cory looked at her expectantly.
"I just wanted to say I was sorry for acting so irrational earlier. I'm not usually that way, and I don't know why I was to you. I'm not saying that I wish you would stay, but maybe you could leave tomorrow. That way I can answer any questions you might have about the baby. I know you have to have some."
"That would be nice, but I really do have to go. If I stayed tonight, then I would want to stay tomorrow night too. It's best if I go now. Can I ask something of you?" Seeing her nod her head, he continued, hoping he wouldn't be turned down.
"Give me a kiss good-bye." Seeing her eyes widen, he slowly understood why. Those were his words fifteen years ago. "It's only for a while, until I figure out what to do. I'm not leaving you, Des. I'll be around whenever you need me. All it takes is a phone call and I'll be back here like a shot. You have my number, use it often. I'll pay for the calls, if you want."
"No, that won't be necessary. I can pay my own bills. Those words just took me by surprise. I'm in the same condition now, that I was then."
"Yes, but there is one thing that is different now. I know you're having my baby, and I know that I'll be there, no matter what happens."
Cory and Destiny looked at each other for a moment and then Des reached up and touched his face. Leaning into him and reaching him on tiptoe, she very gently and softly put her lips to his.
Cory dropped all pretense and his bags. He put his arms around her and slowly deepened the kiss. Hoping it wouldn't frighten her off, he nipped at her lips and sang with joy at her opened mouth. Cory's tongue ventured into he mouth and tangled with his. At the honking of a horn nearby, Destiny pushed him away.
"You can let me go now." Destiny was a little shaken up.
"Give me a minute or two. I need to calm down a little." Cory had the same reaction, but his was a little noticeable. "I'll call you when I get home. I do love you, Des, and I always will."
Seeing him drive away, she wanted to call him back so bad. She ached inside and she knew it had nothing to do with the baby, and everything to with what he started with that kiss.
That night, sitting in her house watching a rerun of a movie, she wanted so bad for someone to talk to. She was just starting to pick up the phone, when it rang.
"It's me, again. You think you could get away from me that easy? Next time you'll be all mine and we'll have a little fun before your boyfriend rescues you. By the way-"
Destiny didn't let him finish. She slammed down the phone and then picked it back up and called the police. She told them what happened, but they said they couldn't do anything about it.
"Ma'am, they're still in jail and they're being transferred to Colorado and from there to the state prison for killing Dave, the other guy. They won't be getting out of prison again, at least not alive. If he calls again, hang up. There's no way he can get to you, and he knows that."
Thanking the detective, Destiny hung up the phone and just as she was laying down, the phone rang again. Thinking it was Harley or Ed, she didn't answer right away. After three rings, she picked it up, but didn't say anything.
A frantic voice finally penetrated her thoughts. "Hello? Hello? Destiny, answer me, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Why are you calling?"
"I told you I would call when I got home. I'm home."
"Thanks for the update, Cory."
"Why didn't you answer right away?'
Destiny told Cory what had happened and that's when he became upset. "I'm coming back. There's no way I'm letting you stay there by yourself."
"You're not coming back. Have you forgotten that I spent fifteen years without you. I've gotten through rougher times than this. I was just a little jumpy that's all. I'm planning to go to bed after we get off the phone and sleep very soundly."
"Honey, I want you to be safe."
"I'm safe, Cory. I promise you. I'll call Faith and Chris and they can check on me too and call you for reports if you are bothered."
"Don't get sarcastic. I just want to make sure you're okay. I'm worried about you."
"I love you. Isn't that obvious?"
"There isn't any other reason?"
"Should there be? I want you to be safe."
Destiny thought about that for a minute. He only wanted her safe. Of course, he would say that after the conversation they had this afternoon. He wouldn't mention the baby, and say he wanted it safe, too.
"You still there, Des?"
"I'm here. Look Cory. I have to go. I'm getting really sleepy. All this excitement has worn me out. I'll call you sometime this week. Don't worry, I'll be fine."
They hung up. Destiny wondering if he was just saying nothing of the baby, so she would think he loved her and Cory wishing she would say she loved him. He knew she did and so did she.
The rest of the week passed without incident and then two. At the end of the month, Destiny picked up the phone and called Cory. Telling him she was fine, she waited for him to bring up the baby, but he never did. Destiny finally told him that it was doing great and he sounded pleased. The rest of the conversation seemed forced, and when they finally hung up, Destiny breathed a sigh of relief.
Destiny seemed a little sad at work the next night. Talking to Chris, she told him what had transpired that night Cory left.
"You made your position clear and now he's abiding by it. Destiny, he loves you. He-"
"He what, Chris."
"I was just going to say it again. He loves you."
That was something that Destiny thought about in the months to come.
"Hello. Is this Cory Ritchfield?"
"Yes, it is. Can I help you?"
"Yes, I'm from the Colorado State Prison and I have two prisoners on the bus. They were supposed to get here three hours ago, but they never arrived. I just wanted to call and inform you. I don't want to alarm you, but I have men out looking for them and we think they were headed for a lady's house."
"Are you sure? Do you know what her name is?"
"It's right here. A Destiny Devereaux in Rapture, Wyoming. We've had a hunch they would be going there after one of the guards overheard Ed trying to get through to her. As soon as he says something, the phone usually gets hung up, but they found something under his bed."
"What was it?"
"There was a recording of a show called Roxie's Revenge. They were talking about sexual fantasies. One of the callers was Ed. Do you want to hear it?"
"Yes...please." Cory blanched as he heard the fantasy that Ed had been talking about. "I think you better call Chris Marchand and tell him what is going on. He's her boss."
"It's my next call. I wanted to call you first. I was told you knew her personally."
Thanking the warden for calling, Cory went to his chief and told him what was happening.
"I think you should just stay there, Cory. You've spent a lot of time in that little town in the last few months than you have ever traveled before. Is there something dragging you back there?"
"Something very special, Chief. I hope this time will be different."
Getting his flight booked and getting a car was the easy part. The hard part was waiting for the flight time. Picking up the phone, he called Destiny's number. After the fourth ring, he started to get worried. Maybe she was sick or something was wrong with the baby.
"Answer, damn it. Answer. Pick up the damn phone, Des!"
"I did. Why are you screaming at me?'
"Where have you been?"
"For your information, I was outside getting some sun. Am I allowed to do that?'
"Don't get huffy with me, Des. I was worried when you didn't answer by the fourth ring. I thought maybe something happened to you or you were going into labor with our baby."
"What did you say?"
"You heard what I said. I thought something happened to you or the baby."
"No, you said our baby. If you think it's our baby, why haven't you asked about it once, over these last few months? Not one word has come out of your mouth about it."
"Believe me, it hasn't been easy keeping my mouth shut. You told me if I wanted to prove to you how much I loved you, I wouldn't ask about the baby. I was only trying to prove to you."
"I thought you didn't care."
"There hasn't been a night when I didn't wish you were with me. I want to feel our baby inside of you, kicking. I want to hear its heart beat and most of all, I want to see you with our child. I do love you and the baby, Des."
"Is that why you called? To tell me you loved me?"
"No. There's something else. Harley and Ed are on the lose and heading for you. I'll be there in about four hours. I wanted to get there sooner, but that's all they had. I want you to go to Chris or Faith, now. It's not safe for you in your house."
"Are you sure?"
"They were overdue by three hours and they're still not there. The warden found a tape recording of your show when Ed called in about sexual fantasies. They know he's heading your way.
"Okay, I'm going. I'm sorry I snapped at you over the phone, but everything has been too hectic around here."
"I want you to hang up and go. I want you to be safe."
"So do I. Thanks for calling. I'll be at Fai--"
"Don't tell me. If they're listening in, they'll know. Just go. I'll find you. I love you, Des." After he hung up he realized he already told her where to go so Ed and Harley could already know. It was a long shot to think that they had wiretapped her home, but one could never be too careful.
The phone went dead before she could say she loved him too. It took her to this minute before she realized it. She was such a pigheaded fool not to have believed him before. Putting down the phone realization dawned on her. When a person hung up the phone, it didn't go dead, it went to a busy signal. She hadn't heard anything.
Walking over to the window, she didn't see anything irregular outside, but then she heard a noise. It was at her back door. Opening the front door, she ran, or tried to. At six months pregnant it was hard to do. She was in Faith's yard when somebody grabbed her. Swinging wildly around, she saw it was Faith's brother, Terry.
"Terry, I need your help. I have some people after me and I need to get to Faith's house as soon as possible."
"I'm afraid that's going to be a little hard to do. You see, you put away my brother and now, I'm getting even. Harley and Ed were too stupid to do it, so I have to do it myself."
Destiny looked at him in shock. There was no way she could have heard him right. "What do you mean, 'I put your brother away?' I don't even know your bother. I thought Faith was the only family you had.
"Dave was my brother. Faith thinks I'm her brother, but the truth is, I found her and she thinks I'm her adopted brother form her mother's previous marriage. She's never had it checked out or asked to see proof. I tracked you from Rainbow Falls to here and that's when I made the acquaintance with Faith. I thought maybe should could help me, but I saw how much you two meant to each other, so I never tried to involve her. She doesn't know who I really am. The truth of the matter is, I started loving her like a sister. And to tell the truth I sorta started caring about you too. This has to be done, even though I don’t want to. You have to pay."
"What are you going to do with me?"
"Well first, we're going back into the house and then we're going to have a little fun. That stupid cop boyfriend of yours thinks that Chris is in on this. Just precious. Come on, let's get a move on. Fifteen years is a lot to make up for. For every person that hurt Dave, I'm going to hurt you tenfold. But I won't kill you. I just can't do that."
Terry pushed her toward her house, not knowing Faith was looking out the window after hearing Destiny's voice. Faith decided to see what was wrong. She dialed Destiny's number, but all she got was a busy signal. Twenty minutes later it was still there. Faith knew something was wrong. Calling the phone company, her fears were realized when they said it was out of order.
At Destiny's house, she was tied to a chair and Ed and Harley were making lewd suggestions about having pregnant women underneath them in bed. They was laughing and saying some of the same things. Destiny was getting scared and she didn't know what to do.
Meanwhile, Cory was flying the last leg of his journey and was almost to Rapture. Come on Des, you can hold on. Just don't show them that temper of yours and cooperate with them and you should be just fine. Hold on, I'm almost to you.
Destiny tried to talk to them, but to no avail. They just laughed at her and when it was finally dusk, Terry said the one thing she hoped she would never have to her. "Come on guys, it's party time. Who wants to go first."
Ed sauntered up to Destiny and proclaimed it was his turn first. He took off his shirt and was working on the zipper of his jeans when the doorbell rang. The men looked at each other and then at the frightened lady in the chair.
"I have to answer it. It could be Chris or Cory, or it could be Faith." She threw that in hoping Terry would soften a little. Terry got up and looked through the curtains.
"Damn, she's right. It's Faith. You get rid of her. You can't watch Noel and I don't want you talking to her a lot. I have a gun to your back and I won't hesitate to use it. Remember that."
Destiny opened the door on the second peal of the bell. "What can I do for you, Faith?"
"You promised to watch Noel for me today while I went to the doctor. I'm going to be late if you don't take her now."
"I'm sorry. I forgot about it, but I have some company and there's no way I can watch her." Thinking fast, Destiny thought maybe she could signal her friend about the trouble.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to find someone to watch her. Can I get you anything while I'm out?"
"Yeah. Stop by the video store and get me In the Line of Fire by Clint Eastwood." Faith knew Destiny had the movie. They had watched it three times together in the last year. Seeing Faith look at her, she continued. "I've got something cooking on the stove and if I don't go it's gonna blow up. If you see Terry, tell him I said hi. Maybe he can baby sit for you. Sorry again."
"Yeah. Maybe he will. I'll call you later on and tell you what the doctor said. I've got to call the doctor and tell him I'm gonna be a little late, can I use your phone?"
Before Destiny could answer, she heard a loud bang in her kitchen. Faith looked at her and she mouthed Terry, gun, help me. "I'm sorry, Faith, but my company is waiting on a call. I've got to go."
Hoping that Faith got the message, Destiny went back over to the chair and sat down, resigned to the fact that sooner or later something was going to happen to her.
"That was real good. I didn't know Faith had a doctor's appointment."
Smiling to herself, Destiny knew she didn't.
Outside, Faith knew Destiny was in trouble, so she raced back home and called the police. Telling them that it might be a false alarm, they told her to call when she knew what was happening. Then they hung up on her.
Now what was she going to do? She couldn't go back over there, but yet she couldn't stand by and watch her friend get hurt. She had to do something drastic. Putting the baby in her crib, she went out to her car, and started it. This just had to work, or she was going to be in real big trouble. She knew the cops would come for an accident. Taking it out of park, she put it in gear and let it back slowly out of the driveway. Now came the hardest part. Making sure her seat belt was tight, she put it in gear and, seeing Destiny's car in the street instead of the driveway, she put the accelerator to the floor.
The next thing she knew, she was sitting in the car with the steering wheel in her lap. Destiny's door flew open and Terry and Harley came running out. Terry reached his "sister" and tried to help her out. Telling Harley what to do, he was more concerned with Faith than with the prisoner in the house.
"Where's the baby? I can't find Noel. Faith!!!"
"Relax, she's safe in the house. I had her in the crib until I could get the car backed out into the street. I thought I had it in park, but I guess I didn't. I'm in real trouble now, Terry. What am I going to tell my insurance company? And Destiny is gonna kill me when she sees what I did to her Ferrari."
"We'll worry about that later. Right now, let's see if you're okay."
Destiny was till tied to the chair, but the bonds were becoming looser each time she flicked her wrists together. Ed turned around just as she came loose and tried to get her, but when he reached for her, she brought her knee up and got him right in the groin. She smiled at the look on his face.
Rushing to the back door, she raced out and into the woods. About five minutes had passed, maybe less, when she heard Harley's voice calling her. Somehow, she had to find a place to hide. The only thing close was Faith's house and now that was off limits. Think, Des, she told herself. Trying to remember all the escape ways through the woods she had found when she started exploring them, she finally found a way out. Now the only problem was, getting out of the tree she was in.
After a good ten minute climb down the tree, she picked her way slowly through the back woods and came to the intersection where the church met the Italian restaurant. Looking to make sure no one could see her, she crossed to the church. Inside she sat down on one of the pews and prayed like she never did before.
She had caught her breath when she heard sirens going past. They had to be going to her house to check on Faith. A short time later, she emerged from the back exit of the church and went right on the street. Ten minutes went by before she was at the radio station. Chris wasn't there, but he would be in half an hour according to the clock on the wall.
Trying to recall what time Cory had called, she estimated that he should be arriving in less than an hour, if not already. She couldn't be sure of the exact time. The door opened and a familiar face walked through it.
"Chris, thank God you're here. I need your help."
"My God, Destiny. What happened to you?"
"Before I tell you, do you have any brothers?"
"That's a stupid question, but yes I have three brothers all younger. Why? Do you want to date one?"
"That would be funny if the situation wasn't so hazardous. Can I trust you?"
"With my life, Destiny. What's the matter with you?"
Trusting her instincts, she told him the whole story and then he smiled. Destiny didn't know what the smile was about, but it didn't look right to her.
"What? Something is wrong, isn't it?"
"No. For once, everything is right for you. Cory and you belong together. He accused me of being one of them and told me if anything happened to you that I would be dead. Those weren't his exact words, but the meaning is there. He loves you and I'm going to make a promise to you. Nothing will happen to you. I'll make sure of it."
Cory had picked up the car at the rental agency and was on his way to Destiny's house. Knowing she wouldn't be there, he parked a few houses down from hers. Looking out the front window, he could see that Destiny's car and someone else's had been in a crash. He was too late.
Why did his life always have to be so empty? It seemed like everytime he found something, it disappeared. Picking up the cellular phone, he called the local authorities and reported in what was happening. When he hung up the phone, three police cars were heading down the street. Stopping at Destiny's house, they walked over to the cars and talked to Faith. Cory went over to the police and told them what was happening.
Faith pulled Cory aside and told him what she knew and how Terry was a part of it.
"So Destiny might have gotten out alive? Where would she have gone in her condition?"
"If she went out the back way, she would have gone into the woods. She's been walking through there for fifteen years and knows how to get to the highway and from there to the church."
"What about the radio station? Can she get there from the highway?"
"Yeah. It's only five or ten minutes away from the church. She probably stayed at the church because it's right across from the clearing in the woods. If she made it to there, she has hope. Terry said that Ed and Harley were intent on finding her. The cop that was here earlier took Terry in for questioning. Harley and Ed are still around here."
"I've got to find her. I'll look at the radio station first. Chris is there and she would go to him. Thanks Faith. It took guts to do what you did. Destiny is lucky to have a friend like you."
Faith had a bright smile on her face when Cory left and Faith prayed that he would find her in time. She went back into the house and picked up Noel who was sleeping. She wanted to just hold her and try to assure herself that nothing would happen Noel's godmother.
A knock on the station door startled both occupants and they looked at each other. Who would be coming this late? Looking out the window, Chris saw the night security guard. Opening the door to let him in, Chris was suddenly pushed to the right and a figure grabbed for her.
"No! You are not going to take me with you. Let me go!" Destiny fought with all she had, but Harley was stronger than her and threw her against the floor. She landed on her back and got right back up. There was no way she was letting him take her away.
Chris was fighting off Ed and doing a pretty good job of it. Destiny knew if she let Harley get to her, she would be dead, raped, or both. She fought with all she had in her. When Harley went around to her back to get her arms she thankfully remembered the 9 -1-1- training course she took. She tried to flip him over her, but being six months pregnant, it was a little clumsy. Harley ended up on the floor, on his back, but when she turned her back, he got up and grabbed her arms and pulled her down to the floor.
Ed wasn't having too much luck, but all of a sudden he slammed the butt of his gun into Chris' jaw and Chris went down. Destiny knew her time had ended and she tried to fight them both, with no luck.
Chris fought against the blackness that kept trying to drag him down. There was no way he was letting Destiny out of his sight. When their backs were turned, he slowly reached for the microphone wire and pulled at it. The microphone fell into the chair and he reached for it. Getting a good grip on it, he swung it at the two men and hit Ed in the back of the head.
Ed looked around and that's when the microphone got him again, square in the face. Going down to the floor, he didn't move, but Harley held Destiny in front of him, so if Chris tried anything, Destiny would be hurt and him spared.
Out the door, Harley made a run with Destiny holding onto him for dear life. If she fell, she knew the baby would seriously be hurt, if not killed.
"That's it, darlin', hold on tight. In a few short hours, we'll be alone and I'll show you how good it feels to have a real man on top, or underneath you. You'll like it, I promise."
"I don't think so! Let her go, Harley. I've already called the cops and they're on their way." Chris was there holding Ed's gun at Harley. Harley only laughed.
"Do you think that gun is loaded? I'm not stupid enough to give Ed a loaded gun. He can't aim, and I don't feel like gettin' my head shot off."
"Well lucky for me I checked the gun and put in bullets. I keep extra ones in my drawer for my gun. Now let her go. I know how to use this and I won't hesitate to shoot."
Harley looked skeptically at the gun. The question running through his mind is if the gun was really loaded or if Chris was bluffing. He didn't want to take the chance. Raising his hands into the air, Destiny ran to Chris. Getting behind him, Destiny walked slowly toward the protection of the cars in the parking lot. Crouching down behind the nearest car, she looked up and saw Chris put the gun away.
Harley looked at Chris and smiled. Advancing toward Harley, Chris wasn't aware that Harley was reaching into the back of his pants. Destiny tried to shout a warning, but it was too late. Harley had already pulled the gun and had it aimed at Chris' head.
Destiny watched in slow motion as the gun was fired and Chris went down. "Now, hotshot, see what you can do. Come on, little lady, let's get the hell out of here and start celebrating.
"She's not celebrating with anyone! Stay down, Des. I'm here and no one is getting you again. Harley, put your hands up, this gun is loaded and I will shoot. " Destiny looked in shock at Cory. Harley swung around with his gun leveled at Cory, but before he could do anything, Cory shot.
Harley went down, still trying to shoot the gun. Suddenly a round went off, just barely missing Cory's head. Cory shot once more and then Harley went still. Going over to him, Cory saw that Harley was dead.
"Des, are you okay? Answer me, everything is okay, now. I'm here, Harley is dead and you're safe."
Destiny rose up from behind the car and slowly went over to Cory. Cory enfolded her in his arms and then led her to where Chris was. Checking to see if he was okay, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the blood on his sleeve.
"Thanks Chris, for all you did. You tried to protect me and I'll always be thankful. What did you do with Ed?"
"Ed is wrapped up in my microphone cord on the chair. He isn't going anywhere for a long time. He confessed that Harley was the one who killed Dave and made the escape plans. He only wanted to get even with you. He said Terry talked big, but told Harley that if anything happened to you that he would kill Harley. Terry said he loved you like a sister, and wouldn't have hurt you for the world. He just wanted to scare you. I have it all on tape, so you can listen to it for yourself."
"I'm thankful for you trying to help Destiny. I didn't trust you at first, but I'm glad Destiny did. Come on, we'll get you to a doctor."
Cory watched helplessly as Destiny was held hostage by Harley. She was huge with his child and Harley slammed the gun into her stomach and threw her down to the ground. She looked up and saw Cory. She shook her head and then mouthed, "I'm sorry."
Why couldn't he have gotten to her sooner? This was going to be a long lonely life without her. He couldn't let that happen. Rushing forward to save her, Harley pointed the gun at her and fired, once, twice, and finally once more. She lay still, not moving at all and he knew in his heart she was dead.
"No!! You can't leave me now! I love you too much to let you go! Please come back to me. I've never loved any one but you and never will. Come back, Des, please don't leave me!"
"Wake up, Cory! I'm fine. You saved me, remember? Look at me, Cory. Open your eyes and look at me."
Slowly Cory caught hold of reality and looked up. Cat green eyes stared back at him. God, how
loved her, but he knew that the feeling wasn't returned. Right now, it was only a grateful smile and understanding in those eyes.
"I saw it all over again. Only this time, you were shot and he hit you in the stomach." Cory looked at her stomach and felt it. He felt the baby move a little and looked back up at Destiny with wonder in his eyes. Destiny sat down on the edge of the bed and held his hand where it was.
"It's miraculous isn't it? We made this child and now it's moving inside of me. In three months, I'll be able to hold it in my arms." Raising her eyes to his, she put her hands to his face.
"I've never thanked you for saving my life. Thank you." She leaned over and kissed him gently on the mouth. Cory didn't try to deepen it, knowing she would back off if he did. He was tempted, but quelled the desire to pull her closer. The kiss ended and so did the touch of her hands on his face.
"I'm sorry I woke you up, Des. You should be back in bed, sleeping."
"I can't. The panic today and the baby sort of have me sleepless. It's like this sometimes. I usually get up and watch a movie or read a book. Tonight there wasn't anything that was helping and I heard you screaming so I came in here."
"I better get back to sleep. I have to give my deposition at the police station tomorrow before I leave for home. I guess the next time you'll see me is when the baby is born. I do want to be here for that. Go back to bed and we'll talk about that before I leave tomorrow."
Destiny got up in shock and went into the bedroom. So he was leaving tomorrow. The words he said in his sleep, were just that, words. He didn't mean them, or he wouldn't be leaving tomorrow. If he didn't want to stay, there was nothing she could do to make him. Laying down on the bed, she felt the baby shift and she rubbed her stomach as if to comfort him.
Cory leaned onto the pillow. She didn't say anything about his staying with her, so leaving was the only option. He wasn't staying where he wasn't wanted. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep.
It seemed like morning came too soon, but yet it took forever. Destiny knew in her heart that it was now or never with Cory. She had to tell him how she felt. but how would he react to it? Rushing through her morning ritual, she almost ran into the kitchen only to find it empty. Where was Cory? He was usually up by now.
Backtracking, she went into the room he slept in, but the bed was made and his suitcases gone. He had already left. Why didn't he say good-bye? dejectedly walking into the living room, she spied a note on the telephone.
I had to leave. I couldn't face you knowing that you were almost killed yesterday. If I would have been there, nothing would have happened. You don't have to worry anymore. Harley is dead and Ed is locked up in an institution. Terry confessed and he promised he wouldn't contact or bother you, unless you want to see him. You have friends who will look after you. I talked to Faith, Hope, and Michele. They're going to be checking up on you. I want to be there when the baby is born, so call me a week before you are due and I'll come back. I do love you. I love you enough to let you go.
Forever in my heart and life,
Destiny reread the letter and then called Faith. Asking when Cory was leaving, Faith told her he had already left. Thanking her, she hung up the phone. Tears were already racing down her cheeks and they had no intention of stopping. Why didn't she tell him last night when she had the chance? Now it was too late.
There had to be a way to contact him now. She picked up the phone once more and dialed his home number. Getting the answering machine, she hung up and called his office. The police chief informed her that he wouldn't be in today and she hung up.
"Thanks, Chief, I owe you one. I just couldn't talk to her right now. I almost had her killed last night and it hurts too bad right now, knowing she doesn't want me in her life and for the baby."
"Are you sure, Cory. She sounded pretty shook up on the phone. Maybe you should call her back." Seeing his friend shake his head negatively, he let the conversation drop. Cory would realize that he didn't cause her to almost be killed. He was scared and his feelings were all jumbled.
"I'll contact her in a few days. She'll be calm by then and we can talk rationally. If I called her now, she would be hysterical and it's not good for the baby. I better get back to filling out these reports."
Destiny had finally calmed down during the day and called Chris. Saying she would be in to work, she was surprised when he gave her a week off with pay, if she wanted it.
Taking it, she went out to her rental car and drove to the nearby baby store. She had to start redecorating the nursery. Destiny didn't want to have this baby grow up in the shadow of Whitney. The room needed a pick-me-up, so she bought some paint and stencils. New sheets and curtains rounded out the purchases.
Back home, there was a message on the machine from her doctor. They wanted her to come in and give her an ultrasound, just to see how the baby was progressing. An hour later she was at the office.
Dr. Haley had been present at the birth of Whitney and wanted for this baby to be fine at birth and live a happy long life. Hooking her up to the machine, he showed her the picture on the monitor.
Dr. Haley stilled the picture and looked worriedly at Destiny. He didn't want to scare her, but he couldn't find the heartbeat. The baby wasn't moving at all and he didn't want to tell Destiny she might have a dead baby in her womb.
"What's the matter? I've known you long enough to sense when something is wrong. Tell me."
"I can't find the heartbeat."
"Oh God. Don't tell me that. I need this baby so bad. It's my-"
"I found it. It's faint, but it's there. Do you want to know the sex of the baby?"
"I want it to be a surprise. It's not any fun, when you know. Does everything check out okay?"
"The baby and you are fine. I want you to take it easy for a week or two and then come back. I didn't like the feeling when I couldn't find that heartbeat."
"You didn't like the feeling? How do you think I felt when you said that? You're on the level? Everything is fine?"
"I wouldn't lie to you, Destiny. I just want you to take it easy. Have someone come over and help you with the house and don't go to work, if that's possible. I don't want you getting over excited. I want you abstaining from sex too."
"You don't have to worry about that aspect. I have been since six months ago."
"Destiny, you could have had sex anytime you wanted. It doesn't stop as soon as you get pregnant. The baby can't be hurt."
"I know that. The father and I aren't together right now. Thank you for the advice, though. I could use that on my next radio show." Dr. Haley had been told recently that Destiny had a talk show on the radio nightly.
Back at home, Destiny called Hope and told her about the visit to the doctor's and what he had said.
"I'm glad the baby is fine, and I have some good news. I'm getting weekend off and I was thinking about coming to see you, if that's okay. I don't think that this will be like the last time. If you don't mind I would like to know exactly what happened between those sicko killers and you. From what I was told, it wasn't too friendly."
"You can say that again. I'll tell you anything you want to know. After all, if I can't tell my best friend, who can I tell?"
"You could tell Cory."
"Hope, he knows what happened! Both times, he showed up just in time. What more could he possible want to know?"
"How about that you love him?"
"I wanted to say it to him, but he already left. I've tried getting contact with him, but either he isn't at work, or he isn't at home answering he phone. I can't tell him over his answering machine, it just isn't something I can say to him like that."
"Des, you couldn't get a plane ticket and go to him? I'm sure that your manager, what's his name, would let you do that."
"His name is Chris, and I agree with you. I could go to him and there is no doubt in my mind that he would do that for me, but I can't. I'll know when the time is right for me to go to Cory. Right now, I just can't. I would love to talk to him, but again, I can't reach him."
"Des, I'll be there this weekend and we'll get this all straightened out. If it becomes necessary, I'll call him and pretend that I'm at my house. Then when he's talking to me, I'll give the phone to you and you can say you love him. What could hurt? The worst he could do is hang up on you."
"You're right. We'll talk about that when you get here. I love you, Hope."
"Love ya too, Des. I'll see you this weekend and we'll go from there."
Hanging up the phone, Destiny's life suddenly seemed empty. Nobody was with her except for the life inside her body, which at that moment decided to give a strong kick. Smiling, she lay back on the couch and put on a show about going back in time. How she wished she could do that. So much she could change.
Shaking his head in defeat, Cory knew he still loved Destiny. No matter how many times, he tried to talk himself out of it, he still came up with the one thing that was absolutely true. She still carried his child and he still loved her with all his heart.
If only the last time he saw her would go out of his mind and stop haunting him day and night. During the day he could see her, and during the night, he could hear her screams. Whether she did or not, it didn't matter, he still heard them. He had to talk to her and he knew that he should, but he just didn't have the courage to pick up the phone and do it.
Making up his mind, he dialed a number. It began ringing and no one answered.
"Hullo." A sleepy, sexy voice answered. It gave him a kick start to his heart. "Chris, you said I could have the week off with pay. Don't tell me to come in, you know I can't."
"Des, it's not Chris. It's Cory. Can you hear me?"
That effectively woke her up. "Cory? Is that really you?"
"Yeah. I needed to talk to you. Why can't you go in to work? Is there some sort of problem. If there is, let me know and I'll help somehow."
"Dr. Haley told me to take it easy for a couple of weeks, that's all. There's nothing serious. The baby and I are both fine. What did you want to talk about?"
"I just wanted to know what you were doing this weekend. I was thinking about flying you in to Rainbow Falls. I guess that's out of the question. I can't get away. There's some things happening here. Come to think of it, it was a stupid idea. I could get called away or I could put you in danger. I don't want to do that a third time. I couldn't take that again."
"You haven't put me in any danger. Either I'm asleep having a conversation, or you're not making any sense."
"I put you in danger twice by not insisting you go into hiding both times those creeps were on the loose."
"Cory, we're not having this conversation again. We've talked about it until we're blue in the face and I've told you in no uncertain terms, that it was my fault I was caught. You had nothing to do with it. Did you want anything else? I hate to hurry you up, but I haven't ate anything and I'm getting a little sick right now."
"No, Des. I didn't want anything else. I'm sorry I called this late and woke you up. I want you to call the next time you go to the doctor's. I may not be able to see my baby growing in you, but I want to hear about it."
"I'm glad you called and I will call you in two weeks. I wanted to say one more thing. Cory, I-"
"Des, there's someone at the door. I have to go. I'll talk to you in two weeks."
The busy signal in her ear, admitted defeat. Was there really someone at the door, or did he just want to get off the phone? Destiny went into the kitchen and looked in the freezer for something to eat. Getting an ice cream sandwich, she knew it wasn't healthy, but it was quick, and it was food, somewhat.
For the next few days, little happened to Destiny. She stayed on her couch watching movies. A few times Faith came over and talked to her about Terry and how he was sorry anything happened to her and how they had started to become friends. Destiny wasn't mad at that, Terry seemed like a good guy, despite the fact that he had tried to kill her.
Soon, the weekend came and the phone rang. Thinking it was Hope, she rushed to answer to phone and ran from the kitchen into the living room. Answering, she was breathless and alarmed the person on the other end.
"What's the matter? Honey, is something the matter with the baby?"
"No. I thought you were Hope. She's supposed to be arriving anytime and she was going to call before she rented a car. Did you want something?"
"I was just calling to say that I'm not going to be at home very often the next few weeks. If you want to get in contact with me, call my office. I didn't want you calling my house and getting the answering machine. If I'm not available, they'll page me."
"No problem. I'm glad you called. It's so good to hear your voice. The baby is kicking up a storm and I'm getting a few inches bigger around the waist. I've been told by Faith that I have a radiant look on my face all the time now, even when I don't feel that hot."
"Honey, to me, you always looked radiant." The compliment was low, but Destiny still heard it and she smiled.
"You really know how to butter me up, don't you? I need to go, but I need to tell you something first."
"Could you hang on for a second, Des? Someone is at the door. Don't hang up. I'll be right back."
Destiny was still smiling until she heard the female voice on the other end. Obviously Cory didn't think about putting down the phone, so she heard everything.
"You're so sweet to invite me over for dinner. There's going to be a problem with tonight, though. I can't go back to the house until morning. No one's going to be there and I don't like being alone. Plus, nothing will be official until tomorrow morning, so it wouldn't look right with me going back home."
"Don't worry, Candy. I'll make sure you're comfortable tonight. You can have my bed. Supper wasn't a problem. It was the least I could do. After all, you've made me the happiest man in the world. Now I can finally have my cake and eat it too. Let me finish this call. It's Destiny."
"Oh? I'm glad she isn't mad about what's going on with us. You did tell her about us didn't you?"
"Why? She didn't need to know. It's only going to be until tomorrow. I figured what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. After all, what's one night going to hurt. You're just here until we can get you out of here and this is the only time that this will happen without the chief finding out."
That's all Destiny could bear. When she heard Cory's voice on the other end, she took satisfaction in slamming the receiver back on the stand.
Cory looked at the phone in confusion. Why did she hang up on him. He didn't say anything wrong , did he? Then he knew what it was, hormones. The doctor had told him she could be rational one minute and flying off the wall the next. That's what it had to have been.
Candy and Cory had their supper and then talked until bedtime. She went over to him and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Thanks again for the supper. Just think, tomorrow at this time, I'll be on my honeymoon with my new husband. Then you can have his office all to yourself. Tomorrow at his time, people will be addressing you as Chief Cory Ritchfield. How does it feel?"
"Pretty damn good, Candy. I never thought I would be the police chief of this town any time soon. Now all we have to do is make sure that the current one doesn't find out about his party until tomorrow when it happens."
Showing Candy where she could sleep, Cory bedded down on the couch and then tried to go to sleep. It proved elusive, however and all he could think about was the loud slam of the phone hanging up on him. He had to find out, and this was as good time as any.
Destiny had tried to quiet the wracking sobs going through her body. It wasn't doing her or the baby any good. Blowing her nose and wiping her eyes, she looked expectantly at the clock, hoping it would be a lot later than the last time she looked. It wasn't. It was mocking her, slowly going around the face slower than what it should be. Suddenly the phone rang.
Picking it up cautiously, she heard Cory's voice on the other end, pleading with her not to hang up until he could talk to her.
"What do you want? Why don't you go back to Candy, the whore who is staying with you? I think she'll satisfy you pretty well."
"I don't want her. I want you. Candy is the Chief's new wife. She's staying with me until the morning when he comes to take her to Hawaii. It's a surprise, and I'm the only one in the department who knows. We couldn't have her going back to her house, or to the chief's. Her house is being sold and the chief is working late tonight. How would it look for her to be in his house all by herself? After I spring the surprise on them, I'll be promoted to chief. You couldn't seriously think that I was sleeping with her, did you?"
"Of course not. I meant you could if you wanted to, I have no hold on you. You're not obligated to me. I'm just the lady having your baby, nothing else."
"Darlin', you're more than that, and I'm going to prove it to you soon. I love you, how many more times do you have to be told before you believe me? Very soon, I'll prove just how much I do. Honey, nobody could take your place. I certainly wouldn't be sleeping around on you."
"Oh, Cory, I'm sorry. I heard her voice and you sounded so happy, that I just thought the worst. I guess I'm not very trusting, am I?"
"Des, I'm not saying that you don't trust me. Anybody in your position would be a little worried. I should have told you about Candy. I didn't mean to upset you. Can you forgive me?"
"In a heartbeat. It was stupid of me to jump to conclusions. I'm glad you called Cory. Now I can sleep easier."
"I'm glad one of us can. I would fall asleep faster if you were in my arms, where you should be."
"You keep talking like that and you'll find me on the next plane to Rainbow Falls. I can't though. The doctor won't let me fly or do anything for the next week or so."
"Follow his advice, Des. In three months, we can hold our little one. I'm going to be there for the birth, if I have to run all the way to be there. Call me if you want to talk or anything. I'll be at the office most of the time, so call there first. I'll talk to you anytime, about anything. I'm going to hang up now. You need your rest."
"Thanks for calling, Cory. I mean it. I was so worried I lost-" She stopped speaking and then Cory spoke up.
"You didn't lose me. You didn't fifteen years ago, and you won't now. I promise I'll always be there for you and the baby, no matter what happens. I love you, Des."
Destiny couldn't bring herself to say it and when she hung up, she wished she had. She loved him with all her heart and soul. Would a tragedy make her say it to him, only to be too late once more. She hoped and prayed not. Next time she would no matter what the circumstances were.
Going to sleep quite easily, morning came fast and with it, Hope. She was there before Destiny's alarm went off at seven. Rushing to meet the second peal of the doorbell, the two girls rushed into each other's arms. It was good to have a friend who cared.
"I thought you were going to call before you rented a car."
"I tried, but the blasted phone was busy for two hours last night. I spent the night in a hotel room, plus I did some thinking there. I tried this morning, but it was still busy. Who have you been on the phone with all night long?"
Destiny looked at the phone and saw it was only part way on the cradle. "I talked to Cory about an hour last night, and I guess I didn't hang it all the way up."
"I wanted to rush right on over, but thought you might want to think things out. What's the matter? You have traces of red around your eyes. Why have you been crying? Is something the matter with you or the baby?"
"Nothing is the matter with us. I was crying because I thought I had lost Cory to someone else."
"Is this someone else named Candy?" Seeing Destiny's eyes widen, she confessed. "I called Cory last night, telling him I was flying in and he told me the whole story. Why did you get all worked up?"
"Hope, what would you have thought? He tells me that he wasn't going to be at home and to reach him through the office or pager and then a lady's voice ends up on the other end. The father of your baby is saying she could spend the night and then says what I don't know won't hurt me. It sounded very much like he was cheating on me. I'm not saying that he owes me or anything or he should be faithful. It's not like we're married or anything."
"Des, you're rambling on. For one thing, he is faithful to you, he wants to marry you and be with you and that baby for the rest of his life. Why are you making this so damn hard on him. You love him, don't you? You told me you did, and I think it's high time you told him."
"I wanted to, but I just couldn't say it over the phone. One of these days, I will tell him. He's told me, but I'm just a coward. What should I do?"
"You can only do what's in your heart. You're not a coward, you're just scared of revealing yourself. I think I would be too, in your position. How about some breakfast? I could fix some toast, eggs, bacon, and fresh orange juice."
"No way, Des. Cory told me you're supposed to be resting and not up running around taking care of people. Sit down and feast on what I brought." Hope reached into the bag she was carrying and took out fresh baked glazed donuts.
"How did you know? I haven't had one of these in years."
"You craved them with Whitney and I knew pretty well you would crave them now. I just wanted to spoil you."
"I'm just glad you're here. What is the first thing we're doing today? We could go out shopping or go to a movie."
"Hold it just a second, Des. You're supposed to be resting. We're not doing anything until I get an okay from your doctor. We're staying around the house today and we're going to talk about old times and if you're up to it, we'll have a pizza sent in. They do have a pizza place in this town,."
""Yes. I really want to get out though. It's been so boring in this house all by myself and no one to talk to and no one visiting me. One more day of this and I'm going to go nuts."
"I'll call your doctor today and find out if anything has changed. Maybe we could go out tomorrow. I only have this weekend off and then I have to get back home. I talked to Michele and she said she might be able to come down and visit with you next weekend."
The implication of what Hope had just said hit Destiny like a ton of bricks. They were coming down just to make sure she wasn't doing anything stupid.
"Hope, what is the real reason that made you come here? It took twelve years for you and Michele to visit and now you come one weekend and she's going to be coming the next. I think you want to make sure that nothing happens to me and the baby. Is that true?"
"Sort of. I did something I shouldn't have done." Seeing Destiny's eyes darken, she stopped for a second to catch her breath and say something that would end their friendship forever.
"I told Cory about Whitney."
"I already did that, remember? You and Michele were here."
"Listen. I told him everything. Your mom and dad and why you won't go back. I didn't want to, knowing that our friendship was on the line, but I had no choice."
"Damn it, Hope, you had every choice. The right one was to keep your mouth shut. I think you did it to be a martyr. That was the only thing I ever asked of you to never tell anyone. Of all the people, why did you tell Cory?"
"Des, he wanted to know why you wouldn't go back there. I had to tell him. There was no way I could stand by and let you mess up your future with him. You both love each other and you both are going to ruin your future because you won't tell him you love him. You're stubborn, but I still love you. You're my best friend and I did it to save you from your pride."
"I just wish you wouldn't have told him. I wanted to and sooner or later I would have."
"Like when? When one or both of you are dead? I was scared for you and I still am. Destiny sometimes you have to take chances. Isn't love a big enough risk? How about marriage and commitment? Marriages come and go and half end up in divorce. Out of those people who divorce each other, over half of them still are in love with the other."
Destiny had tears rolling down her cheeks, trying unsuccessfully to stop them when the phone rang. The clock said eight thirty so she picked it up thinking it would be Faith. She sniffled a hello into the receiver, some sobs still going through her body. Hope got up off the couch and went out to her car and got her bags.
"Des! Honey, are you okay? Oh my God, is it the baby? I'll be on the next flight out."
"Don't tell me no! I'm not missing the birth of my child!"
"Listen to me. It's not the baby. You have got to quit jumping to that conclusion everytime I'm upset or crying."
"Then why are you crying?"
"Because I just found out what a traitor my best friend is. Hope is here and she told me what you two talked about over the phone." At his silence she went on, "You know why I won't go back?"
"I needed to know, Des. Don't you dare take it out on her. She's a good friend and you need her in your life. If it will make you feel any better, I had to practically drag it out of her. She said this would probably be the end of your friendship. I'm sorry that I did it, but I had to know. You weren't telling me anything."
"I know that I need her in my life." Destiny started crying again, and Hope walked in. Hope's arms went around her friend. This was the time. "It's time to tell him, now." Destiny nodded her head and Hope walked into another room.
"She's not the only person I need in my life. Someone else keeps making his presence pretty well known."
"Yeah, the baby."
"I'm not talking about the baby. I'm talking about you. I need you in my life too. I love you, Cory. I want you to be in my life forever. It's taken me a while to get my heart and my head to merge, but they have."
There was silence on the other end and for a second Destiny thought that Cory didn't hear her.
"You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that. There's only one problem. There is no way I can get to you right now. I'm being promoted to chief today and this demands my attention for the next week. I'll be there when the baby is born so fast that your head will spin."
"I understand, Cory. That's one thing that won't change. You'll still be working in Rainbow Falls and I'll still be here in Rapture. How can a long distance relationship work out with a baby like that? You know I can't come back, and I won't"
"No one's asking you to, honey. I can relocate anywhere I want to. If you want to stay in Rapture with your friends, and where your job is, I want that for you. We'll make it work somehow. I'm not letting you go again. I've got to go, Des. I'm glad you called me. I love you and I'll be there as fast as I can."
"I'll talk to you some other time, Cory. I have a few things to say to Hope and I'll call you later on in the week after she leaves. I'm talking to the doctor today, so unless you hear from one of us, everything is great. I love you, Cory." Destiny hung up the phone and smiled.
"I see everything worked out for the best, Des. Now, was that so hard to say?"
Hope had been standing by the door and had heard the last part of the conversation. Standing up, Destiny walked over to her and hugged her best friend hard.
"That's the best thing you ever did for me, telling Cory why I couldn't go back. Now I want you to do something for me. I want you to call Michele and tell her to stay home instead of coming out here next weekend. There's no need for her to do that. I understand how protective you two are, but I can take care of myself. Faith is here if something should go wrong."
"Does that mean I have to go back home today? I really would like to stay with you for a while. Just this weekend I needed to get away from it all. I needed some time to myself."
"Yeah, so you came to be with me? I don't think so, Hope. What's really going on?"
"The truth is, I kept getting a feeling like you were in trouble and I needed to get out here. You're not in trouble are you?"
"Not that I know of. I will be though if I don't get a doctor's clearance and go back to work. I have enough in the bank to last for six or so months, but I just want to get back to work before Chris finds someone else to take my place."
"No one could take the place of Roxie's Revenge. I heard a repeat of it last night on my way here. I thought it way great. Chris would be mentally ill if he even thought of replacing you."
Hope and Destiny talked the rest of the morning and around two o'clock Destiny called the doctor. Going in for the checkup, he grudgingly gave her a release with firm orders to slow down if she got tired. Smiling, Destiny gave him a kiss on the cheek and the two women left the office.
The rest of the weekend was filled with fun and laughter. When Sunday night finally rolled around, Destiny found it extremely hard to say good-bye. Why, she wasn't sure, but deep in her heart she knew Hope wouldn't be coming back for a while. All good things had to end and maybe this was one of them.
Saying good-bye outside, no one would ever suspect them of parting for who knew how long. No tears were shed and there were some jokes made, but the minute the car was out of sight, Destiny broke down in tears. Walking the few minutes over to Faith's house, she felt a little better, but no sooner did Faith answer the door when Destiny was crying again.
Telling Faith everything that had happened over the weekend, Faith was sympathetic. Rocking the younger woman in her arms, Faith soothed her with words and soon Destiny quieted down enough to sit down. Noel was crawling over to her and Destiny picked her up.
"I can't believe how big she's gotten. Would it be all right if I watched her tonight. I just need to be around somebody."
"I wish you would have called sooner. We're going out of town for the week. Terry wanted to see the baby. I've gotten pretty close to him to, now that he isn't my brother. I hope that doesn't make you mad."
"Faith it's your life. He didn't hurt me, and tried to help me, I think, and after all, he was worried about you. Tell him I said hi and there are no hard feelings."
"I can't believe you would dismiss everything he did to you. If it were me, I think I would want him killed or harmed in some way."
"Faith, you did dismiss it. He hurt you too, in a different way though. I'm happy for you and Noel. Thanks for listening to me while I rambled on. I'll leave you to pack and I'll talk to you when you get back.
Destiny walked out the door and over to her still home. Why couldn't things be right between her and Cory? He was all for moving to Rapture or wherever she wanted to be. All she had ever done is complain to him how she was never going back. He went back there after what his parents had done. Why couldn't she?
Shaking off the mood, and feeling a little restless, she got in her car and drove to the radio station. Chris was there and she could talk to him. She needed to talk to someone.
Going into her cubicle she lovingly called an office, she spied Chris putting the finishing touches on the show that would air that night. Smiling she went up and touched his back. He jumped like he was on fire.
"What the-. Don't you ever sneak up on me like that again. I'm likely to have a heart attack right now. What are you doing down here? I thought the doctor told you to stay off your feet and not get yourself worked up."
"He gave me a release today. What would you say if I wanted to do a show tonight on parents who want nothing to do with their grown children? I think it's fitting somehow."
"Are you trying to tell me something?" Chris knew her story and he looked a little shocked at what she was suggesting. "I'm not going to get you all worked up and have you go into labor here, Des. I don't deliver babies."
"I'm not planning on having mine for another two months. If I get worked up, it will be good for me and I can think about something that's been bothering me for the last few hours."
"I think it might be a good remedy for what's bothering you. If you want to, then we will. We can't start promoting it until an hour before air time. Do you think it will be long enough?"
"It wouldn't be any worse than some of the shows we've done and no one has called in."
"I don't know which ones you're referring to, because that's never happened to you before. You write down some of the topics you want to hit on and I'll give you the time for the promotional. I want to point something out right now. The first sign that you are getting really upset and I'll cancel it. Is that understood?"
"Yes, doctor Chris."
"I'm serious, Destiny. Your boyfriend will have my head if anything happens to you. When you were being chased by those maniacs, he all but called me one of them and he would kill me if anything happens to you. You have a keeper there, don't let him go."
"I'm not about to. He's the best thing that ever happened to me and I would be crazy to let him go."
"I'm crazy that I didn't snatch you up for my own. But we both knew that nothing would come out of our relationship. Now why don't you go home, get some rest and get ready for tonight's show."
Destiny wrote down a few things she wanted highlighted in the promotional and then left. Instead of going home, she stayed in her office and worked on the hardest thing she had in a long time. A letter to her parents. A little over three hours later, she was finished with the letter and starting her show.
A few minutes into the show, the board was lit up with callers. One or two she felt she had some things in common with, but nothing really until the last caller came in.
"I'm calling from three states away. I disowned my only child and I wanted to apologize for it openly. She listens to this radio station and I know she'll be listening when I tell her I'm sorry for all that has happened between us."
"Could you please tell me your name."
"My name is Emma. My husband and I disowned our only child after learning something had happened to her child. We were stupid and irrational, but it's been a long, hard and lonely road without her. If she's listening, I want her to know how sorry we are about what we said."
Something in the sound of that voice made Destiny stop and think to where she had heard that voice before. It couldn't be her mother, after all, her mother's name was Arielle. Still, there was something about the story she couldn't put her finger on. Maybe it was because something had happened to Emma's grandchild, like her parents went through.
"Emma, if you'll give our radio manager your number and your daughter's name and number, I can personally call her and play this portion of the tape for her."
"That won't be necessary, Roxie. I know she's listening. There's not a radio broadcast that she hasn't listened to yet. I will give you my name and number if you are curious and want some information. You said at the top of the show that this had happened to you, so if you want to talk, I'm a good listener. I just wish I would have been for my daughter."
Seeing the lights go off the phone switchboard, Destiny let out a loud sigh. This had been one hard show to do. Hopefully some of the parents and children had made up or would make up. This had been a special show. After saying her good-bye and putting the microphone away, she put in the music for the next shift to play.
In Chris' office she went over to him to get the number of Emma. Maybe they could talk and Emma could tell her what she should do about reconciling with her own parents. There was no way to know if it would actually work, but there was always a good try, or at least that's what she was taught long ago.
Picking up the paper, she folded it in half, told Chris she was going and headed home. That's when she looked at the folded slip in her purse.
Arielle Devereaux
It couldn't be her. The only thing that had kept her from really denying it, was the name and number in her hand. Picking up the phone with trembling hands, she dialed the number. When a male voice answered, she almost hung up, but she held onto her nerve and asked for Arielle.
"Hello. This is Arielle. Can I help you?"
"Mom. This is Destiny." That's all it took before they were both crying and Destiny's dad got on the other line and apologized for everything that had happened.
"I've got some news for you," Destiny said after half an hour of conversation. "I just hope that you'll be happy. I'm pregnant. The baby is due in two months. It's Cory's baby."
"What are you doing with him? Are you two married?" Arielle was upset and couldn't believe her daughter was involved with that boy again.
"No, we're not married. Seven months ago, those three people that Hope, Michele, and I put in prison got out. They came after me. Cory knew about it and came out to try and convince me to go into hiding. To make a long story short, they wee caught, put in prison, escaped again, kidnapped me, put away, escaped one more time, tried to kill me, and then one was shot, the other is in an institution where he'll never be released, and the other was killed in prison the second time. Cory was at my side, almost all three times. He loves me mom and we were in a very emotional state. We made love and, like the first time, I got pregnant."
"Are you guys going to get married and come back here?"
"That all depends. I can't come back home. I was always told you can't go back. It's been fifteen years since I've talked to you and you were convinced I killed my baby. I didn't, you know. I loved Whitney and I love this baby. I know you don't believe me, and I can't make you do it, but if you want to be a part of this baby's life, you're going to have to learn to forgive. If someone accused you of killing your baby, how would you feel?"
"I know how I would feel. I already went through it. I never wanted to tell you this, but I knew it had to come out sooner or later. If you don't believe what I'm about to tell you, you can find out through the courthouse.
"You were born with a twin. She died a month later. I didn't know what to do and the doctor said it was my fault at first. She had died in her sleep, choking on her own vomit. I had laid both of you on your back, and she died. When I told your grandparents, my mother and father, they accused me of killing her because I couldn't take care of twins. I told them they were wrong and the doctor showed them how it happened. They didn't believe me. That's why I never had another child. I couldn't face the fact that I could let something like that happen to one of my own children."
Arielle was sobbing and then Destiny's dad came on the line. Patrick Devereaux was talking very hoarse like he had been holding back tears. "She's telling you the truth Destiny. We didn't want you to know, but when it happened to your baby, we thought maybe you killed her because you couldn't take care of her. We knew you weren't married, and it's hard to take care of a child being a single parent. The anger only stayed with us a few months. We tried to contact you, to tell you how stupid we had been acting and to apologize for our actions, but we couldn't reach you."
"I had my number changed after Whitney died. It's unlisted in the phone book, but you could have reached the radio station."
"What does the radio station have to do with you?"
"You don't recognize my voice? I'm the one you talked to on the phone. I'm Roxie. It's my show. How do you like it? Do you listen to it much."
"All the time," admitted Patrick. We listen to it nightly. Some of the topics are a little harsh, but when last night's came on, we couldn't hold back. I told your mother to call. I figured it hit home and we needed to talk to our little girl again. You're not little anymore, though."
"No, I'm not, but at least I have my parents back. I'm sorry I didn't try and contact you again after a few years, but it hurt too much. Only Hope, Michele, Cory, Chris, who's my station manager, and Faith, a good friend here, know the story. I just want everything to be okay."
"How is the pregnancy going? Any problem?"
"None, so far. A couple of weeks ago they couldn't find a heartbeat, but the baby is doing fine now. Cory is going to be here for the birth. I'll call you and let you know what it is. I can't come for a visit right now. I don't think the doctor will let me travel being it's this close to delivery."
"Don't take any chances. Just give birth to a healthy baby and we'll see you when we get the chance."
"By the way, what was the name of my twin, mom?"
"We had named her Amanda Elizabeth. Why?"
"I was just curious. Look, I've got to run. If I don't get to bed, I'm going to get up cranky. I'll call you sometime. It was good to know you don't think I killed Whitney. I love you both, I always have."
"We love you too, Destiny. We'll be talking to you soon. Take care and let us know if you need anything for the baby."
They hung up the phone and Destiny broke down in tears. Her parents were still there for her. Why couldn't she have tried to contact them? Thank God she had done the show tonight or she might never had talked to her parents. Her baby would have grown up never knowing its grandparents. Then she smiled. She had her parents back.
Going to bed, she slept soundly for the first time in weeks. That night she dreamt of Whitney and a baby that had to have been her twin. They were smiling at her and telling her everything would be a right now. When she awoke she had tears on her face, but a great burden had been lifted from her chest.
When she talked to Cory a few weeks later, she told him what had happened with her parents and he said he had talked to them himself.
"I wanted to ask you a question Des. When the baby is born and I'm there, I want to have a preacher marry us there. That way the baby can have my name. I know you're not coming back home with me, but it can be worked out later. I just want to know you're my wife and the baby is mine."
"But Cory, the baby is going to have your name regardless of us being married or not. I've already decided to do that, so you don't have to marry me for that reason."
"I'm marrying you for so much more, darlin'. Love, security, honor, just to name a few. I don't want to lose you."
"I can't marry you, Cory. How can we live so far apart and still be married? It wouldn't work. You would hate me for not coming to you and I would end up hating you because you wouldn't come here. I don't want to marry you out of love and windup divorcing you out of hate. I just couldn't bear that. I hope you understand. I do love you and one day we will be married. It won't be now, but it will happen. That I can promise you."
"I wish you wouldn't be so cynical about this. People have long distance-"
"Don't tell me they have long distance relationships. I've thought about that many times, and we've already discussed it. Just let me marry you in my own time. It will happen and soon, just not as soon as you want it to. Look Cory, I do love you, and you've been patient with me this far, can't you be a little more patient?"
"It's getting harder, but yes, I will be. Take care of yourself. Call me two weeks before the baby is due. I want to be there in plenty of time. I love you Des. Just remember that, okay?"
"Yeah. I will. I love you too."
The two hung up, each with different feelings going through their heads and hearts.
Destiny knew what she had to do. She confirmed it with her doctor and had him contact one he trusted. With that taken care of, she called the airlines. She had a reservation to made. She had three weeks before she delivered the baby. At least that's what the doctor claimed. But babies came when they wanted too. It could come in a week or as late as five.
Making the reservation on the next flight out, she packed her bags, called up Chris and Faith, and told them what was going on. Getting in her car, she drove to the airport in Glory. Less than five hours later, she had a car and was heading toward her parents house, hoping they were up for the shock of their lives.
Getting out of the car, she walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. No one answered, so she went around to the back. There was Patrick and Arielle sitting on the back swing drinking lemonade and eating cookies. They never looked better, Destiny thought.
Walking toward them, she made no sound, but they must have heard something, for when they turned their head, their faces went pale with recognition and then Arielle jumped out of the swing and went over and hugged her daughter.
"What are you doing here? I thought your doctor said no traveling until after the baby was born?"
"I talked to my doctor this morning. Everything is fine, and he said I could go. I couldn't stand being away from you guys any more. I just had to see you both and make sure that everything was going to be okay again. I didn't dream it, did I?"
"If you did, then we had the same dream." Patrick Devereaux walked over to his daughter and embraced her. Leading her over to the swing, he sat her down and then lemonade and cookies were pushed at her.
"I can't eat right now. Thanks anyway. I'm staying here until Cory gets off his shift. Well, since he's the chief, I supposed he can get off anytime. I didn't want to make any trouble for anyone, but I needed to come home again."
The three sat and talked out in the yard until Arielle happened to look at the clock. Six-thirty and they still hadn't had any supper, not any plans for it. Arielle mentioned it to Patrick who suggested they eat out.
"Can't you two just go get something? I'm starting to get a little tired. I think the jet lag is starting to catch up with me. What I'd really like to do, is lay down and sleep for a couple of hours. Do you mind?"
"No. Are you sure you don't want anything to eat? We can fix you something."
"Thanks, Dad, but no. I do have to make a phone call. I need to call Chris and tell him I arrived and I'm safe. He's very over protective."
"Go right ahead, Destiny. We'll be back in about an hour. If you do decide to eat, there are some sandwich makings in the refrigerator." Patrick and Arielle gave Destiny a kiss before they left. Destiny went into the living room sat down and dialed the office number to talk to Chris.
"I just wanted to call and say I made it home."
"You're back in Rapture?"
"No, silly. I'm in Rainbow Falls staying at my parents house. The number is on the slip of paper by the phone. I left it there this morning. I just wanted to let you know I'm okay. Tonight I'm contacting Cory and then I'll be back in touch with you to let you know what my plans are."
"Take care of yourself and that baby. You always have a place here if things don't work out between Cory and you."
"Thanks for caring, Chris, but I think everything will work out just fine between us. I've got to go. I'm getting sleepy. I'll talk to you soon."
Less than an hour later, Destiny was sleeping soundly in her old bedroom. Arielle and Patrick looked in on her and smiled at each other. They never thought they would see her like this again. Could they ever let her go and not know where she was? To that they both knew the answer was a resounding NO.
Destiny woke up after a restful nap and glanced at what time it was. Cory should be home by now, after all it was almost midnight. Picking up the phone, she dialed his number and a woman answered.
"Is Cory there?"
"No, I'm sorry, but he is at his office. Who is this?"
"Is this Candy?" Destiny was hoping it was, but her dream was shattered when the reply was no.
"My name is Cindy. I'm his wife. Who is this?"
"I'm Destiny. When did he marry?"
"You're Destiny? I can't believe you're calling him here. He said you were calling him at the office. I'm not really his wife, but he said you might be calling. I didn't know it was you. Cory is at the office, and he can fill you in on why I'm here."
Thanking the woman, Destiny almost didn't call, but she had to know. Dialing the phone once more, she reached Cory and asked about Cindy.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me here? Cindy is my wife for right now. She's part of my case. In a couple of days, hopefully shorter, she'll be out of our lives. I'm her cover for our case. Why are you calling me for? Is the baby coming?"
"No. I just wanted to say hi. I was thinking about coming to visit, but maybe you might not want to see me."
"Honey, I wish you could come and visit me. I miss you so much. I want to feel those lips of yours on mine and your breasts flattened against my chest. You quivering with need and those sounds you make driving me right out of my mind. Sound interesting to you?"
"Interesting enough for me to picture it right now. How much longer are you going to be at your office?" Suddenly Destiny felt her stomach tighten. It wasn't hunger, but then she was afraid to think about what it might be. Noticing the time, she wrote it down and then listened for Cory to answer her.
"I'm going to be at the office for at least another two hours. Why?"
"In case I want to talk to you again. I just want to make sure I can talk to you instead of your "wife"."
"Very funny, Des. Call me whenever you want to. I love talking to you, and fantasizing about you." They hung up and Destiny kept a watch on the clock, but no other twinges came. Smiling, she realized it must have been hunger after all. Going into the kitchen, she fixed herself a sandwich and then went on into bed.
An hour later, she felt another twinge, but put that down to the hurriedly ate sandwich. Laying back down, she went to sleep and slept peacefully until morning.
Morning came and with it, a touch of nostalgia. She could smell breakfast and a few new smells too. Getting up, she got a quick shower and dressed before she went down the stairs. Seeing her parents laughing at some remark brought her back in time.
Patrick saw his daughter standing there and smiled at her. "Come on in and eat with us. It's a little like ole times again, isn't it. All three of us together. If I didn't know better, in a few minutes you'd be heading off to school or one of your friends' houses. It doesn't seem right that we put our pride ahead of our daughter. I'm sorry doesn't cover how we feel."
"It's okay. I'm here now and it's good to be here. It's going to take some getting used to."
"How are you feeling today?" Arielle had picked up the slight tenseness of Destiny's body when she sat down.
"I'm feeling okay. I have a little heartburn after the sandwich I ate last night. It just didn't agree with me that late. I think after breakfast I'm going to take a ride and see the old school and a few old friends that I've kept in contact with. Don't worry if I don't come back until late. I'm going to stop by Cory's too."
"I thought you did last night. Is everything okay between the two of you?"
"Everything is fine, Dad. I stayed here last night and talked to him on the phone. I didn't want to go out after you left last night. I'll be fine. I've been on my own for a long time now and I can take care of myself." Seeing the hurt in her parents' eyes, she quickly amended the last statement and gave both of her parents a hug and kiss.
Breakfast went fast and Destiny walked out to her car. She drove to her old high school and found it was different. Instead of being the red brick building, she found it had changed to a white two story with shutters of black. Everything has to change after some time, she thought.
After going to some of her old haunts, she ended up at a fast food restaurant. Her stomach was growling like she hadn't ate in days, so she ordered one of their bacon cheeseburgers. The food went down easy, but within minutes a sharp twinge interrupted her solitude. It couldn't be the food this time. Noting the time, she reasoned with herself that if it was a contraction, it would happen again in about fifteen minutes or earlier.
Twenty minutes and then an hour passed with nothing at all. Maybe it was just the baby moving around. That had to be it. After that thought, there was a twinge, but not as sharp as the other one. It was only the baby moving. Now she was sure of it.
Going to the local mall, she went into the baby shops and bought a little outfit for Noel. While she was shopping in the baby department, she looked at sleepers and picked up a few on impulse.
Looking down at her packages, she couldn't believe she bought blankets, sleepers, little boy/girl outfits, rattles, sheets, bottles, and stocked up on formula that would last her at least six months. Resting on one of the benches another twinge came, but this was a little more sharper than the other ones. Her watch showed it was only three in the afternoon, and she didn't want to go to Cory's house or office right now.
Twenty minutes later, while she was walking to her car, another pain hit her. She knew right then that this was the first stage of labor. She had to get to the hospital. It was on the other side of town and would take thirty minutes to get there. She knew she had at least an hour or more. Destiny had to get to Cory first. She wasn't having this baby without him.
In the car, she put on her seat belt when another contraction hit her. This was really sharp and had her gasping for breath when it was over. If she took her time driving to the police station, she should make it without too much trouble. What should have taken only fifteen minutes at the most, ended up taking her thirty-five. Sitting in the car, she heard a pop, like a balloon and figured out what that was. A minute later it was confirmed.
Using some of the blankets, she tried to clean herself up, but it was no use. No cars were in the lot, and she prayed that Cory would be there. Walking up to the door with her pants soaking wet, she opened the door only to find a clerk there.
"Could you tell me where Cory Ritchfield is?"
"I'm sorry, but he isn't here right now. He went home to his wife. Can I help you?"
"I'm Destiny Devereaux. When will he be getting back? I really need to talk to-"
The last word was cut off by a contraction and she almost bent over double with the intensity of it.
"You're Destiny? She's out of state."
"Miss. I'm Destiny. I came in last night and talked to him and Cindy. She's not his wife, it's a cover. Do I pass the test?"
"I guess. It wasn't a test. I just wanted to make sure you were who you said you are.
"Do you have a phone where I can-"
"I think you better sit down. I know a lady in labor when I see one. I'll call for an ambulance right away."
"NO! I don't want an ambulance. Call Cory and tell him where I am. Better yet, take me to him."
"I can't do that ma'am. Someone has to stay here. Here comes Cindy. She can take you to the hospital."
"I don't want the hospital. I want to get to Cory. Tell me how to get to his house."
The clerk didn't answer, but told Cindy what was going on. Destiny looked over at the woman who just walked in.. Cindy was about five-one with short black hair and brown eyes. She was too skinny, but emanated warmth and caring. Cindy went over to Destiny and asked how she could help.
"I just want to get to Cory. Tell me how to get there."
"Destiny, you're in no position to drive. I'll drive you. Cory would kill me if anything happened to you or the baby." Getting into the car, they started down the road. "When we get there, I'll help you to the front door and then leave. I'm a cop. Cory has told me all about you. The baby, how you guys fell in love after all these years apart, was just like something out of a romance novel."
Not wanting to attract attention, they only had the lights going and they arrived at Cory's five minutes later. Cindy, true to her word, helped her to the door and then sped off.
Cory had been sleeping on the couch when he heard what sounded like a car door slamming. Looking toward the front door, no one came through it, so he thought he imagined it. A minute later there was another one along with the sound of the doorbell.
Please don't let this be an emergency, he thought. All he wanted to do was go to sleep for a couple of days. Opening the door, he got the shock of his life. Destiny was standing on the step, holding one hand over her stomach and one hand on the door frame. Her pants were soaked and she was gasping in pain.
"My God, honey, is it the baby?" Of course it is, you nimwit. Why else would she be leaving a puddle of water on the floor? "I'm going to call 9-1-1 and get someone out here for you. Just be still, I'll be right back."
"Don't leave me. I don't want an ambulance. They wouldn't get here in time anyhow. I came here with an assurance from my doctor that the baby wouldn't be born for another three weeks. He gave me permission to fly, unless you want to chew me out."
"I just wish you would have went to the hospital and then called me. I don't know how to deliver a baby. The only thing I've ever delivered were kittens once. They didn't make it. I can't do this."
"A contraction stopped her from responding at first, but then she spoke. "I know you can do it. If I can come back here, spend time with my parents and think about a future with us here, I know you can deliver our baby."
"What did you say?"
"I said a lot of things."
"About a future here. Are you telling me you're moving out here?"
She stopped talking and started holding her breath. "No. Don't hold your breath. Focus on something. A song, a picture, anything." Cory knew something about childbirth. If you took your mind off the pain, you could get through it quite easily.
There would be time to talk about the future, but right now, he was focused on the miracle that was about to unfold in front of his eyes. He helped her off with her pants and then lay her on the couch.
"You'll ruin the couch without newspapers."
"I don't care. I'll buy a new one. Now I want you to think about something. Think about how you're going to feel in a couple of hours when our baby is delivered into this world and you can hold it."
The contractions came hard and swift leaving her breathless and gasping for air. Cory finally convinced her that she was doing fine and not to worry about the couch she was so concerned with. He had hated it in the first place.
"Destiny, push with all you have in you. The head is crowning. Come on, darlin', you can do it." Destiny pushed and then once more until the baby was out.
"What is it?"
Cory cleaned out the baby's mouth and eyes, took the baby and put it on Destiny's stomach. He went into the bathroom and got some alcohol and sterilized his knife he carried with him. Coming back he cut the baby's umbilical cord and wrapped it in a blanket he found.
"Yes, honey?"
"I want you to meet Coryanne Elizabeth Ritchfield, your daughter."
"What did you name her?"
"I think you heard me. Coryanne after you and Elizabeth after my twin. Ritchfield is your last name."
"I know what my last name is. Why did you name her Coryanne?"
"Isn't it obvious? I wanted to thank you for giving her to us and this is the only way I know how to do that. Do you like the name?"
"I love the name. It's unusual, just like her mama. I think you came all this way here just to give birth. Who wants to give birth in a hospital. That isn't unusual. Not too many people can claim they give birth in a house and instead of screaming about the pain, they were worried about the couch."
Seeing her face screw up in pain, he knew the afterbirth was on its way. He delivered it with no problem. Getting her to agree to be taken to the hospital was another problem.
"Can't I stay here?"
"Des, I want them to check you and the baby out for my peace of mind. The baby was delivered in less than sanitary conditions and you need to be checked out. If everything works out okay, you should be released by tonight. Do you want to call your parents? How did you get with them anyhow?"
"They called my talk show. I was having a program on parents who didn't talk to their grown children. They cleared up a lot of things and I flew out last night. I didn't want to tell you then. I tried to catch you at the office, but your clerk said that you were with your wife. She's very nice by the way."
"Cindy's not my wife, Des. I thought we had all that straightened out when we talked about it."
"We did. Your clerk decided to tell me that she had to make sure I was me. She must be very protective of you."
"She is. Now, while our daughter is sleeping, I have to ask you what you meant by starting our future here."
"I think that statement is pretty clear. If that offer is still open about us getting married and living here, I'd like to take you up on it. I want to marry you and live here for the rest of our lives."
An ambulance pulled up outside Cory's house before he could answer here. Cory let them in and they took her out with Cory right beside her. The ride to the hospital was short and there was no way for them to talk to each other. Cory was pacing back and forth at the hospital while Destiny and Coryanne were being checked out. In the time she was sin the examining room, he called Chris, Faith, Hope, and Michele.
Later, in Destiny's room, she called her parents and then asked Cory to call his parents. He refused for a minute, but one look at Destiny's face, he picked up the phone and called them.
"What happened? What did they say?'
"They'll be here in an hour to see the baby. They said congratulations and anything they could do to help they would. I don't know what brought around the change, but whatever it was, I like it. Can we talk about that statement you made now?'
"Which one? The one about us getting married?"
"Yes. What brought on your change of mind?"
"A lot of things, but the main one, was you. I kept telling you I couldn't live around my parents and not talk to them, but you had done it, even after that phone call to them months ago. But the real reason is, I love you and where you are, I want to be. I think you'd better tell your "wife" she has to find a new "husband.""
The nurse brought in Coryanne at that time, and both mother and father looked at the newborn with the dark brown hair, blue unfocused eyes, pouty mouth, pert nose, and valentine shaped face and knew that they had come full circle.
Destiny looked at Cory and Coryanne and knew she had all she wanted or would ever need in life. Destiny's loves were right at her side and she needed to look no farther.
Destiny’s Love
"I found it. I found the treasure." Destiny Devereaux screamed above the noise. Michele Green and Hope Andrews were searching in the train car below her. She was on top and had found the secret compartment. Lifting out the small container, she shook it to make sure it wasn't empty. Hearing the small noise inside she motioned her friends up.
"Come on, open it. I want to see it for myself." Hope wasn't one to wait for anything and she wanted it unveiled now."
"You know we can't. If we open it, that's when all the evidence will be destroyed. Once they catch the crooks, then we get to keep the treasure. Come on, guys. We have to get this to the cops." Destiny scrambled down from the top of the car. Jumping down, she joined her friends on the ground and they started toward the clearing in the woods.
"Not so fast. It seems like that is our treasure and you stole it from us. If you think you can take that to the cops, then you are badly mistaken. Now hand it over before something happens to you."
Destiny, Hope, and Michele looked at the three men with guns in their hands. They had huge guns and the men were even larger. The men started advancing toward the trio of girls and pointed the guns at them. Raising the guns at eye level, they warned the girls one last time.
"If you hand that over right now, you won't be hurt. We'll just tie you up and before any one could find you, we would be long gone and who would believe a story about finding treasure above a train car and then losing it to the thieves who put it there in the first place? I don't think anyone would even give that story a second thought."
The girls looked at one another and knew they couldn't give this up. They would fight to the death if they had to, but the treasure wouldn't stray from their hands. One by one they shook their heads no. They started to back up thinking they could get into the train cars and then hide if the need arose. The men would never find them in there. Turning around, they heard the unmistakable sound of guns being cocked.
"We won't let you have this. You murdered one of our teachers for this and we can't let you get away with it. Just don't kill us. If you let us get away, we won't tell anyone we saw you. No one has to know who you are. We'll let you get a head start and then we'll leave." Destiny was backing up while Michele was talking, but the killer out in front caught the maneuver and motioned her back with her friends.
"There will be no taking this to the cops. The only thing that will be going to the cops is your body in a body bag if you don't cooperate with us. Now give us the box. I'll give you to the count of three. One..., two..., th-"
"Get your hands up and drop the guns. You three girls get out of the way now."
Destiny, Hope, and Michele practically ran for the train cars. When they reached the last car, they hopped on and watched as the police handcuffed the men and led them away.
When the last one was out of sight, the three girls came off the train and approached the officer in charge. "Can I help you with something?"
"Here is the box containing the evidence against those men. Here is also a tape that was given to us by our teacher before she was murdered. If it's possible, we would like the box back and the film inside. The film inside has pictures of our teacher and some of us with her."
"I think that can be arranged after the trial and then we'll see about putting you in special care. You know who the killers are if they were to ever get out of prison, which is highly unlikely, they might come back and retaliate against you three."
"It won't be necessary. We're going to be going away to college and from there wherever our careers take us. I don't think they'll ever remember us. We're grateful you showed up, but how did you know where to find us?"
"A guy named Cory Ritchfield told us. From what he said, you three girls were going to get some evidence and to look by the trains. He overheard a conversation between you three and figured you must have come here when you didn't show up at school today. We thank you very much and I think you better go give this Cory person a thank you call for saving your lives. I'll be contacting you later on this week for some answers to this case."
Destiny handed over the case and the three friends walked out of the woods and towards the road where the car was parked. Getting into the Ferrari, Destiny put it in gear and then drove off toward Michele and Hope's home. An hour later, Destiny was at Cory's home knocking on the door. She couldn't believe he had saved her life. There was no way for her to say thanks properly, so when the door was opened, she was propelled forward. Unfortunately, it wasn't Cory who opened the door. It was his father and Destiny found out that Cory wasn't going to be home until later on that evening.
Telling Cory's father good-bye, Destiny got into her car and went for a drive. Instead of going home, she drove toward the lake. Not too many people were at the lake this time of day, but she saw one lone car parked in the spaces. Sitting at the picnic table was Cory. Destiny parked the car and headed over to him. Looking up, Cory smiled at her, but he smile didn't quite reach his eyes. He looked dejected and she didn't know what to do to cheer him up.
"That was a stupid thing to do. You could have gotten yourself killed along with Hope and Michele. Why didn't you leave the thing to the police instead of doing it yourself? Doesn't my love mean anything to you?"
"Yes, it does. I love you too, but I wanted to find Mrs. Hin's killers. There was no way that I was going to stand by and not do anything. She left a tape and it told of the last place she was going. The tape then had a voice saying she better get down before it starts up again. Hope and Michele both reached the same conclusion I did. Last night we planned to come here and try to find it before getting the police out here. We had no idea that the killers were going to be out here too."
"So you three risked your lives to be martyrs? You could have given the stuff to the police and then let them find it. Did you think of me once while you were in danger?"
"Truthfully, no. So much was going through my head on how to get away from them and I didn't have time to think about anything else. I came to thank you for telling the cops what you heard. You saved our lives. I think I'll leave you alone now."
Destiny started to leave, but Cory called her back. She looked back and saw tears shimmering in his eyes. Going over to him, she was startled when he reached and grabbed her, holding her like she was a fantasy and he was unsure if she would leave if he let go.
"Destiny, I was so scared that I was too late. The police said that there was a chance that you might be dead when they got there. I don't know what I would have done. It's too hard to explain my feelings and the reaction, but I love you so much and when we finish high school, I want to marry you. Will you be my wife?"
"You know I will, but what about our colleges? We're both going to different ones and they're so far apart. I want to get my degree and you want to get yours."
"Des, we can talk about that later. I just want to hold you for a little while longer."
Cory and Destiny held each other and then they walked for awhile. In her heart, Destiny knew it wasn't going to work. Cory did too, but they held onto the dream for a while despite the pain in their hearts.
Walking back to their respective cars, they slowly kissed each other and then left. When Destiny got home, she found the killers had confessed and the trial would start sometime in the coming year. The date hadn't been determined. Since they wouldn't need any of the girls to testify, they could leave anytime they wanted.
Destiny had one more test and school and she needed to study for it even though she knew the material backward and forward. Before she knew it, the clock in her room struck ten and she jumped off the bed.
Down the stairs, she heard the laughter of her parents and she went into the kitchen where they were making themselves some popcorn. Going over to them, she hugged them both and then told them what had happened that morning. Knowing the response she was going to get before she was done reciting the story, she held up her hands when she was done.
"I know what we did was wrong, but I had to do it. You would have too. My thoughts have been straying to what could have happened if Cory wouldn't have called the police. Right now, I would be dead and so would Hope and Michele."
"I know what you're saying is right to you. There is no excuse for what you did though. That kind of stuff should be left to the police and not to amateur detectives. You should know that by now, Destiny. I think you have done enough soul searching of your own for us to start berating you. I think you have learned you lesson. If not, then I think you had better start."
"I have, Dad. Thank you for not yelling or punishing me. You're right. I have done enough soul searching. There is so much that I would have missed if something had gone wrong. For one thing, I would have missed Cory's proposal this afternoon. He asked me to marry him after we graduate."
"You two are getting married?"
"He did ask, but after I accepted, I got to thinking. Our marriage won't hold together once we get our careers on track. Heck, we won't even be in the same state once we go to college. I'll be in Wyoming and he'll be staying in Colorado. What are we going to do, commute on weekends? We both know that it was fear that told him to propose in the first place, and it was fear that made me accept. I have a lot to think about, so I think that I'll just go to my room and go to bed."
"Destiny? By the way, how was I supposed to have punished you? You'll be leaving tomorrow after your finals. You're not even going to be here for your graduation. Was I supposed to say you have to stay here until after your graduation is final?"
"You could have, Dad, but I would have just climbed out of my window and left anyhow."
"You know we're going to miss you, terribly, don't you?"
"I will too, Dad, but I have to be on my own, now. I love you both, and I'll be back for visits. It's not like we won't see each other for years on end, you know. I'll be leaving right after my last class tomorrow. I don't want to cry and if I come home and say good-bye, I might not want to leave."
"Honey, you don't have to leave."
"Yes, I do, Mom. I have to be on my own and earn my place in life. I love you both."
Destiny ran up to her room and cried herself to sleep, while her parents held onto each other like they never wanted to let go. If things would have turned out different many years ago, they would have been saying good-bye to two daughters right now, instead of only one.
A night filled with nightmares and unforeseen events, she wasn't exactly refreshed when she awoke the next morning. She told her parents good-bye one last time, packed her bags in the car, and raced out of the house. It was so strange to know that after her school hours were over today she wouldn't be coming back here.
Destiny wasn't sure of what she was going to tell Cory when she saw him, but she had to think of something. Walking to her classes, she thought she could easily let him down, but the decision that was made really wasn't up to her after all.
The class came too quick for her and she was walking up the stairs to it when she heard his voice.
"Destiny!" She turned around and saw Cory standing on the steps leading to the second floor. She walked down the steps and they went to stand beside the lockers on the side of the staircase. "Weren't you even going to say hi?"
"Hi. There's something that I need to tell you. This isn't going to work, you know. There isn't any way we can be married when we go off to college." She didn't say anything else, but looked sadly into his eyes.
"I know. What are we going to do about it?" Cory looked at the woman in front of him for long moments, like he was trying to memorize her face. Destiny put her arms around Cory's waist and hugged him hard, not wanting to let him go.
"Just do one thing. Tell me you love me, and let me go."
"Oh, Des. I do love you, so much. You're right. We have to let it go." Cory bent his head and softly kissed her good-bye and then he turned and went up the stairs before her."
"Good-bye Cory. I hope you have a good life. I love you too." Destiny softly spoke to herself, then walked up the stairwell, into her class, and took the last test of her school years. An hour later she walked out of the school, got into her car, and left for the airport. It was now time for her to be an adult.
She couldn't look back, she had said her good-byes, shed final tears, and hoped for the best. There was only tomorrow to look to now.
Fifteen years later Destiny awoke with a start. Realizing she was shaking violently, she turned on the light and looked at her alarm clock. Shaking her head she realized it was only eleven o'clock. She had only been asleep for over an hour. What was the dream about anyway?
Thinking back, she slowly recounted everything that had happened in the dream. She saw three men and they were pointing guns at her. This was no dream. This actually happened to her. Why was she dreaming this now? She hadn't thought of them in years. It must have been the movie she saw before bedtime. Why hadn't she just watched the romance movie marathon instead of the murder mystery?
Destiny knew she was safe, but she just wished she had some one to actually tell her she was. Laying back down, she tried to go back to sleep, but knew it was useless after fixing some hot chocolate and drinking it and she was still wide awake. Looking at the television, she really didn't want to watch the news and there was no good movie on.
Giving up and going back to bed, she wished she had someone to call. There was no one awake at almost midnight, she knew that for a fact.
Looking around her house, she saw the momentos of her high school days with her friends. Hope and Michele looked back at her with smiling faces and she had to smile. The picture was taken on her last day of school and they were sure they were all going to be living closer together when they had finished college. How times had changed.
Hope had ended up in Vermont, married and with a child in high school. Michele lived in Delaware with her husband and no children. Michele and Destiny had lost contact with one another over the years, but last Christmas Destiny had received a card from her telling Destiny what had happened. For the last few months they had been planning their get together. Destiny couldn't wait to see the both of them again.
Once they got together it would be like they never parted, of that she knew. There was only one thing bothering her. Would they mention Cory? Both of the girls went back home to see their families regularly and she knew they had to see him. She had never went back home. She couldn't. The last she heard from her parents, Cory was still living in Rainbow Falls. That was fifteen years ago. Was he still living there?
What was he like now? She had thought about him many times over the years and fantasized what it would be like to see him again. Unfortunately, or fortunately, she never would know the answer. She didn't want to see him again. Rather, she wanted to see him again, but he hurt her too bad back then for her to forget his face and the way he looked. Then she remembered. He hadn't hurt her, they had realized it was over long before she had left Rainbow Falls. His face was just one that she would never be able to put out of her mind.
Coming out of her musing, she looked at the clock and found out it was way past two in the morning. Destiny had to get some sleep. There were still so many things to take care of before the girls came in two days. How was she supposed to get everything done in time for them? She would think about that tomorrow. Now she was going to bed and get some sleep.
The ringing of the alarm clock woke her out of a sound sleep. She couldn't believe she slept soundly and didn't hear it the first time. Getting out of the bed, she went over to the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of orange juice.
Drinking the glass, she rinsed it out just as the phone rang. Hoping it was one of the girls, she answered without her usual reservations.
"Hello. Is this the Destiny Devereaux residence?" The voice sounded strangely familiar.
"Yes it is. Could I ask who is calling please?'
"My name is Cory Ritchfield and I am the sheriff of Rainbow Falls, Colorado. I need to talk to your mother."
Oh no. It couldn't be him. But it was. How many Cory Ritchfield's lived in Rainbow Falls? She couldn't talk to him. Why was he calling now after fifteen years.
"Hello? Are you still there?"
"I'm here and your are talking to Destiny Devereaux. Why are you calling me here and how did you know where I lived?"
"I called Hope and Michele and with some bribery and a few veiled threats, they gave me your address and number. I need to talk to you and it's very important. I heard from Michele that you girls are getting together this weekend. Is there any way that I can see the three of you? I am not trying to see you just out of curiosity. This is official police business and we need to get together. After this weekend it will be too late."
"Can't you just tell me what the problem is over the phone? I haven't seen the girls in along time and we only have this weekend together."
"I really can't Destiny. I need to speak to you three in person. If any lines are tapped you could be in danger. I have your address and I'll see you on Saturday morning early. I want to tell you this and then we can figure out what to do when I'm done."
"Okay, but I want to say right now, Cory, that I'm not very happy about this at all. Fifteen years is a little long to wait for a reunion."
"It would be a very sad reunion if I waited until you showed up here to tell you. This is very important. I wouldn't lie to you about that."
"I know. I have to go Cory. I still have a lot to do before I have three guests this weekend. By the way, where are you going to be staying while you're here?"
"We'll talk about that Saturday morning. Good-bye Destiny."
Hearing the phone go into a busy signal, she hung up the phone and then started shaking. Why was he calling now? Why couldn't he have just left her alone? He better have one good reason why he was coming down. Her luck, he was inviting her to his wedding or to his children's soon-to-be graduation. She would think about that when it happened. Right now she needed to get dressed and call Hope. Hope would be able to get everything straightened out for her.
Dialing the familiar number, Destiny prayed that Hope would be home. On the fourth ring a breathless voice answered the phone.
"You weren't doing anything were you?" Destiny hoped she didn't interrupt anything important.
"The only thing you interrupted was my exercise routine. Thank you for that. Why are you calling?"
"You didn't get a phone call from Cory Ritchfield telling you had to talk to us three girls this weekend, did you?"
"Oh, that. I forgot about him calling. He called and said something was urgent, but I really don't think it is. Maybe he's just calling to find out where you were and that he wanted to see you again. This could be a good excuse to see you."
"Right Hope. He's going to travel all the way from Rainbow Falls, Colorado to Rapture, Wyoming just to see me after fifteen years. No, there has to be a good reason why. He didn't say anything about it over the phone?"
"No. The only thing he said was it was very urgent he talk to all of us. I told him we were getting together this weekend at your house and for him to call you if he had any questions. I gave him your number and address. I should have called you first, but he did sound urgent. I'm sorry if it was too troubling hearing from him."
"It's okay, Hope. It was a shock, but this is something that has to be done. Let's get off the subject. When does your flight get here again?"
"I arrive at the Rapture Airport at ten. I'm renting a car instead of having you pick me up. That way you can get everything ready and I can pick up Michele instead of having you run around like a chicken with its head cut off."
"It is a good idea. I guess I better go. I still have some things to pick up and I want everything to go perfect. Well, as perfect as can be expected. The first time we're going to be together in twelve years and we have an uninvited guest coming."
"I'll see you around eleven Saturday morning. I want to look around some and see how much it's changed in twelve years. I just hope I don't get lost."
"See you Saturday."
The two hung up the phone and Destiny worked the rest of the day cleaning her home and getting caught up on dusting and laundry, her two hated chores. By the time no more could be done it was almost five. Where did the day go? Just then the phone rang. Who could that be? Hopefully not another guest coming.
It was her next-door neighbor Faith wondering if Destiny would watch her newborn while she went out to the store for some formula and diapers. Agreeing, Destiny hung up the phone and smiled. There was nothing like a little baby around the house. Over the last fifteen years she had watched many newborns and had a few stay with her for a few weeks. She was a temporary foster parent for newborns when they didn't have one lined up.
Five minutes later her doorbell rang and Faith had the baby in one hand and a bag of clothes, diapers, bottles, and other accessories in the other. If Destiny didn't know better, she would think the baby was going to be living with her forever instead of at least half an hour.
"What's all the stuff for? You're not going to be gone long are you?"
"As if you minded. Actually, I'm going out of town tomorrow and packed everything tonight. I wasn't about to be hassled tomorrow."
"It's a good idea. I'll take Noel and we'll be waiting for you when you get back. See you in a little while." Destiny took the bag and came back for Noel. Closing the door, Destiny rocked Noel back and forth to quiet her and then turned on the radio softly to an easy listening station to soothe the baby.
Not five minutes had passed when the doorbell rang again. Smiling, Destiny walked with the baby over to the door and opened it. "You just couldn't stay away and let me keep Noel all to myself could you, Fai-"
Looking up with laughing eyes, she stared directly into ice green ones. She stumbled a little and backed up against the door. It couldn't be him. He said not until Saturday morning. This was Thursday night. He wasn't here, it was only a figment of her imagination.
She started to close the door when a hand reached out and stayed the reaction. "I would like to come in. It's pretty cold out here."
"I would rather you freeze out there until Saturday. That's what you told me. You never were too good at holding to commitments, were you?"
"I don't have time to talk to you about things that happened long ago. This is very urgent, can I please come in?"
Destiny stood back and allowed him in and when she closed the door, she flattened herself against it.
"You don't have to worry about if I'm going to attack you. I don't make a habit of assaulting women who are married and just had a baby."
Looking at him strangely, she was about to correct him when she thought better of it. If Cory wanted to believe she was married and had a child let him. Maybe it would get him out of her house quicker.
"What do you want, Cory?"
"About that matter we discussed over the phone. Things happened more quickly than what thought they were going to. This is going to be quite a shock to you, so I think you better sit down."
"I can stand just fine. Get on with it, Cory. Quit stalling and spit it out."
"Those men you, Hope, and Michele put away fifteen years ago are out and looking for retaliation. They bought a good lawyer and finally he got them out under a loophole in the law. According to the depositions, they were never read their rights and under that they can be released.
"It came across my desk yesterday and I knew they would be looking for the three that put them behind bars for the last fifteen years. They were supposed to be released next Monday and that was to give me time to find all three of you, but they got out this afternoon. I tried calling you, but the line has been busy the whole afternoon."
Destiny couldn't believe her ears. They had been released. She walked weakly over to the chair and sagged in it. Noel started crying and that brought Destiny's head up. Reaching down to the bag that was on the floor, she picked up one of the bottles and gave it to the crying baby.
"How old is the baby?"
"She's a little less than a week old. Her name is Noel."
"I hate to say this, but we have to leave and you're going to have to take more clothes than that and contact your husband. He'll have to leave too. He's in danger by association."
"You don't understand, Cory."
"No, Des, you don't understand. They'll find you just as easily as I did. All I had to do was find Michele's parents, and from there you were easy."
"Let me finish. This isn't my baby. I am not married. I'm baby-sitting for my neighbor. Plus I think your idea is a little farfetched. For one thing, I don't think those people know any of our last names. If they do, then they're going to have a hard time tracking us down. Hope and Michele are married and my number they can't get through the phone company."
"You're right. I still want you to leave. Call whoever you need to and see if you can stay with them for a few days until we figure something out. I don't want any of you three in danger. Like it or not, you are in danger."
"I think you're making more out of it than really is warranted, Cory. Those men have had to forgot about us. Heck, they didn't even know our names. I'm not calling any one and I am having my weekend with my two friends and nothing is going to change."
"Nothing except for one thing, Des. I'm staying here. You admitted you are not married and I'm not having you nagging my conscious until we can get those three men back in prison. I couldn't do my work right. It has nothing to do with you and the way we felt about each other in high school. I am the sheriff for Rainbow Falls and I protect all people in my city and those in danger out of my range.
"I am not leaving, Cory. This is my home and next week is my first vacation in five years. There is no way I'm leaving."
"Then there is only one option left. I'll stay here. I can protect you."
"Don't be ridiculous." She took the bottle out of Noel's mouth and lifted the tiny bundle to her shoulder to burp her. "I can protect myself. I am fully aware on how to use a gun to protect myself and I will if the situation arises. I am not a shrinking violet afraid of my own shadow. I have shot at intruders and protected myself against a rapist and there is no way I'm going to change my life or anything for three men who want to kill me or do whatever."
Destiny was busy watching Noel, so she didn't see Cory's reaction to her statement. His face went ashen and he clenched his hands to his side. My God. A rapist and intruders. What kind of work did she do to warrant such behavior? He decided to ask her.
"Why don't you sit down for a while, Cory. It doesn't look like you're leaving anytime soon. You might as well make yourself comfortable."
"Tell me about your work, Des."
"Please don't call me that. I prefer Destiny."
"Okay, Destiny. Tell me about your work."
"I work in a radio station part time as a late night talk show host. I am also a temporary foster parent for HRS when a home isn't ready for a baby yet. I know you must think whey would someone like me be working in a radio station, but I love my work. It's never the same day after day and I haven't had a vacation in a long time. Are you happy now?"
"I was just curious about what you do. I know you went off to college to study children's psychiatry and over the first few months you were away, I wondered how you were making out."
"I did just fine, Cory. I did get my degree but when I got out of college, I had to have a job, and this was the first one I got and I love it."
"You said you've shot at intruders and fended off rapists. What happened? I don't want to be nosy, but you've piqued my interest."
"Well, the guy who broke into my house said I had a sexy voice and he fantasized about what I looked like. In court he said he just couldn't help himself from breaking into the house to see if the fantasy was reality. The attempted rape happened when I was out jogging one morning. He jumped me from behind and I fought back. What's the end of the story. Now can we forget about this?"
"I'm sorry I brought it up."
The two people sat there across from each other absorbed in different thoughts and broken dreams. When the knock at the door came, Cory jumped and pulled the gun from his waistband. Jumping up, he went over to the door and looked out the peephole.
"Put it away, Cory. It's only Faith. She's the only one who knocks. Everyone else usually rings the doorbell." Getting up, she walked over to the door and opened it for her.
Faith looked at the man inside the door and raised her eyebrows in question. Not too many men visited Destiny at her home. Let alone a man with a gun.
"Is everything okay, Des? Do you need something?'
"I'm fine Faith. This is Cory Ritchfield. He's visiting for a few days and will be leaving soon. I'm sorry he pointed the gun at you, but he's used to cops and robbers breaking in on people. Noel was a good baby. She drank an ounce and went to sleep. Here's your stuff. I'll watch her anytime."
"I appreciate it Des. You're a good friend. If you need anything, just give me a call and I'll have Terry come over and help you."
"Like I said, Faith, he's an old friend from my hometown visiting for a few days. I'm perfectly safe with him."
Faith left and Destiny closed the door. Leaning against it, her body felt cold from where the baby had been laying and was now gone. Looking at Cory, she saw his eyes harden.
"What did I say now?"
"Besides me being 'an old friend'? We're more than that and you know it! Why is it that she can call you Des, but when I say it, you insist that I call you Destiny?"
"It's different. There aren't any memories of her calling me that. There are too many with you."
"Oh yes, the memories. You know, I always wondered about where you had went to. This is an exciting town. Rapture, Wyoming, population five hundred and twelve at latest count. Why didn't you ever let me know where you were?"
"I tried many times to write, but never knew what to say. Look, it's getting late and I have to be up early tomorrow. Your bedroom, since you insist on staying here, is through that door and down the hall to the right. There are new sheets on the bed and towels in the bath. I'll leave you to your own resources. By the way, we're not more than old friends anymore. That was a long time ago, and some things just can't be brought back."
Saying good night to him, she went into her room and undressed, slipped under the covers and prayed for a restful sleep. It was not to be. For the second night in a row she hardly slept at all.
In the room across from hers, Cory had just as much trouble as she did trying to sleep. He speculated whether or not she would kill him if he went into her room. Ever since he got here this afternoon, he wanted to kiss her. He had taken two cold showers and they were vastly overrated. Cory wanted her with an intensity that shocked him.
Destiny got up the next morning and hoped it was all a dream, but she knew better when she spied him in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Bacon and eggs with juice and coffee surprised her, but she opted not to show him.
Cory turned around just as she walked into the kitchen. God she was beautiful. Short brown hair and ice blue eyes complimented the oval face with full lips. Her eyes still held traces of sleep and her cheeks were flushed. Putting the food on the table he went over to her and bent his six foot six frame and kissed her fully on the mouth startling her.
"Why did you do that?"
"Des, I've been wanting to do that since you opened the door yesterday."
"I told you I wanted you to call me Destiny."
"I can't. You know why, I've told you but you just don't want to admit it. I'm not going to lie to you. I haven't felt the same way for any woman since the day you left. I still love you Des and sooner or later you're going to realize it. There's only one problem. By the time you do, it might be too late.
Cory turned around and put his food in the microwave and then walked out the door. Destiny looked at the man who walked out the door and shook her head. He ignited her like a house afire, but here was no way she could tell him that. If it would be too late for her to admit her love to him, then so be it.
Destiny had finished eating and did her dishes when the phone rang. Picking it up, she was surprised to hear Hope and Michele's voices on the other line
"Why are you calling here?"
"We just heard on the news that those three men had been released from prison due to a loophole, but they are supposed to be in a half way house, only they never showed up. They are now fugitives on the run. We finally have names to go with the fades. The one who is the mastermind is Harley, they call him that because he has a large tattoo of a Harley Davidson motorcycle on his arm, the second in command is Ed, and the mean looking one is Dave. We just wanted you to know we're coming down early and we'll be with you very soon."
"There's no need to worry about me. I have police protection. Thanks to the kind sheriff of Rainbow Falls, Colorado. He decided to come on up and stay with me, providing me with all sorts of company. Come on down anyway, I could use some friendly company."
Saying good-bye to her friends, she heard the back door open and close then decided to have some fun.
Keeping the receiver in her hand, she spoke with what she hoped sounded like an angry voice. "You can't call me and threaten me. I have a police chief waiting right here for you. Oh you will, huh? Well I would like to see you even try to get me. I put you away fifteen years ago and I can again."
Slamming down the phone and trying to keep a straight serious face, she turned around.
"Who was that? If that was them why did you say that stuff? You know they're after you. You provoke them and they will find you faster than anything. You're leaving, come on."
"Calm down, Cory. I was only joking. I heard you open the door and decided to try and lighten things up a little. I was talking to Hope and Michele. They'll be here later on this evening."
He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Don't you ever do that again. You gave me the scare of my life."
"I'm sorry, Cory. You're right I shouldn't have done that, but you're taking this way too seriously. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I can't live like this. I have to have some fun and laughter in my life. If you're not going to supply it, then I'll just have to supply it myself."
Looking at her with mixed feelings, he wrestled with emotions better left buried. This was way too difficult for him. He should have sent his deputy for her, but for some reason he knew he had to protect her himself. He still loved her and for the rest of the time he was here, he would protect and care for her and make her realize she loved him.
"I said I was sorry, Cory. It won't happen again."
"You're right, it won't. For now on I answer the phone."
Smiling at some cute remark Cory had said while talking back to the television, Destiny thought that it hadn't been that bad having him around a whole day. Sure there were moments when they got on each other's nerves and she wanted to strangle him each time the telephone would ring and he would get it before she could. More than once, she almost screamed at him just to get her emotions under control.
Looking at the clock for what seemed like the thousandth time in five minutes, she was relieved when she heard the doorbell ring. Giving Cory a shake of her head, she went over to the door and opened it without looking first. Cory could have strangled her with his bare hands.
"It's really you guys. I thought you would never get here. What took you guys so long?"
"Well, to be honest, we got lost. From the airport to the main street was fine, but after that, we sort of rambled around until we found a fast food restaurant, only to find we were no longer in Rapture, but in Glory. These are the strangest names for cities I've have ever heard."
"It's better than Rainbow Falls. If you would have looked down the main street while you were here, you would have seen why they named the town Rapture. Down by City Hall, they have dozens of the Rapture Rose growing. Now come on in while I look the two of you over."
Looking at each other and comparing them to the ones she knew twelve years ago, she saw many minor changes, but none of them were really outstanding. Hope had cut her hair and Michele had gotten contacts instead of glasses, but that was the only changes she noticed.
"You look very nice, Des. I still can't believe it's been so long since we've been together. Hope and I talked the whole way here and thought for sure you wouldn't be the same person you were back then." Michele looked at her friend and laughed. "Still the same to me." Hope agreed.
"She's the same person, only she has a mouth on her and a sick sense of humor." Cory told them what she did that morning. Hope and Michele took one look at her and burst into laughter. From then on it seemed like they had never been apart. Even Cory and Destiny were on better terms with each other.
The rest of the evening went on with reminiscing and much laughter. Getting out the old pictures, they looked through them each commenting with a different story until they couldn't hold their eyes open any longer.
Destiny told them where their bedrooms were and then Cory told all of them he would talk to them in the morning after they had been well rested. Going to their separate bedrooms, Destiny prayed she would sleep, but it proved fruitless and she spent most of the night tossing and turning, her mind weaving erotic dreams about the man in the room across the hall.
Dawn came too soon and when all three were sitting around the table, Cory stood behind Destiny and told them exactly what happened and that he wanted them all to go into hiding. It came as no surprise to him when all three turned him down. They had husbands and the only one who really needed protecting, as Hope pointed out, was Destiny.
Not knowing exactly what to say, Destiny focused on the task of eating, knowing Cory knew how she felt. The other two knew something was up and decided to sightsee a little before lunch and they left the two alone to discuss the problem.
"As I said, you're not staying alone here, and while you do, I will stay with you. I have a lot of vacation time built up and I'll spend it here in the small quaint town of Rapture. I can be just as stubborn as you."
"And I told you, I know self-defense. I have taken courses and no mugger, rapist, or ax-wielding murderer would dare come and get me. Give it up."
"I bet you I could catch you off guard."
Before she knew what happened, Cory had her wrists captive behind her back and she was flush up against his body. Destiny's body was betraying her and instead of trying to pull away, she was pushing her body against his. Looking up at his face, she saw his eyes darken and then she felt what was happening to him and groaned.
Trying to get away, she tugged, but he just pulled her harder against him. Her eyes were mirroring the same emotion his was and then he looked at her lips. They were wide and parted slightly. She licked them with her tongue to moisten them, trying to think of something to say so he wouldn't kiss her, but hoping he would, desperately.
Her eyes are what held him fascinated. Going through many different emotions, they finally tuned smoky and she whispered the one word he thought he would never hear again from her.
"Please, what, Des?"
"Kiss me. You want it, I want it, so do it."
Cory leaned down and slowly melded his mouth with hers and it felt so right. Softness and warmth invaded his mouth and he felt like an addict with her as the drug. This is what he had wanted from the first minute he had seen her with the baby in her arms. Why did the lady affect him so much?
Lifting his head when he felt her push at him, Cory looked down at the woman in his arms.
"What's the matter? Was I too rough?" Cory looked at Destiny's lips and saw they were swollen and bright red.
"No. It's just that it's going too fast. I don't want or need this right now." Who are you trying to kid? You want this, you dream about this. Cory just kept looking at Destiny trying to will her into letting him kiss her again.
Destiny looked up at Cory and shook her head when he started talking. "I'm sorry if I went too fast, but you still have the softest lips and you move your mouth and tongue like no other woman I've ever kissed."
Destiny didn't want to think about the other women he had kissed. Why should that bother her so much? The feelings she had for him were in the past and that's where they should stay, shouldn't they?
"Why are looking at me that way? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just a little shaken. I never expected to feel like this kissing you again. Those feelings I thought had disappeared and I hoped they would never return."
"Des, you have to know, I never intended to hurt you like I did. I never really hurt you, we both pointed out the obvious back then. You have to believe me. I did want to marry you and I think you felt the same way."
"I did feel the same way. It's just in my mind, I keep seeing you leaving me. If you really wanted us to be together, you could have tried to make it work, somehow."
"What about you, Des. You could have stayed instead of hopping the first plane and leaving without even saying good-bye. At least it could have been an appropriate send off. You said good-bye, you loved me, and then you left. If I would have even imagined you really meant good-bye, I wouldn't have even let you go."
"It's not going to do any good to rehash things, Cory. What's done is done and it can't be changed. Let's just try to get through this and we'll see what goes on from here. I don't want to discuss this any further. I want to try and clean up while Hope and Michele are out. They deserve a good time, we all do, and I intend to give it to them as best as I can."
"What about me, Des. Can you show me a good time, too? You know what I like and how to do it. How about a little preview?" Cory just looked at Destiny and knew he went over the line.
"You're turning what we shared into something graphic and sickening. You're making me sound like a whore."
"I'm sorry, Des. I'm only trying to lighten things up around here. I'll make a promise right now. I'll act like an adult, only if you promise to quit making me feel like the enemy. If you would have stayed fifteen years ago, we could have had the girls up to our house showing them a good time right now, and I wouldn't have to worry about your life the way I'm doing right now."
Destiny turned her back on him and walked right into her bedroom, slamming the door in the process. Cory only smiled at her departing back. She was scared of her feelings for him and she didn't want to admit it.
He still had a chance and he was going to go for it. Still smiling, walked out the front door and to his car. He needed to go for a drive and sort some things out. By the time he got back, he would have a way for her to see the truth.
Destiny couldn't believe how much Cory's words hit home. The truth always came out, that's what her mother always told her. So far everything had hit home with a vengeance. She knew she was using leaving Rainbow Falls as a smoke screen, and she knew she had to stop. It was bound to come out in the open why she disliked him so badly, but she couldn't bear to tell him.
When he did find out, how would he react? There wasn't anything he could do, the damage was done and sooner or later everything would be reconciled. The past had a way of catching up with people and this was creeping up a lot faster than what she would have like, even though it did take fifteen years later for it to happen. Destiny should have felt prepared, but no one could have prepared her for the hurt to surface.
Forty minutes had passed by when a car pulled up in the driveway and honked the horn. Looking out the kitchen window, she recognized Hope's rental car and walked out the door.
"What are you honking for? Why didn't you just come in?"
"We just wanted to make sure that everything was all clear before we came barging in. After all, you were alone in that house with a gorgeous guy. You haven't been seeing anyone for fifteen years, and I know that you must be getting very horn-"
"That's enough Michele. Point taken. Now what do you want to do?"
"We found the perfect thing to do for a Saturday. Let's go play some miniature golf. Worst two out of three pays for supper. The winner gets to pick the place to eat."
"You've got a deal, Hope." Not bothering to write a note, Destiny got her purse and then sat in the car. Thirteen minutes later they were standing on the first tee off and Destiny was the first golfer.
Trying to line her shop up, she whacked it a good one, but missed the hole completely. Hope and Michele had the same fate as Destiny. Destiny was up again and she got the ball in the whole in four shots, Hope had three, and Michele have five. The next seventeen holes went similarly the same, but with each one getting a hole in one on a different hole. Tallying up the scores, Destiny found she had lost badly, but had her sights on round number two.
The second eighteen went most the same way with Hope losing. Comparing the scores between the two games, Destiny was the loser by only one point.
"Okay, Michele, where to?"
"Well, we could go fancy and go to the River Restaurant, or we could go reasonable and go to a fast food restaurant."
"Which is it going to be, Michele. Fancy trimmings with little portions of food, or cheap with moderate helping?"
"Well, Hope, since you put it so indelicately, we'll go reasonably cheap." Getting into the car, they went to their favorite fast-food place. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Hope noticed it was well after five.
"How long have we been gone, Des?" Destiny looked at the clock and noticed that five hours had gone by and quickly got up.
"I have to call home. Cory is bound to be worried about us."
"About you maybe, but I don't think he's as worried about Hope and me. What is going on between you two anyway? The tension is so thick in that house that I think a knife could cut it."
"We've been having some serious discussions and I think that he should go on home and leave me alone with my own thoughts. There is no way those three killers are going to track us down. I just wish he would go back to Rainbow Falls and leave me and Rapture out of his protective thoughts."
"Do you really want that? I mean, sooner or later you are going to have to tell Cory why you are so angry with him. I think that this is the best time for it. Lay all the cards on the table, sort of speak."
"I suppose you're right, Hope. There is no time for something like this and there will never be. He's here now, so let him find out why my temper is so short with him. After all, he didn't want to help with the medical bills after our daughter was born, or after the funeral costs that I had to pay for. I wrote him letter after letter and they were never sent back, so I assume he did receive them."
"Instead of getting angry with us, why don't you tell him and get some if it out of your system." The three headed for the car and then Hope drove to Destiny's house and they all got out of the car.
"Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick about you."
Hope and Michele looked at each other with smiles on their faces. If that wasn't justifiable concern, what was?
"I went out for some badly needed air and we all went golfing and then we went out to eat. Is that okay with you? I didn't know I needed your permission to go out with my friends, that were invited here, by someone who wasn't."
"Damn it, Destiny, when are you going to get it through your thick head that all three of you are in danger? Is it when one of you gets hurt, killed, or abducted by them that you finally realize it? You better start thinking about that. I don't know why I'm putting up with this." Cory stalked back into the house and left the three girls outside staring at him.
Five seconds later he came rushing back out. Grabbing Destiny by the shirt, he growled, "Yes I do." His mouth came crashing down on hers and the heat and pent up passion came into play that he had tried denying. He lifted his mouth and said, "Think about that, Des," then turned quickly and went into the house.
"I think we all better have a talk about what happened fifteen years ago. Come on, Des, it's time you stop putting off the inevitable and tell him."
"Hope's right, Des. Cory still loves you. I know you don't want to hear that, but it's obvious. He's worried about Hope and me, too, but I don't think he'd be able to stand it if something happened to you. Ask him what happened when you left."
"Do you love him, Des? If you do, I think you had better tell him." Hope and Michele put their arms around their friend, both of them knowing that she loved him.
"I don't know if I still love him or not. I don't want to put myself in for anymore hurt when he leaves. I can't go with him when he leaves. I have my own talk show here and this is where my life is. My parents aren't going to be there for me, so who am I going to be around?"
"Just think about it, Des. I found out that no matter what the consequences are you have to tell them how you feel."
"You're right, Hope. Come on, I'm going to need your moral support."
Hope and Michele preceded Destiny into the house. Destiny went looking for Cory and that's when she noticed he was packing his suitcase. Rushing into his room, she took the suitcase off the bed and sat on it.
"What do you think you're doing? I can't take anymore of this. One minute it's like we're on the same wavelength, the next it's like you don't care whether you get hurt or not. I'm not going to stand by and watch you put you life into danger. If I'm out of town, I'll be too busy to worry."
"You can't go. I have to tell you something and it will be worth your time to here this. If you want to know why I'm so angry at you, come into the living room and you'll find out." Destiny walked out of his room and sat down in her favorite rocking chair praying her nerve wouldn't give out on her.
Cory came in to where she was and sat down opposite Hope. Michele looked at him and then he looked at Destiny. He knew somehow this wasn't going to be a nice talk. "Well, Des, did you bring me out here to just look at your friends or are you actually going to tell me what is bothering you?"
"I just have to figure out where to start to tell you. I never thought I would have to tell you this face to face."
"The beginning is always best, Des. Come on, just tell me."
"Remember the first time we made love? I was a virgin and you knew that, but you didn't use any protection. I knew I should have insisted on it, but never thought about what the consequences would be."
"What happened? There is no way I gave you AIDS. That is a fact. If you're trying to pin that on me, you're going to have to find a better excuse and someone else to frame."
"No one gave me AIDS. Just listen for a minute, will ya? Anyway, I never told my parents what we did. Of course they figured it out on their own, but that wasn't until later. Remember the last day we saw each other?"
"That's something that I'm not going to ever be able to forget. I didn't want you to go, but at the time it was the only solution. Not you going, but not getting married. It felt right at the time, but it just hurt so bad. I had an ache in my chest. It felt like someone ripped my heart out when I found out you were gone."
"The day I left, I wanted no reminder of you or what we shared. A month later I found I had no choice." Destiny looked over at Cory and saw his face pale in recognition of what she was saying.
Cory shook his head. "No. If you had been pregnant, you would have told me and I would have been by your side in a flash."
"I did tell you. I wrote you at least twenty letters and they were never returned to me. You got them, you just don't want to acknowledge your responsibility."
"Des, I never received any letters from you I swear I didn't. A week after graduation, I left and stayed with my grandmother for a week and then when I came back, I got my own apartment. My parents didn't like that too much. They wanted me back under their roof so bad, that we haven't talked for more than ten minutes at a time in ten years."
"I mailed everything to you in care of your parents. Do you think they could have read what happened?"
"I don't know, but could you please tell me what happened?"
"I had the baby on time. Hope and Michele can testify to that. It was a little girl and I named her Whitney Noel. She looked like you. I brought her home and a week later she died of SIDS."
"What is SIDS?"
"It stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. I woke up during the night and she wasn't breathing. I tried CPR on her, but it was already to late. I wrote you letters telling you what happened, but again, no response. I pawned my jewelry just to pay for the funeral costs. There are times when I would get so mad at you that I didn't care if I ever saw you again. I didn't ever want to, Cory. I still don't, but I have no choice. You remind me of my daughter and it hurts. She would have been fifteen today!"
Destiny held back the tears. If she let them go now, they wouldn't stop. Later, when she was alone, the tears could come, and she would rejoice in them. It was the only time she was able to see her daughter, in her mind, sleeping, or grieving over her.
Hope and Michele looked at Destiny. They had completely forgotten. Please, Cory don't say you're sorry. Destiny wouldn't be able to bear that. Hope prayed in her mind that Cory wouldn't be that insensitive.
"I'm telling you the truth Destiny. I never received any letters from you. If I would have known anything about his, you wouldn't have had to go through it on your own."
"I wish I could believe you Cory. It's just too late for apologies. My daughter is dead and you can't bring her back!"
"She was my daughter too, Des." That softly spoken statement brought out the anger already building in Destiny's shaking body.
"Don't you dare call her that! If you really wanted to try and find me, all you had to do was ask my parents. They would have told you anything. Just leave me alone right now. I don't want to talk about it anymore."
"I'm truly sorry. I really didn't know. If you want me to leave you alone, I will, but I won't leave. I'm staying here until Dave, Ed, and Harley are caught and put back behind bars where they belong."
"Suit yourself, but don't expect me to welcome you with open arms. You will respect my silence and I will be able to answer my own phone. One other thing. I will be able to live my life and not have interference from you on how to live it. Is that understood?"
"Perfectly. Don't worry. You won't have me bothering you once."
"Now that we have that settled, let's go have some fun, Hope and Michele. You guys never go to bed before midnight, so let's play a game." Destiny left Cory out of the conversation and left the room with her two friends.
In the kitchen, the three of them put out a game and then Destiny looked at them. "What?"
"I think you know why we are looking at you like this. You told him what happened and then you walk out of the living room and leave him sitting there. If what I'm thinking is the same thing Michele is thinking, then you better get out there and talk to Cory a little bit. After all he just found out he had a daughter and she died."
"That wasn't my fault. I wrote him and not one word or letter was returned to me."
"Destiny, listen to reason." Michele went over to her best friend. Destiny was hurting and she would strike out at anyone she could with her words. "Do you really think Cory would really take all leave of his senses and not even try to find out how you were if he knew you were pregnant? Fifteen years ago we went through all of this and it was never resolved. If you really want to get to the bottom of it, call his parents and find out if they ever gave him the letters."
"Michele, you know how they'll react. They'll say yes and that will be the end of it."
"Not really. Put them on the speaker phone so Cory can listen to them. What do you say? It's the only way to get to the bottom of it."
"You're right, Hope, but then you almost always are. Come on, let's get this over with."
"No Des, you and Cory have to do this yourself. Go on. We'll be right here if anything goes wrong." Pushing Destiny through the kitchen door, they smiled at each other.
"You know Hope, if this thing fails, I don't know what we're going to do. I can't survive another fifteen years listening to Des talk about Cory over and over again."
"I know Michele. This will work. If it takes us staying here and pushing them together every opening we get, we'll do it. I'd even lock them in a closet for an hour if it would help. They belong together and they know it, but they're too scared to admit it."
Destiny walked into the living room where Cory was sitting where they left him. He looked so hurt she wanted to go to him and put her arms around him, but she stayed the impulsive reaction. Instead she sat beside him.
"Cory, I have a proposition for you. You say you never received any letters from me, and I know I wrote them and mailed them so the only choice we have is to confront the people who I sent them to. Are you game?"
"Sure. Do you want to call?"
"Dial the number and I'll put them on the speaker phone. Do they know you're here?"
"I don't think so. If they do, oh well. I'm not allowing them to lie about this anymore. I need to know why they didn't give me those letters."
Cory dialed the umber and when a lady answered they phone, Destiny identified herself. "Could you tell me if Cory Ritchfield is there or where I could reach him?"
"I'm sorry, but I have no idea where he is. He went on vacation and will be back sometime within the month."
"Then maybe you could answer a question for me. Fifteen years ago I dated your son. I moved away after we graduated and wrote him some letters. I sent them to you and he never received them, that I know of. I would like to know if you ever gave them to him."
"Why do you want to know now instead of fifteen years ago? I think it's a little late to be contacting someone you used to date."
"Mrs. Ritchfield, I have a legitimate reason for trying to find out. You see, there is another person's life at stake here and we need to find out if he knows about it."
"Are you saying that you had Cory's child? You should have told him fifteen years ago and not now."
"I tried to tell him in numerous letters. He never responded and they were sent to your address. After no response I gave up. Did you ever give those letters to him?"
"If I remember correctly, Miss Devereaux, they never reached the intended person. You hurt him once already and I wasn't about to let him go through that again. I just hope that your child doesn't want to know its father because Cory will never find out."
"It's too late Mother, I already have! Why didn't you give those letters to me? You know I loved her and wanted to find her."
"Yes. Answer my question."
"I didn't want you getting hurt all over again. Once was enough, wasn't it?"
"It doesn't matter anymore."
"I guess I should ask. Do you have a son or daughter?"
"You're fifteen years late, but I had a daughter. Her name was Whitney Noel. Unfortunately, I never got to meet her. She died within a week of being born. If you would have given me the letters, I could have been here for that short period of time."
Cory hung up the phone before his mother could say any more about the subject. Looking at Destiny, he saw she had unshed tears in her eyes. Starting to say something, he shut his mouth and went over to her and put his arms around her pulling her into his warm embrace. Silently he was telling her he was there for her and she could count on him no matter what.
Michele and Hope looked in the room and saw the two in the embrace and smiled. That's where they belonged. It was too late to go back, but it was never too late to go forward.
Destiny and Cory looked at each other and then pulled apart. "I apologize for all I've said to you. I shouldn't have acted like that. It still doesn't change the fact that Whitney is dead, but it helps to know that you didn't abandon me, and that you tried to find me."
"I tried for two years to find you. I never even thought of contacting Hope or Michele until the wire came over my desk. It was hard to do, and even harder when I heard your voice. For a while I was hoping that you weren't the Destiny I knew in school. All I could think of was how you looked and what it would be like to hold you in my arms again, feeling your body against me, your mouth under mine, and most importantly, your body under mine."
"Don't do this to me Cory. It's true, I've thought of you many times in exactly the same way, but we can't do anything about it."
"Don't be so sure, Des. I want you and I'm going to have you." Cory raised his hand to her face and touched it lightly. "I'll prove it to you, Des." He leaned down and kissed her lips not wanting her to pull away, but praying she had the strength to do so. This was going to be torture.
Destiny pulled back slowly, still feeling his lips on hers. "You don't have to prove anything to me. Just promise me one thing. Don't kiss me again. I don't have the strength to push you away. I just can't handle anything right now."
"Then you better do one thing, Des. Lock your door tonight, unless you want me in there with you." Cory walked into his room and unpacked his clothes while Destiny walked into the kitchen.
"It's a little late to be playing games right now. How about I call out for pizza and we can eat and then go to bed. I have something planned for tomorrow. I hope you two haven't forgotten how to ride horses."
"Looks like you were playing a good game a minute ago."
"Hope, you know it was just out of sympathy."
"Maybe so, Des, but it sure didn't look that way to me."
"It didn't feel like it either, you guys. I have to learn to trust him before anything else. Let's call out for that pizza now."
Cory had been listening at the door for the last exchange and he smiled. She could trust him, that was one thing he could do very well. Turning around he walked back into the bedroom until they called and said the pizza had arrived.
It was sometime during the night when Cory heard the cries. Looking at he digital alarm clock, he noticed it was after one in the morning. Listening again, he knew exactly who was doing the crying. Getting out of his bed, he walked into the hallway only to see Hope and Michele out there too.
"One of us should go in."
"That one of us isn't going to be me, Michele. You know how she can get if this is one of her nightmares where she sits up in bed with her eyes wide open. That's down right scary when you walk in there. You go in and wake her up."
Hope and Michele then looked at the disheveled guy looking at them in amusement. "What are you looking at, Cory?"
"She sits up in bed with her eyes open?"
"If you don't believe us, you can always go in there and check on her. I think you should go anyhow. I have a feeling that she's not sleeping."
"Michele, why wouldn't you two go in?"
"You're supposed to be a sheriff and you can't figure it out?" Michele looked at Cory in surprise. "Just go on in and see if she's all right. We'll see you in the morning."
The two went back to the room they were sharing and Cory went to Destiny's. Opening it he smiled, she didn't lock the door. She wasn't sitting up either. She was laying on her bed with her head face down on her pillow, trying to muffle the sobs that were wracking her body. He put out a hand and touched her on the back.
"What do you want, Cory?" Destiny rolled over onto her back and looked at the man by her side looking at her in alarm.
"How did you know it was me?"
"Hope and Michele would have talked you into coming in here. They're not stupid. They know something is going on."
"Tell me what's going on. Why are you crying your heart out in the middle of the night? Did I do something? I know, it was the remark about not wanting to ride the horse tomorrow, right?"
"No. I wish it were that simple. I just miss her so much. God, you should have seen her, Cory. Her face was pink with life. Her eyes were the blue that all babies have, but I could tell they would have stayed that way. Her hair was white and the little mouth puckered whenever she was hungry. Her little nose was pert, but it was the fresh baby smell of her that I can't get out of my mind. I still have the blanket she slept on that last night. It smells just like her.
"I won't ever be able to forget her. It's just so hard to believe she would have been fifteen today. She should have been bugging me to go out on dates and to wear makeup. To be able to have sleep overs and all the birthday parties. It's just not fair. First I lost you and then I lost my daughter. Do you think that God hates me? I mean, nothing has gone right for me since I left school. I do have a beautiful goddaughter and I'm lucky to have the friends I do, but why does bad things always happen to me? I just wanted to have a little girl to take care of, not be taken away from me." Destiny sat up and looked at Cory. Then she did something completely unexpected. She threw her arms around his neck and held on like she was drowning.
Destiny broke down in fresh sobs. It broke Cory's heart to hear her, but there's no way he would have pulled her out of his arms for all the money in the world. He rocked her back and forth, brushing her hair with his hands and saying soft words to comfort her.
Cory thought she had finally drifted off to sleep half an hour later, but when he moved, she stirred and said, "Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone right now. Stay with me until I fall asleep. Better yet, stay with me until the morning comes."
Cory took off the pants he had put on, and slipped into the bed with her pulling the covers over top of the both of them. He settled her into his arms, giving her a small kiss on the neck as he did so. Pretty soon both of them were asleep, not plagued by dreams of what tomorrow would bring.
"Come on, sleepyhead. It's time to get up, Des. You promised us a horseback ride and it's time to get going." Michele and Hope opened the door and bounded into the room where they got the shock of their life.
Destiny was curled up beside Cory who had his hands resting possessively on her waist and thigh, which was bared. Looking at each other they just smiled. Maybe grief did bring people closer together.
"Hey, Des, it's time to get up." Michele said it louder and then backed up toward the door as if preparing to bolt.
Destiny came awake and looked at her surroundings. She had a companion in her bed for the first time in fifteen years. She looked at the two ladies by the door and her face blushed a nice shade of red. "Cory, come on it's time to wake up." She tried to get out of his embrace, but he only tightened his hold on her.
"I wish we could stay in bed all day, Des. This feels so good and if you don't move your hand, you're going to be in a lot of trouble."
"Cory, I think you should look towards the door. We have company."
Cory took one look and threw his hands to his face. "It's not as bad as it looks. Nothing happened between us."
"We didn't say a word, did we Michele?"
"Not one. Besides, you're both adults and if you want to indulge in a little pleasure then that's totally up to you. Besides, we're not your parents. You can sleep together if you want."
By this time Michele and Hope were in spasms of laughter. Destiny got out of bed and shooed the girls out. "We'll be ready in fifteen minutes." Shutting her door, she went around the bed and into the bathroom to wash her face.
"I'm sorry about that, Des. I didn't mean for them to see us this morning." Looking at her face, he asked, "Did you sleep okay?"
"I slept fine after you came to bed with me. In fact, last night was the best I've slept in years. By the way, they know that nothing happened. They're smarter than they look."
Cory kissed Destiny lightly and then was shocked when she pulled him back down for another more erotic kiss, which he didn't want to end. Putting her away from him, he reminded her, "We only have ten minutes left."
"Why did you pick this activity as our last day together, Des?"
"Well, Hope, I decided I wanted a day none of us would ever forget."
"At least that's true. I'm going to have saddle sores for a month. What about you Michele?"
"I'm having a good time. Why don't you come up here and look at this view?"
Michele and Hope rode ahead to the mountain drop-off. It was fantastic. In late October there was a little snow at the top of the ridges in the distance and the sun was glinting off of it like it was silver.
Destiny just looked at Cory. He hadn't complained once about the horse ride. Smiling at him, she urged her mount forward and saw that he followed. It was hard to believe that in four hours only the two of them would be together. How would they handle being together without having Hope and Michele as buffers?
After stopping for a picnic, they brought their horses to the stable where they had rented them for the day. It had been a fitting ending to a perfect day. No one was fighting or screaming names. Too bad it couldn't always be this way, Cory thought. What he wouldn't give to see her smile at him like that all the time.
At the house, the girls cleaned up, packed their clothes and looked around for little possessions they might have forgotten. Cory and Destiny had been in the kitchen talking while she made a few sandwiches for them to take with them. Turning around she accidentally bumped into him. He reached out and stopped her from falling only to have his hands brush her breasts in the process.
Destiny's breath rushed out of her and she automatically raised on tiptoe at the same time his head came down. Sighing in the back of her throat, Destiny didn't want the embrace to end.
"We hate to interrupt you, but we really should be getting to the airport if we're going to catch our flight on time."
Destiny looked at her two best friends. Why did time have to go so fast? She never had enough time with them. Especially this visit. Why couldn't they just go back to three days ago? Maybe they could have started it out better.
"I wish you guys could stay longer. I really would feel safer if you told your husbands about those guys being out there. They are dangerous and will stop at nothing to get you three out of their way."
"We'll be just fine. If I call every night at the same time, will you try not to panic? Hope can do the same thing and you'll know we're fine."
Michele and Hope just laughed. Never did they think that Cory would actually go for it. He stood in the middle of the room nodding his head. "I think it's an excellent idea. How about each evening around eight you call and say, ' All is well, the fort is secure.'"
"That's the dumbest and most stupid thing I've ever heard in my life. Why don't we just say we're in for the night?"
"Good idea, Hope. It's short and simple and won't run up the phone bill." Michele was all for simplicity when it came to bills.
"Okay. I'm serious about this though. I want to hear from you two every night and no excuses. I don't want anything to happen to you two."
"Well, Hope, we better get our stuff out to the car. We're just going to make it if we leave now." In other words, no tears, no long good-byes if we leave quickly.
After they left, it seemed the closeness Destiny and Cory had shared, diminished somewhat.
Two hours later, Cory and Destiny were sitting at the kitchen table when a knock came at the front door. Cory started to rise, but the look Destiny gave him sat him back down. He heard laughter and then a baby's cry.
A minute later Destiny walked into the kitchen with Noel against her shoulder. Sitting down, she slowly rocked back and forth and the baby quieted right down and finally was sleeping soundly.. She walked into the adjacent room and laid her down in what Cory thought was a bed.
"Why did you lay her on that? She'll roll off."
"It's a crib in there. It used to be Whitney's room but I never had the strength to take it apart and turn it into something else. When Noel comes over, she gets the room."
"How well do you know Faith?"
Destiny looked at him like he sprouted another head. "I've known her for fifteen years. She was on campus with me, but dropped out when she got married. Later I moved in with her and her husband, just enough time to save to buy this house. When she got pregnant at the beginning of this year, I was the first one she told. Her husband was killed in an armed robbery two months ago.
"She has her brother living with her now and I'm Noel's godmother. Faith is like a sister to me and she treats me with respect and she knows what's happened between us. I had to tell someone or go crazy right after Whitney was born. She was the first one I called when I found her that morning. Why do you want to know?"
"I was just curious. You're so outgoing that she could be related to one of those guys and could be giving them information on the side about you."
Destiny couldn't help it. She burst out laughing. Every time she thought she had it under control, she would see his serious face again and the laughter would come back. She finally had it under control a few minutes later.
"Where do you come up with these strange ideas? Is it taught to you at training or do you endure lectures about it?"
"Des, in this line of work, everything and anything is a possibility. We were taught not to overlook a single item. It could be fatal. Now, if you are done laughing, I think I'm going to bed."
"Cory? Thank for all you've done. I'm sorry, really, for the way I was acting and for not believing you yesterday. I'll see you in the morning."
"There's no thanks needed, Des. I just want you safe. I'll do anything in my power to keep you that way. Good-night."
Destiny sat down and started watching the television, but there was nothing good on. Leaning her head against the cushions of the couch, she started thinking about Cory. Soon it gave way to dreaming about him.
"Destiny, what is it? Wake up, Des, come on, look at me." Destiny looked up at the man standing above her. His brown hair was rumpled and his eyes were like that of a madman.
"What's the matter, Cory? Is something wrong with Noel?" Getting up, she make it halfway to the nursery before Cory caught her arm.
"Nothing is wrong with Noel. You were screaming out in your sleep. Why were you yelling for me? What happened to make you call for me so much? What were you dreaming?"
"It's nothing important. Just something that comes back to me now and again. Usually when I think about her, the dreams come at night."
"It was Whitney you were dreaming of?"
Destiny nodded her head and told him the dream. "I was screaming for you to help me get her back to life. You never showed up and I was terrified."
"I wish I could have been here, Des. I really do" Cory pulled Destiny into his embrace and kissed her temple. "I'm so sorry, Des. I just wish that things could have been different."
Cory stood up to leave and looked at the woman sitting when she pulled on his arm. "Please don't leave me tonight. Stay with me. I don't want any more bad dreams. You said you would protect me, and I want your protection against the demons that haunt me at night."
He lay on the couch and pulled her with him. Laying side by side, she slowly went to sleep and that's when Cory had time to think about the troubled woman at his side. Whatever she thought about him, she knew he would try to keep all harm away from her.
Slowly succumbing to sleep, Cory dreamt of Destiny laughing up at him and teasing him with her hands and mouth. The dream was so real that he didn't want to wake up. His eyes opened and that's when he realized the dream was real.
Destiny was slowly kissing his chest and raking her fingernails down his sides and across his thighs. "Destiny, wake up, please. Des, wake up."
"I am awake. Don't you like what I'm doing?"
"Believe me, I like it, but you're half asleep and you've been through an emotional time. That is bound to play a part in what you're doing now. If you don't stop soon, I think you might regret it in the morning."
"I'm not going to regret anything in the morning except not doing this when I first saw you on my doorstep. I want you and you want me, so what's the problem now." Cory had shifted to a sitting position removing her hands from his body.
"I think that we should wait until you are ready for this completely. It's just not right to do it now."
"You really don't want me then, do you? When you give me kisses like you have the last few day, hot, erotic, soul searching kisses, you lead me to believe you want me, but as soon as I try to start something, you call a halt to it. Just say you don't want me and I'll stop making a fool out of myself." Destiny shot up from the couch and ran into her room. Grabbing the door, she started to slam it when Cory grabbed a hold of it first and walked in.
"If I didn't want you, would I do this?" Cory reached up and grabbed her breast with his hand and then squeezed the nipple lightly. "Or this?" With his other hand, he slid it down her body and to the vee of her thighs where he could feel the heat emanating. "Or this?" Then he lowered his head for a hot erotic kiss that made Destiny's insides go into flames. Lifting his head, he said, "If I didn't want you, would I have this problem?" He took his hands off her body, took her hands and pulled them flush with him. "I never said I didn't want you, damn it. I've always wanted you."
Cory slammed his mouth onto hers and ravaged it until he felt her push at him. She turned her head for some needed air. "Why have you been so brotherly around me then? What was I supposed to have thought?"
"Last night you were strung out with emotions and if I would have had my way, I would have stripped off that excuse you called a nightgown and made you beg for me to take you."
"Do it now, Cory. Make me want you until I'm mad with desire. Of course that shouldn't be too hard."
Cory backed away from her and sat on the bed. "Before anything happens I want to know something. I heard the girls talking and they said you hadn't been with anybody in a long time. Why?"
Destiny looked straight into his eyes and then walked over to him. "You're the only one who has ever made love to me. I've never wanted another man's hands on me. From the moment you took my virginity, I belonged to you. How can I make love with someone I don't love?"
Cory had a hard time believing that she had saved herself for him all these years. "Are you telling me that you haven't been with a man in fifteen years, Des. The truth."
"Well, I wouldn't be making this up. You're the one who taught me to love. All these years I've fantasized about you, that's good enough."
"I'm honored, Des. I never thought that something like this could affect me this much."
Destiny went over to him and kissed him with all the feeling she had held in her for so long. The kisses they had shared the last few days were pale in comparison to this one. "I have only one question," she said when she lifted her head. "Do you want me now?"
"There hasn't been a moment since I've walked through your door that I haven't wanted you."
She pulled his head back down for a kiss then lifted her head, breathing heavily. "Don't make me stop this time, Cory. I don't think I can."
"Then don't Des. Show me how much you want me."
Destiny kissed him like she never had before. If this man was the water she needed to live, she drank like she was dying. Lifting her head and looking into his eyes, she saw he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. Pulling his head back down for one more explosive kiss, she slowly lifted her lips and moved away.
Cory looked at her in confusion. Then he smiled. Destiny lifted her shirt and exposed a lacy satin white bra and then the jeans came off and exposed more lacy satin panties. Cory dragged in a breath and then went over to her. Touching her lightly, he didn't want to wake up and find this was all a dream. Reaching for the front fasten, he unclipped it and removed the garment, sighing as he did so.
Destiny suddenly felt alone being half naked. She put her hands on his shirt that he had hastily donned when she had screamed, and slowly unbuttoned it. Removing it slowly, she wasn't prepared for the sight she saw. A large scar ran from the middle of his ribs down to his navel. She gasped and looked to him.
"I decided to get drunk one night after you left and ended up trying to slice myself open from the ribs down when I ran into a light pole. I haven't taken a drink since."
"That's what Hope and Michele wanted me to see."
Destiny went on down to his jeans and unbuttoned them and then took her fingers and gripped the zipper like she was going to rip it open. Slowly it went down enough to release him, and then the pants came off in one fluid motion. She could tell he was ready, but she didn't want to rush anything. Going over to the stereo, she turned on the radio to her station.
Her voice, low and sultry, came over the airwaves and Cory looked at her in shock. "I did this session a couple of months ago." Turning the knob a little to the right, she got a radio station with soft music floating through the speakers.
The only two obstacles left were the underwear on both of them. Cory could tell Destiny was a little shy about removing them so he removed them for her and then his before laying her back on the couch.
"I don't know how you kept this shape after fifteen years, but however you did it, it's dazzling. I wouldn't alter one bit of this body. Come here you and ply me with those magical kisses of yours."
Destiny did as she was asked and then when he couldn't take any more of them he rolled on top of her and started kissing parts of her body that she forgot had any feeling. Nobody had touched her there but him and she doubted any one would ever again. She only wanted him.
"Is this what you wanted, Des? Did you want me touching you like this?"
"Oh yes. It feels so good and I don't want you to stop, Cory. Don't ever stop." Destiny moved her head back and forth and then flipped him on his back and continued the torture that he was inflicting on her.
Running her fingers through his chest hair, she flicked his nipples and grinned when they tightened in response. Giving him small kisses across his abdomen, she went farther down and kissed his inner thighs, giving small love bites to the center of him that stood out so rigidly. He knew that if she continued, he would climax instantly, so he flipped her on her back and kissed her wildly for a moment before rolling her on top of him.
"Come on, Des. Make yourself want me like I do you." Destiny slipped her fingers down her body and knew she couldn't wait any longer. She lifted up and let him slip inside her. She felt like she was being torn apart. When she was totally filled, she stilled herself from moving and caught her breath.
"Look at me, Des. Let me watch your face, experience your pleasure." Destiny looked into his eyes like he asked and moved slowly at first, reacquainting herself with the feel of a man inside her. Soon she felt him grip her hips and move her faster. She moved back and forth faster and faster until she heard her blood pounding in her ears and her breathing stopped.
That's when the world exploded. Colors, bright and vivid, swirled around her and she fell head over heels until she finally hit earth again. Right after that, she felt Cory experience his own climax. After their breathing had slowed, and heartbeats were back to normal, Destiny glanced at Cory.
"You're not sorry this happened are you? I mean, I did come on really strong."
"Des, I loved it. A man likes it when a woman comes on like that. Spontaneity is what men like. Not choreographed moves and planned romance. I just don't want you thinking that you have to do this every night to please me."
"I did this because I wanted to. I needed to feel you against me. I guess seeing you and then telling you about Whitney forced me to really see you for the person you really are. You haven't changed, but I have."
"Hello. Yes Chris, what is it? Just tell him that I'm unavailable right now and there is no way I can talk to him. If he won't listen, just tell him you're going to call the phone company and you'll find out exactly who he is and we can have him arrested for harassment. You've handled this guy before, Chris, so why is this so different now?"
Destiny looked like she had seen a ghost when she answered. "I didn't realize. Isn't there any way you can get him to hang up? I'm not coming out there tonight. It's my vacation, and I'm not going to stop what I'm doing because he's calling again. Handle it for me, Chris, please. I'll be at work tomorrow and he can talk to me then."
"Who's Chris? Who are you going to talk to tomorrow?"
"Chris Marchand is my station manager and a guy keeps calling there trying to get me to talk to him. He calls almost every night and has been for the last couple of months now. Tonight's topic was a repeat on friends who were murdered and how the friends were now. I've talked to the guy before, and on some topics he really gets upset if I don't listen to what he says. He's told me on many occasions that he's going to get me and screw me up if I don't do what he says. I've never paid any attention to him, mainly because I don't go by my real name on the talk show. He can never find me."
"What name do you go by?"
"Promise you won't laugh?" At his nod, she answered, "Roxie. I call the show Roxie's Revenge. Since it's about how people feel and how they felt when someone they helped put away for something they did to someone else, I felt it was appropriate."
"I like it. Do you ever have any sexual topics?"
"A lot of times, why?"
"Roxie has a very sexy and hot sound to it. Maybe this guy has the hots for you. I'll tell you, Des, with that voice I heard on the radio, I would want to find you too. "
"Maybe, but right now I have the hots for you. Come here, wild man and let's make love."
Destiny and Cory loved intermittently throughout the night. When the light of dawn started to brighten the morning sky did the two lovers finally drift into a light sleep. Destiny hadn't been asleep long when the cry from the nursery woke her. Sitting up suddenly, she looked around in confusion trying to figure out what the noise was.
After the second cry, she got out of bed and went into the nursery. Noel was wet and hungry. Changing the baby's diaper and feeding her went by without any thought. She had been a foster parent for a good many years now, and nothing ever made her upset. For some reason with Noel, she started crying as soon as she put the baby in the crib.
That's how Cory found her. Sitting in the rocking chair, tears streaking down her pale cheeks, sobs racking her body. Concerned, he went over to her and put his arms around her holding her tightly.
"Honey, what's the matter? Are you okay? Did I hurt you last night?"
"You didn't hurt me. You could never hurt me. It's just that for some reason having Noel in the house and taking care of her makes me think of Whitney. I've had lots of newborns in this crib, and they've never affected me like this before."
"Does it happen all the time?"
"The last couple of weeks it has. I've thought about Noel and the tears come."
"Have you ever stopped to think that Noel was Whitney's namesake. That's the main reason. Now, why don't you go back to bed for a while. I'll make breakfast after while and then we can all rest."
"I can't. I have to take Noel over to Faith's house in fifteen minutes, and then I have to go see Chris. I'm afraid my little vacation is over. I put in for a couple of weeks, but I don't think that Chris can handle these calls on his own.
"Des, I don't want you going into work. I would like it if you stayed here where I know you'll be safe. Please. I know something is going to happen to you. I just have that feeling. Isn't there some way you can tape your shows? If last night's was a repeat, why can't they do others?"
"The show you heard was the last in a series of repeats. I swear, if there was a way, I would stay here. I've already told you that I'll be safe. You can't keep me from doing my job. If I get fired, what will you do?"
"That's easy. I'll take you back to Rainbow Falls with me and I'll marry you."
"That's not funny, Cory. Don't even joke about something like that."
"I'm not joking, Des. Until a few days ago, I really didn't care if I saw you again. Now since I have, I don't want to let you go. Come back with me and be my wife."
"Cory, you know I can't. Things are happening way too fast for me to make a decision like that. I don't know what I feel for you right now. The emotion I have is something like the one I had for you then. I just don't want it to get it confused with gratitude. I need some time to think about this. Give it to me and don't pressure me and I swear I will think about it.
"I need to get a shower and then I'll meet Faith at her house with Noel. I'll be home about five tonight. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
"I'll worry about you until my dying day. I want to tell you something. I still love you, Des. That emotion is one I've never lost, at least not consciously. There will always be a part of my heart reserved for you and that Destiny, is the God's honest truth. I'll let you take your shower now."
"Okay Chris, play me back the tape where the guy was talking. I want to hear what he said."
"It's already loaded." Chris pushed the play button and the familiar voice came across.
"Listen to this Roxie. I know how it feels to have someone killed. I wasn't exactly mourning when she died, but I mourned in my own way for the last decade and a half. I want to talk to you about her death and how I was compensated for it. I want you to feel what I went through and how I had to suffer to her death. I want to tell those people who made my life the way it is, suffer just as much as me."
"I can't believe that he said that. He's never said that much to me at one time. Has he ever given his name?"
"Not really. He started to once, but all we got was D-"
"Well I guess we'll just have to put a tracer on the phone and see if we can get phone numbers for every call that comes in. I'm going to get my things together for tonight's show. The topic is going to be about incest inside the family. I just hope this isn't going too far. I read somewhere that some members of the family try to ignore it, but you can't anymore. It's in the paper, on television, in books. Why can't it be on radio?"
"I don't disagree with you, but do you really think that your listeners will go for something like this? You've done kinky sex shows, murder revenge shows and fantasy shows, but never one like this."
"If they don't like it, then we'll never do one like it again. Sort of like a trial run."
Destiny left for her office and started mapping out some of the segments that she wanted to air. Hoping she wasn't doing something she was going to regret, she put out the final draft for Chris to see and approve and then left for her home.
Cory had been thinking about what he had said to Destiny. He couldn't believe he just asked her to marry him. Why did he even say it? He had been thinking it, but never in his wildest dreams, did he think he would propose to her after a few days of being back in her life. Last night had been so wonderful he just couldn't believe they had actually made love. That's when it hit him. They had used no protection!
Hearing a car pull up in her driveway, he went over to the window. She was getting out of the car. Deciding not to act like a lovestruck teenager, he went into the living room and sat down. Turning on the television, he turned to a talk show. Smiling at the irony of the situation, he left it on.
"Hey there, what are you watching?" Destiny looked at the television and then back at the man sprawled on her couch.
"It's about men and women who have come back into each other's lives and find they have a relationship after all those years. Kind of ironic, isn't it?" Cory looked at her and had to admit she looked rather interested in the program.
Destiny sat on the couch beside him and watched the rest of the program. When it came to the final minutes the show had a warm reunion with high school sweethearts that had been separated for over thirty years. Was this how it was to be with them? Was there any hope for them if nothing happened to her? She didn't want to spend the next fifteen years looking for love when she could have him by her side from now on.
"Hey, why so quiet? It wasn't that emotional." Glancing over at her with interest, he watched her face go from one extreme to the next. What was she thinking of? "Des, are you okay? What's the problem?"
"What? Sorry, I was thinking of something."
"It must have been important."
"It was Cory. I need to know something. When you proposed to me this morning, were you saying that out of guilt for our dead child? I really hope not, because if you did, you know my answer will always be no. Even if it wasn't, my answer is still the same. I can't marry you right now, and I doubt if I ever will. Last night was great, but I'm still the same person I was yesterday.
"Can you honestly look at me and not see me for who I was the other day when Hope and Michele were here. I know I can't. There is only one way I will marry you. You have to love me for who I am and not what I represented once before. I'm not the same person you loved before."
"Des, I'm not asking you to marry me for what might have been with Whitney. I was asking you to marry me because I still love you. Yes, you are the same person who make my life turn upside down just a week ago, but those feelings are still the same as if I've never left you. You are the same person who've I've loved for the last fifteen years."
Destiny got up from the sofa and walked to the other side of the room. Why couldn't he just leave her alone and let her figure out her feelings for him? She opened her mouth to say something, but it was effectively cut off by the ring of the phone.
Cory looked up when she hung up the phone. "I have to go. That was Chris and this person who's been calling my show is at the radio station. He is insisting he speak to Roxie. I have to go."
"Then I'm going with you. Who all knows that Roxie is not your real name?"
"Chris, the other two people who work the day shift, and now you. Why?"
"How long has this guy been calling you?"
"I don't know. Maybe seven or eight months now. Why are you asking me these questions for? It's not like it's Harley, Ed, or Dave. They were in prison at the time."
"They were in prison, but they do listen to radios and they are allowed to make phone calls. I just want to make sure you're not in any danger. I also want to meet this guy."
"You're not going to go with me, or meet any guy. This is my radio show and if you show up each time there is a guy down there who calls me, Chris and my job will be on the line. I don't want anything to jeopardize this job. It's all I have, nothing else makes me as happy."
"Will you be happy if I go and leave you alone? How about if something happens to you when you're at work? Will you be happy then? I know I won't."
"Nothing is going to happen to me at work, Cory? I promise. We have security cameras and most of the time everything is secured. I park in a well lighted area and there is nobody around when I leave the building. Well, sometimes there is a guy around, but he's been there for the last five years. He works in the pharmacy nearby."
"Des, I just don't want you getting hurt."
"I'm not going to get hurt. I was fine before you showed up and I'll be fine after-"
"After what? After I leave? I'm not going anywhere without you. I'll be here with you until you agree to marry me."
"Don't hold your breath Cory. There's a lot you don't know about me."
"Yes, but there's a lot more I do know about you. I know you like this." He lowered his mouth and slowly kissed the parted lips. Pulling her closer, he deepened the kiss and slowly brought his lips back up. He looked at her smoky blue eyes with humor. "You better get going. Chris will be waiting."
"Good-bye, Cory."
Destiny walked out the door a little shaken. She had never been kissed like that before. Face it, she's never been kissed by anybody except for Cory. Chris didn't count, he was a friend. Cory's the only one she wanted to be with. Now that he'd given her the chance, she turned him down. Why? She still didn't know. By the time she got to the station, she still didn't have an answer.
"That is the guy who has been calling me all these months?"
"Yes. Do you know him?"
"No. Send him on in." Destiny continued to look through the glass partition of the office at the small blond haired man sitting in the chair. He looked familiar, but it must have been her imagination.
"How do you do?" Destiny shook the man's hand who had been introduced as Marty. "Why did you want to meet me for?"
"I've been listening to your program for the last three months every night and couldn't wait another minute to meet you. I just wanted to meet the person behind the voice and wisdom of late night. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble telling you to hurry over here. I have a good reason though. You see, your shows have helped me through some rough times and the show you did on men and women not being able to commit themselves to someone else really had me looking at my life. Because of you, I proposed to the woman I've been in love with for the last five years. I just wanted to thank you."
"You're welcome, Marty. I'm glad I did some good. Just promise me one thing." At his nod, she continued. "I want you to give her lots of love and don't go to bed angry. Work everything out if it takes all night. There's nothing stronger in this world besides love."
Thanking her, Marty left the station and then Destiny let out a sigh of relief. Why should that have shaken her up so much? Did she really expect one of the killers would be here and kidnap her or kill her. She laughed at her and Cory's imagination.
How would she react if she saw him in the store or something? Would she start screaming or would she run? No doubt she would run and make a fool out of herself. One of these days she had to calm down and Cory wasn't doing her any good.
Telling Chris she was going home until her show, she left the station and headed home. Once more she pulled up in her driveway, only to wonder what Cory would be doing. Why was she thinking about him continually?
Walking into the house, she called out his name, but there was no answer. She went into the kitchen only to find a note on the refrigerator door. So, he went out for a while. Good, she had time to reassess her position.
Five hours later he still hadn't shown up and she was getting ready to leave for work. Writing him a quick note, she left the house. At work, she make a quick call home, but he wasn't there. She left a message, just in case.
The clock on the wall showed her it was time to get situated in her booth. The headphones on and the sound checks made to suit her were done when the music sounded. Roxie's Revenge was about to start.
"Hello, this is Roxie speaking. Tonight we are talking about a very sensitive topic. Incest inside the home. I want to hear from anybody who has suffered because of this. Let's talk a little about the signs you can spot." Destiny talked for a little over ten minutes when the first light showed up.
"Hello. What can I do for you?"
"My name is not important, so you can call me Eddy. I wanted to say I was molested. There have been incidents of incest in the family, not to me, but to other members. I was wondering if anything like this ever happened to you."
"Nothing happened to me Eddy, but I do know what to do."
"Too bad. I bet you would have like it. Is that why you talk on this show? Do you get off on hearing all the kinky little pieces people tell you about their lives. When you get home to that empty house, do you masturbate and get yourself to orgasm, or do you just fantasize with the live in cop you have in that house?"
Destiny had been shocked when she first heard the voice. She knew that voice from somewhere. Making a motion to Chris, Destiny hung up on the caller and quickly went to another caller. This one was more graphic. The third caller actually had something to say, but she was already upset by the time it came.
During the break, Destiny started to shake. That guy knew where she lived and who was with her. Who was he and how did he know all those things?
Hurrying her shift up, she asked the security guard to walk her out. At three o'clock in the morning, the streets were pretty well deserted, but deserted or not, it was still frightening. Inside the car, she locked all the doors and then raced home as fast as was allowable by law.
The house was dark, but Cory's rental car was in the driveway. She all but ran to the house and the next instant, she was shaking in his arms telling him the entire story. Soon the shaking stopped, but the fear didn't.
Cory kissed her temple and assured her he would get to the bottom of it. Destiny knew he was just saying that, but all she needed was the assurance.
Following the curve of her neck down to the swell of her breasts he kissed. Not stopping and praying she wouldn't, Cory unbuttoned the shirt and took off her jeans. Pretty soon they were both naked and hot from wanting each other.
Cory slipped inside Destiny and she welcomed him instantly. How could something this wild feel so right? Destiny didn't know the answer, but she knew at that moment she didn't want to let him go.
The next few weeks passed without incident. The police had no new updates about Ed, Dave, and Harley, only that they were known to be in Michigan. That had Destiny relieved. She knew that Cory should be getting back, but that's when the unthinkable happened. She found out she was pregnant.
How could this happen to her? They had been so careful, except for that first night when it happened all of a sudden. Why didn't she use protection? Now the only thing to do was tell Cory.
As if sensing her need for him, he walked into the room and enveloped her into his embrace. It never failed to amaze her how he instinctively molded her body to his and made her feel like she was the only person in the world that mattered to him.
"I have something to tell you. I hope you're going to be pleased."
"What is it? For days you've led up to this and then backed down. If it's as important as I think it is, then I'm going to be ecstatic."
"I found out I-", the phone cut off her statement.
"Just a minute. I need to answer that Des. It's the Rainbow Falls police chief. He promised me he was calling me back as soon as he got word."
Cory was back in ten minutes with a smile as big as the Rio Grande and just as wide. "Guess what, honey. They caught them. Dave and Ed were captured just outside of the Michigan line and Harley was captured in Tennessee. We had some information last night, but it wasn't final until just now. I was wondering how long I would be staying here. I was sort of getting homesick."
Destiny heard the words he was saying, but didn't want to believe him. He wanted out of her sight. He didn't love her, it was just a saying to him to get in her bed and her body. It worked all right. Just like it had fifteen years before. There was no way she was telling him now. She had just about made the worst mistake of her life.
"Now, what did you find out."
"Nothing special. I found out I'm up for station manager and have Roxie's Revenge syndicated. Isn't that great?"
"Yeah. That's wonderful. How about we celebrate?"
"Not tonight. I'm a little tired. You know I haven't been sleeping will. Now I can without any worries. I think I'll go on to bed. I'll see you in the morning."
With that Destiny walked out of the room, and out of Cory's life once more pregnant and all alone.
Three weeks later, life was going on as normal for Destiny. She had talked to Cory a few times over the phone, but never disclosed the truth. If he ever came looking for her in Rapture he would get a big surprise. Hope and Michele had been notified that the criminals had been caught, and they had both been told she was pregnant, but that's as far as it had gotten.
If Cory had just decided to stay, everything would have been fine. Why couldn't he had loved her for her and not for Whitney? Maybe she was just a person who couldn't be loved. That's the only explanation she could come up with.
Destiny turned on the television and the program she was watching was interrupted by a news bulletin. According to the report, Dave had been killed on the inside of prison and Harley and Ed had escaped during the riot following the murder. Just this once she wished she had never set eyes on them or found anything to incriminate them.
The ringing of the phone took her out of her musings. Picking it up, she expected to hear Cory's voice, but was shocked when Faith's voice came over instead.
"What's the matter, Faith? Is something wrong with Noel?"
"Nothing's wrong with the baby. Something is wrong with me. I'm not feeling very well. Is there any way you could come over and pick up the baby?"
Assuring Faith she would be there in a matter of seconds Destiny hung up the phone and ran next door. Rushing in, Destiny looked at her friend. Faith's usually vibrant face was pale and sweaty. Instead of sitting on the couch or laying down, she was slumped forward. Destiny checked for a pulse and found it thready. Calling 9-1-1, she prayed everything would turn out okay.
"If anything happens to me, promise me you'll take care of Noel as if she's your own. Des, you have to promise me."
"I promise Faith, but nothing is going to happen to you. It's probably a touch of the flu. Here's the ambulance now."
Destiny walked out the door with Noel in her arms, fearing that this might be the last time Faith would see her daughter. How would she work and raise Noel and her new baby? Only time would tell.
Three hours later Destiny received news that Faith would be just fine. It had been a case of food poisoning. It was a happy moment when Faith took Noel in her arms and hugged her close. Destiny left the two alone for an instant so she could wipe her eyes.
That night when Noel was settled in the crib, Destiny was looking ahead for a change instead of looking back. In less than eight months she would have her baby in that crib. This time she would make sure nothing went wrong with that baby. The only thing she had to do was tell Cory and hope he wanted this baby as much as she did. Regardless of his decision, she wasn't giving the baby up.
Walking over to the door, she double checked the lock and did the same for the windows. When all was secure, she went inside her bedroom and lay down. Just as she was drifting off to sleep, the blasted phone rang again.
"Is this Destiny Devereaux?"
Thinking it was Cory again, she was exasperated. "We've already made it a point that I live here, so why keep asking, Cory?"
"Thank you for the information." The phone went to a busy signal indicating the caller hung up.
Shaking her head, she dozed off again before she realized that Cory wouldn't have hung up. He would have laughed and talked to her. Sitting up in bed she started shaking. How could she have been so stupid?
Looking at the clock, it showed midnight and she needed to get some sleep before the baby woke up. Laying back down, she closed her eyes and slept fitfully. Dreams haunted her and she woke up at five when the baby cried, feeling like she had been out all night drinking.
Calling in to the radio station, Destiny told Chris she would be in to talk about that night's show about four o'clock. Hanging up the phone, she turned on the television and found out Ed and Harley were still on the loose. Since Cory hadn't called, he probably thought she could take care of herself.
The sound of the doorbell brought her into the present. Faith was waiting on the front step and Destiny handed Noel over. Everytime she gave the baby back, it felt like a little part of her heart was going with her.
Later on that afternoon, talking with Chris, Destiny started getting scared. She knew she could take care of herself, but would she be that calm knowing she was pregnant. Deciding to tell Chris what was happening, they hired an extra security guard around the radio station.
"Maybe you better stay home until these guys are caught. I don't want anything happening to you. Roxie's Revenge is the best thing that's happened to us."
"Nothing is going to happen to me, Chris. I'll tell you what. If I call you when I get home each night and when I leave for work will you stop being so worried? I'll even give you an emergency number to call if something happens to me, okay?"
"Okay, Des. I just want to know you're safe. I've never told you this, but if we weren't so different and I wasn't married, you're the first person I would want."
"Thanks Chris, I think. I'd better get home. I want to finish cleaning the house before it gets too dirty."
Laughing, Chris thought to himself, her house is cleaner than a hospital is. Waving good-bye he called out to her, "Call me when you get home."
Nodding her head, Destiny went to her car and drove home, not noticing the car following her. Inside the car behind her was a man covered with tattoos and another man dirty and unshaven.
"Hey, Harley, ya think that's her?" When the other man didn't answer he continued with a smirk on his face. "I hope so. I can think of nothin' but roughing her up a little bit. Kinda pay her back for what we went through in that stinkin' hole they call prison."
"Keep your cool, Ed. Anything happens before I get to her, someone is gonna pay. Understand?"
"Perfectly." The two men watched the little red car pull into the driveway and they waited.
Destiny walked into the house and checked her answering machine. No messages. Picking up the phone, she called Chris and told him she was safe.
Well, now what should she do? Kneeling in front of the cabinet, she took out her cleaning supplies and proceeded to clean everything in sight. Three hours later, you could eat off the floors if you wanted to. Putting everything back in place, she picked up the phone and called Hope. It was time for her weekly check in and gossip hour.
There was no answer, save for the answering machine. Leaving a wise cracking message, she hung up the phone and took a shower. Less than an hour later, she was dressed and ready for work. How could she pass three hours? Looking in her video collection, she picked out In The Line of Fire. Clint Eastwood was an excellent actor and she used to fantasize about meeting him in a dark alley. Of course, he would have had to be younger or her a little older.
She was engrossed in the last part of the movie when the phone rang. Reaching over without looking, she answered hello without enthusiasm. Glancing at the time, she noticed she had less than twenty minutes to talk, call Chris, and leave for work.
"Hello. I was wondering what idiot left the message on my machine to call back and you would talk if you had time out of your very busy schedule?"
Laughing at the familiar voice, Destiny turned off the movie and told Hope what had been going on. Hearing a strange note in her friend's voice, she stopped and asked what was wrong.
"Nothing really. Last night there was a strange call I answered that asked if this was Hope Andrews. I thought it was Cory checking in. He calls every few days to make sure everything is okay. When I told the person it was Hope Andrews, they hung up. I was going to call you last night, but decided against it."
"The same thing happened last night to me. I thought it was Cory, but there is no way he would have hung up without saying anything else. You haven't told Cory about me being pregnant have you?"
"You know me better than that. I haven't told him anything. We talk about different things and when he brings up your name, I tell him very little. When is the last time you talked to him?"
"It's been about a week or two. I know he has the right to know, but I don't want him flying back out here out of a sense of duty. It's sort of hard to explain, but I will tell him when the time is right. Look, Hope, I've got to run. I have to call Chris before I leave for work. That way he'll know I'm safe. I'll call you later on in the week."
Destiny hung up and then dialed Chris' number and told him she was now leaving for work. Driving the ten minutes to the station, she once again didn't notice the car following her. Inside the parking garage, she looked around for the security guard that was supposed to be there. Maybe he would show up when it was time to go home.
Inside the building, she went to her office and got ready for the broadcast of her show. Tonight was going to be about sexual fantasies and if they thought they would ever be fulfilled. She had done two shows like it before, both with a tremendous response. Starting the music, she pulled the microphone toward her and spoke into it.
"Hello. Here is another session with Roxie. Tonight we are talking about your sexual fantasies and if you think they'll ever be fulfilled. If you would like to talk about any of them, please call and ask for Roxie."
No more had she said that then the phone lines lit up. Getting the first caller on air, she looked at the monitor for the name.
"Hello Dave, what can I do for you tonight?"
"I'm calling about my sexual fantasy. It involves a certain woman in the spotlight, or, I should say, the night light. She had golden brown hair and eyes the color of grass. I want to tie her down to a bed and torture her with pleasure like I have been. I know she'll love it."
"Well, Dave, do you think it will come true?"
"Tonight as a matter of fact. I'm picking her up after work and then she'll find out how much pleasure pain can be!" Dave laughed and hung up.
Destiny shook her head. Some of these people definitely had some kinky ideas. She hoped the lady in question loved kinky stuff. Taking the second and the third callers, she was ready for a small break and put on a promotional for the next night.
Out in the car Ed and Harley laughed. Harley's pants were starting to get a little tight in front and he hoped the zipper wouldn't pop. Ed had the same problem and decided to call again. Picking up the phone in the car, he started to dial the number when Harley stopped him.
"No. Not yet. We'll act out our fantasies tonight when we get her. I think we should just listen and get our ideas from these people."
"I think you may be right. Tonight we'll prove who's in charge and hear her beg for mercy."
Destiny glimpsed at the clock and noticed she still had two more hours until her show was over. For the first time, she would be grateful when she could go home. Continuing her kinky sex show, she had twenty more callers and each one of them had very perverted and kinky ways to have sex. Too bad she couldn't try some of them out on Cory.
Where had that thought come from? If she wanted to have sex, why should she say it should be with Cory? Sure, those few nights were like something she had never had before. He kissed like wildfire and made love like there was no intention of stopping. She would have liked to have made love with him one more time, but one of those times was enough to get her pregnant.
That thought right there was enough to stop the thought of him and her in bed. Concentrating on her work, she was relieved when the clock showed two fifty in the morning. Wrapping up the dialogue, she put on the theme to Roxie's Revenge and then signed off. Going our of her office, she spied Chris putting on the first song and waited for him.
"I'm heading for home now. I'll call you as soon as I reach it. Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm going to be home in my own bed in less than an hour."
"Too bad none of those people that called is going to be in there with you. I'm surprised that you do those shows. It would make me horny as hell."
"I'm not saying it doesn't, but right now it's just not feasible. I'm leaving now."
Destiny walked out into the parking garage and looked around for the security guard. Not finding one, she decided against going back inside and walked toward her car. She had the key in the lock when she felt someone grab her from behind. She turned around ready to jam her key in his eyes when she sighed in exasperation.
"I thought I told you to make sure you had a guard with you and if not, to go back in the office and wait for one."
"Chris, I told you I was going home. I didn't think I needed a guard to walk me to my car. We have security cameras. If someone would have kidnapped me, they would have been caught on tape. Someone would have found me."
"Quit being so lackadaisical about this. When are you going to think about those who care about what happens to you? I'm scared that something is going to happen and I know your listeners do."
"You care about ratings and the listeners, all they care about is getting on the air and telling some made up story and try to get attention. What I want is for some people to just leave me alone. I know how to take care of myself. When I need help, you will be the first person I contact."
Destiny unlocked the car door and started the car. With one last look, she sped off down the ramp to her house.
At her house, Destiny went in and got out of her clothes. Listening to the answering machine, Cory and Hope had called, with only Hope saying when she would call back. Just as she was dialing Chris to tell him she was home, the line went dead. Jiggling the line back and forth with no result, she went over to the jack and checked the plug. It was in and everything seemed like it should be working.
Could be the phone lines in the area. If they still weren't on tomorrow, she would call the telephone company from Faith's house. She had to get a message to Chris. Why had she said those things to him? He was the closest thing to a brother she had. Going out the door, she walked the short distance to Faith's house and called him.
"I really am sorry about what I said to you, Chris. I'm just a little worn down. I'm home, right now my phone is out of order, so I'm using Faith's. If you want to talk tomorrow about what the show format will be, I'll be in around four and we can talk about it then. I'm truly sorry, Chris. Forgive me?"
"I forgave you before you left the station. I know with everything that's going through your mind that it's hard for you to stay neutral on some subjects. Don't worry about it, though. I'll see you around four and call me before you leave."
Giving him a positive answer, she left Faith's house. She was almost to her door when Faith called her.
"I just thought of something, Des. If your phone is out, mine should be too. We're both on the same line. I don't like the way that sounds. Maybe you better stay here."
"I'll be fine. I'll check my outside line. It's probably inside the house. I'll do it tomorrow. If you don't hear from me tonight, you know everything is fine, okay?"
Halfheartedly agreeing with her friend, Faith walked back inside her house. Agreement or not, she wasn't going to sit by and let her friend get into trouble. Calling the phone company, she told the answering service the problem and they promised to send someone out the next morning as early as possible.
Meanwhile, Destiny had went into the living room and turned on the radio on to her station. The soft rock sounds came out of the speakers and she found herself singing to them. Right after the song ended, the radio went off and so did the lights. Groping her way to the fuse box, she found the flashlight and noticed the fuses had all blown. Turning them all back on, she turned around only to be face to face with a huge man covered with tattoos.
The other man went slowly around Destiny and grabbed her arms. Destiny jabbed with her elbow and tried to get away, but he blocked the blow. Trying to scream, she felt one of them trying to put something against her mouth and nose. Trying to fight them off, she was suddenly too weak, and then she knew nothing.
Ed and Harley lifted her up and put her in her bedroom. No one would be the wiser. No one would be coming out here to look for her. "Ed, you take her car and park it on another street while I tie her up. Park our car there too, and then when you come back, I want you to turn all the switchbreakers off. They'll think she went away.
Ed got the car keys from the end table by the door and went out to the Ferrari. Starting it up, he gunned the car once smiling. He had always wanted a car like this, but never had the money to buy one.
Faith had looked out the house when she heard the Ferrari's motor gun. Destiny never did that. It was her baby. Seeing the car drive off she waited by the window for twenty minutes when she saw a guy coming up Destiny's walkway. Her eyebrows went up when she saw him walk right in. Even the guy she had staying with her a couple of weeks back used a key or knocked. No one walked in on Des.
Faith watched as the guy then walked out of the door and drove away in a blue car. The license plate read RGT MOVE. Fifteen minutes later, the guy came back and walked back in the house. Destiny was in trouble, and somehow Faith had to find out how much.
Ed and Harley lifted Destiny onto the bed and tied her to it. No one would be the wiser, they thought. "No one is gonna know she's missing until tomorrow afternoon. By then we can have everything set up and say we're e xterminating her house while she went out of town."
"Yeah, Harley. That little bitch isn't gonna know what hit her when she wakes up. Come on, let's get the signs we stole out on the grass." The two stuck the signs in and then locked up the doors. This would work out just fine. "Well, we got her tied up. Can we have a little fun with her now?"
"Not yet. We'll leave her like she is, but nothin's gonna happen until we're sure no one can find her. We'll just rough her up a little and scare her a lot. Of course, we can feel. No one can stop us from doin' that."
The two guys just looked at the lady and laughed. "She's gonna wish she never laid eyes on us!"
"Terry, can you come here, please?" When Terry showed up in the living room, Faith looked at him worriedly. "I'm worried about Des. She came over here to use the phone because hers is out, but mine is on the same one hers is. She went back home and a guy got her car, moved it, walked back here, moved another car, and then came back to her house. A few minutes ago, two guys were putting signs in her yard. Something is wrong, I can feel it. Can you go over and check for me?"
"Sis, I think we should leave things well enough alone. Maybe they're guests of hers and she wanted them to move her car."
"Terry, she wouldn't even let me sit in the driver's seat. No one drives that car but her. Please go over there for me and find out what's going on. Please?"
"Okay, but if it's nothing, you owe me a home cooked meal tomorrow night."
Terry walked over to Destiny's house and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, he knocked again and yelled out that it was Terry. The door opened and Harley just smiled and invited him in.
"Hey, Terry! How the Hell are ya? When did you get here?"
"I've been here for the last fourteen years. I've been biding my time just like you guys have. Where's Dave?"
"There was an accident and he was killed. He came in on Ed and a guard and tried to protect him, but the guard shot him. He was killed instantly, no pain for long. We decided it was time to take some action."
"You know of course that my "sister" saw Ed moving cars. She thinks there's something wrong and sent me over. Who are you supposed to be this time?"
"We're the exterminators. Kind of ironic, huh? Exterminating people who know too much."
"Harley, just make sure Des isn't hurt too bad. She's pregnant and I've come to like her like a sister. Faith has treated me with love and kindness and never asked to see proof that I even really exist."
"It just means she's naive and stupid, just like this one."
"It means that no one better get hurt. Just scare her a little, but don't kill her. I swear I'll turn you in if any one is hurt. I only wanted a little revenge, not any part of killing. Kidnapping is fine for a while, but after that it becomes something else."
"Fine, we'll treat her just like an inmate. Food and water and disrespect like we got. You better get home to your "sister". Tell her everything is hunky dory and it was Destiny moving the car and then giving the exterminators the key. She should buy it."
Terry walked over to the house and told Faith the story they thought up. "I'll cook you a good home cooked meal tomorrow. Thanks for going over there, Terry. You're a good brother."
Terry winced. If she knew what he really was, she would kick him out so fast, he wouldn't know which way was up. Smiling, he just went over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and picked up Noel. Sitting down, he rocked her to sleep and then put her in the crib. Then he told Faith he was going out for a while.
Harley and Ed sat down in the chairs in the living room. Not wanting to rush things with Destiny who still lay unconscious in the guest room. They turned on the television and watched an old I Love Lucy rerun. Laughing at some of Lucy's antics, they didn't hear the muffled sound coming from the bedroom.
Destiny had been coming around when she saw a shadow in the bedroom. Thinking it was one of the guys, she started to scream when a hand clamped over her mouth.
"Don't say a word or scream when I let go. I promise I'll help, just don't scream."
Destiny recognized Terry's voice and nodded her head. He let go and tried to unlock the handcuffs on her wrist with no luck. Looking around for something to pick it with, he saw her hair was up with pins. Taking one out, he inserted in the lock and twisted it until he heard the click. Doing the same with the other one, he soon had her loose.
"Thanks, Terry. How did you know I was here?"
"Just a hunch. It was Faith's idea. Come on, let's get out of here." Just as Terry was helping Destiny to her feet and out of the window, two figures jumped them from behind.
"And just where do you think you were going? Lucky there was a commercial on and we heard some noise."
Harley punched Terry and then pushed Destiny back on the bed. "Now, no one is going anywhere. No one will be the wiser."
The next day Chris stood by the phone waiting for it to ring. She should have called by now. She had always called before she left for work. Giving her another fifteen minutes he started to get worried. He picked up the phone and dialed her house. Nothing but a busy signal. That's right. Last night she said her phone was out of order. Calling the phone company, they told him there was something wrong with the line itself.
Picking up the sheet of paper that had the number she gave him, he dialed the phone. He hoped he wasn't over reacting. What if she had spent the night with someone. But Destiny wouldn't do that. She liked her privacy too much. Should he hang up? After the second ring, he thought maybe he should, then on the third ring somebody answered.
"H'lo." The rest was mumbled by sleep.
"Hello. My name is Chris and I work with a lady named Destiny Devereaux."
Right away the person on the other end said, "What happened to her?"
"That's just it, I don't know if anything did. Could you tell me your name please?"
"I'm Cory."
"Cory. You're the cop that was staying with her a few weeks back, right?"
"Yes. Could you please tell me what's wrong with her?"
"Well, she gave me this number to call if she didn't call me when she was coming in to work or when she didn't call from coming home to work. Last night she called me and said she got home all right. Her phone was out of order and she still hasn't called me today. She's usually here by now. I haven't heard anything and I'm starting to get worried. That's why I called. I have a feeling something is wrong. I'm waiting for my replacement to get here and then I'm going to Destiny's house.
"I wouldn't be so worried, but I know those guys who were around had escaped from prison. Since they haven't been found, I'm starting to think they found her."
"I was informed they caught the two guys. It came over the wires this morning they were back in prison."
"I know for a fact, they're not. Is there any way you-"
"I'm on my next flight out. I just have to make a few arrangements. I'll call you back with the time and meet you at Destiny's house."
Cory hung up the phone with a feeling of dread. He should have went out there the minute he heard they had escaped. Nothing was going right in his life.
Forty-five minutes later he was on the three hour flight to Rapture, Wyoming. I'm coming Des. Just hold on and don't do anything to make them hurt you.
Destiny was awake and looking at the bonds that held her captive. She was getting frightened and just then Harley walked in.
"Well, well, well, looky who's awake. I think it's time for some payback. Don't you, Ed? Let's us have some fun!"
Destiny knew when she awoke that she was in real trouble when she saw the men sitting on her bed. Something was wrong. Then it all came back. The two men who had been in her house and had slapped her. How was she going to get out of this, now?
"Please let me go. If you leave now, I won't tell a soul. You can hide out somewhere and no one will ever know the difference."
"You hear that, Ed. She won't tell anyone where we are or who we are. Maybe we should let her go." The two guys looked at each other with a sneer on their faces. "We'll let you know if we decide to do that. Right now, no one knows you're being held hostage and by the time they find out, you'll be somewhere where they'll never find you."
"You should have kept your mouth shut fifteen years ago. All of this could have been avoided then. If that Jap teacher of yours that we killed hadn't left that evidence in that train, you could be on your way right now, making it with that cop boyfriend of yours that was staying with you.
"You know, you should be more careful of who your friends are. It was so easy finding out where you lived. The first time we looked in that window, we got the shock of our lives. You two goin' at it like two dogs in heat." Harley gave Ed a high five and then laughed.
Destiny looked at the two men standing over her in disbelief. They had spied on her and Cory and they didn't even know it at the time. That's what made her scared. The fact that they had her tied up and what they were planning didn't scare her as much as that did.
"I want to know on question. Why did you kill our teacher for? What did she do to you?"
"That Jap teacher was one of our informants. She posed as a teacher, but was really a cop. Whenever the cops were planning raids or drug busts, she would tell us and we would know what to do. She turned on us and ended up busting us. I didn't like that. I decided to take matters into my own hands. That little teacher was the best in bed that night.
"Squirming and making little sounds, she had me out of my head. I didn't mean to actually kill her, just scare her a little bit. After I had my orgasm, I looked down and she wasn't breathing. From what some of my friends told me, I had strangled her to death. I couldn't live with that, so I shot her too, just to make it look credible."
Destiny couldn't believe her ears. Dumbfounded, she shook her head. "What are you going to do with me? The same thing?" She couldn't tell them that more than likely, the police and Cory had been notified. She didn't know who her friends were, but she knew Cory could be trusted.
"Well, little lady, right now, we're gonna leave you like this, just until we can think of something to do. I have a lot of ideas, thanks to Roxie's Revenge. The show is great. I got a lot of ideas from Dave, your first caller." Ed lowered his voice and Destiny's eyes widened. This was Dave and she knew exactly what was going to happen to her tonight.
She couldn't take the thought of those two over her crushing her and the baby, and that's when she started to fight. Pulling at the handcuffs, and straining at the ropes, she only enraged Ed and Harley and hurt herself.
"Do something, Harley! Make her stop!"
Harley didn't have to be told twice, his instinct just kicked in. Raising his fist, he let her have a good wallop on the jaw. That was effective and Destiny went out like a light.
"We have to keep her from finding out who our informant is now. The next time she wakes up, I want you to just shut your mouth and ignore her. I'm going out right now and get some food. I'll be back in fifteen to twenty minutes. I better not see her in any different position then what she's in right now."
"I'll be good, Harley. I'm just going to touch her a little. Maybe kiss her once or twice."
"Nothing else, Ed. I catch you with her doing anything else, and you'll be the one who's out like a light."
Harley left and Ed touched Destiny on the face and moved down to her breasts. A light squeeze here and there and a kiss or two on the mouth, and he wanted more. Lifting up her blouse, he looked and smiled. Later on tonight he was going to feel these beneath him. Feeling himself harden, he got up and walked into the living room and turned on the VCR. The dirty movie they had bought from the video catalogue started playing and he got some relief to the women in there.
Meanwhile, Cory had arrived in Rapture and was at Destiny's place. He had talked to Faith and only one clue had turned up. I seemed like the car that the guy had driven the day before was sitting on the next block. He went over to it and looked at it inside. Nothing suspicious, but it definitely smelled of alcohol.
Going back to Destiny's house, he looked inside, but nothing looked suspicious at first. Then he saw the flash. Trying to see better what it was, he tripped over one of her bushes and landed in the grass. Crouching down, he waited for the door to come open, but nothing came. He didn't want to knock on the door, so he went around back. It was the guest room, but unfortunately the window drapes were pulled closed. He didn't want to chance opening the window for fear of making too much noise. He walked back around the house and then went over to Faith's. Trying to phone Destiny, all he got was the busy signal.
"I've got to try and make her know I'm here. Can you go over there?"
"I have. I've gotten the answer that she had went to a motel or she was out of town or something while they were fumigating her house. I know that it's a lie because she used my phone over here last night to call Chris. Somehow I think she's in trouble. I know she's in trouble."
"I know and somehow I'll get to her. How much time has gone by since that guy left?"
"It's been about twenty or thirty minutes, no more than that, why?"
"I've got a plan. Call this number for me and tell them that I have a hostage situation and I need backup immediately. Tell them to come with their sirens blaring and lights flashing. They don't want to be caught. They'll let her go."
Faith went to her phone and called the sheriff of Rapture and told him what Cory had told her to say. Five minutes later, she got the affirmative answer that they were on their way and would be there within minutes.
Destiny was just starting to come around when she felt someone fondling her breasts. Trying to push herself up, she came fully awake when she felt the rope across her leg pull and the handcuffs on her wrists tighten. Letting her eyes focus, she recognized Ed sitting there leering at her.
"Ed, I know you must be a sensible guy. Why don't you untie me and let me go. You can say that I somehow got loose and punched you out. Come on, have a heart. You're not really all that bad. I can make them go easy on you if you help me. What do you say?"
"I say, you're really somethin''. For one thing, there's no way Harley would believe that and I say you're stayin' right here where I can see you. You're one good lookin' broad. I just wish I didn't have to share you with Harley."
"You don't have to Ed. You let me go and we'll meet at some hotel and you can do whatever you want. I want to confess something to you. What you said on the radio, really turned me on. You do what I like. It really makes me want you, after you told me you saw me with my boyfriend."
"Really? I could try and loosen you up and you could feel what you do to me. First, I want you to give me a real kiss."
Destiny knew she had to act like kissing him was what she really wanted. Smiling in encouragement, she tilted her head to the side and wet her lips. Ed leaned over, but right before he could kiss her, the door banged shut and Harley walked into the bedroom.
"We have to get our of here. Our source said the cops have been called and know where we are. We have to move now."
Harley reached over to Destiny's handcuffs and undid them at the same time Ed untied her ropes. Suddenly she was free. With all she had in her, she kicked and pushed at the two guys. She felt her fist connect with one of the men's jaw and she jumped up and ran for the door. Opening it, she ran for the car, only to find it not there. Instead, she ran for Faith's, which had been parked in the street instead of the garage. Inside, she locked all the doors and that's when her hopes deflated.
Harley was standing there, looking right in the window, holding an ax in his hand. Why did she have to have all the bad luck? Nothing was going her way at all. If they wanted her that badly, they would have to break out the glass and then swing the ax at her to get her to stop screaming for help. She heard a loud noise and looked out the back window. Ed had a large baseball bat and was bashing in the window along with Harley, who wasn't having any luck after the wood broke off the ax.
Destiny knew she didn't have much time to do anything, so while they were busy banging in the window, she unlocked the driver's door and carefully opened it. Risking a peek into the back, they were still going at it. Flinging the door open, she took off like a bat out of Hell. Running into the street, she tried to flag down a passing car, but it didn't stop. Hearing Harley scream her name, she ran farther down the street.
Just at the moment she saw a door open from Faith's house, a hand grabbed her by the arm and jerked her back. Destiny went flying backwards and landed on her stomach. She tried to shield her unborn baby when she felt herself falling, but she landed square on it. Please, Dear Lord, don't let me lose this baby too. Protect him or her and if anything happens to it, let me die too. I can't go through another loss.
Harley hauled her up to her feet, and slapped her across the cheek with enough force to rattle her teeth and jaw. "Now you little bitch, try to get away again. Next time you won't come back alive."
Cory had just rounded the side of Faith's house when he saw Destiny flag down a car. Stopping, he saw Harley haul her back and, in slow motion, saw her fall to the ground. Watching in anger and horror, Cory watched Harley take his hand and slap her across the face and blood come out of the corner of her mouth. That was the last straw.
Putting his feet into a running motion, he barged up to within ten feet of Harley and held up his gun. "Okay, Harley, let her go. I've already got backup on the way, and pretty soon, they're going to be all over here." Cory knew there was only four cops on the way, but hoped it would work. Seeing the indecision on Harley's face, he kept on with the farce.
"You let her go, and we'll go easier on you. If you kill her now, nothing will keep you out of prison for life."
"Shut up cop. No one can tell me what to do. This bitch wrecked my life and now she's gonna pay." Harley put Destiny on the ground and then pointed his gun at her. "I suggest you put away that gun or the little lady is history."
"Okay, Harley, just don't hurt her. See, I'm putting down the gun. Now, let her go." Cory didn't look at Destiny. He knew if he did, he would lose his nerve and run to her.
"I'm not lettin' her go. She's the only bargaining chip I have with you people! I suggest you get in the fancy car of yours and head back to wherever you came from."
"I'm sorry, Harley, but I can't do that. You see, if you take her now, kidnapping will be added to your list of crimes. You've already escaped from prison and they don't know why Dave was killed. They suspect it was you and Ed, but they can't be sure. If you let her go, the sentence will be reduced easily for accommodating an officer."
"You're full of it, cop. I know for a fact that they don't bargain like that. I made the mistake of trusting one a while ago, and I got burned. Now, I want you to leave and let me take her in peace."
"There's no way I'm letting you take her, Harley. I'll kill you if I have to, but I really don't want to. If you want to try it, I'll tell you right now, I'm a crack shot! Try me, Harley and I'll prove to you how deadly that mistake would be."
Harley looked like he was about to actually do it, when Ed came out of the house and put his hands up. Harley looked over at Ed and then he too, put down the gun and had his hands in the air. Destiny ran over to Cory and he safely put her out of harms way before he went over to his prisoners.
Ed and Harley were handcuffed and, fifteen minutes later, put in a squad car. Destiny couldn't believe it was quite over. Sitting in Faith's house shaking, she realized how close she had come to death.
"Des, are you all right?"
"What do you think, Cory? I'm handcuffed and tied to a bed, fondled and kissed, what do you think?"
"I'm sorry for asking, but you don't look the best."
"Cory, I've been awake most of the time that they've had me except for the times I had been smacked or punched out. All I want to do is go to bed and get something in my stomach. I'm starting to feel a little squeamish."
Nodding his head in agreement, he led them both out and went to the nearest fast food place. Ordering for the both of them, they were soon in Destiny's house eating the food.
"Not bad for fast food, huh?"
"No, not really. Do you want to tell my why Chris called me?"
"Chris had been getting worried about me when he heard that Ed and Harley had escaped from prison. He made me promise that I would call before I left for work and after I got home. If I didn't he was supposed to call the emergency number. Luckily it was you. How did you find me?'
"I went crazy at first, but after slowing down and allowing myself to think, I thought about how those two didn't want to go to prison for any reason. Faith has been a big help. She already had thought of a lot of things and we ruled out the motel. The house was the only logical place you could be. She was tipped off when she saw Ed moving the cars and walking back. You're not hurt really bad are you?"
"I don't think so." Destiny hadn't felt any sharp pains in her stomach to prove herself wrong, so she kept quiet. When he left tomorrow, she would go see her doctor just to make sure everything was okay.
"So, now that I'm safe, when are you leaving?
"Can't wait to get rid of me, huh? Well I'm staying just to make sure Harley and Ed are put away. I don't want them near you again. I should have come when I heard they were out of prison. I didn't because for some reason, I thought you might not let me back in your life."
"I wouldn't have, but sometimes circumstances beyond our control do arise and our feelings have to be put on the back burner."
"What in the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about me. I have some unfinished business with you and I guess it's as good time as any to tell you. I don't really want to, but if something happens, I know you'll end up hating me."
"You're not going to tell me that something happened between you and Chris are you?"
"No! That's the farthest from what I'm about to say that it's laughable."
"Then tell me Des. I'm not going to hate or laugh or even make judgments."
"I'm glad to hear that. What would make you the happiest man in the world right now? If you could have anything, what would that be?"
"I think I would have loved to see Whitney. I know that's not possible. The only thing that would make me more happy is to have those two creeps back in prison without hope of parole ever again. There's nothing else that would make me happier."
"Are you sure, Cory? Nothing else?"
"No. Why? Let's just skip this whole line of talk and tell me what you need to."
"One more question, okay?" Seeing him nod his head, she continued, "Would you like to have another child?"
Cory looked stunned at the question. Pondering it for a minute, he responded slowly. "Yes. It would have to be with the right person, a person I loved and respected. Des, nothing would please me more than to have a family, but right now, it just isn't possible."
"I see." She did and it almost broke her heart. "I was only going to tell you that you could stay with me if you needed to."
"That's what all those questions were leading to? Des, sometimes I swear you ask too many questions that doesn't even pertain to what you want to really ask."
If he only knew, she thought. What would he have said if I would have told him about the baby? He would have ran so fast, and so far, I never would have found him.
"I'm sorry, but I really want to go lie down. I'm very tired all of a sudden. If the phone rings, let the answering machine get it." Then she realized the phone still wasn't fixed yet. Destiny went into the bedroom and as she lay on the bed, she let the tears fall. Cory didn't want her or the baby. Screaming inside, she silently cried herself to sleep.
Walking to the living room, he picked up his cell phone and now called Hope's familiar number and filled her in on what happened. Assuring her that Destiny would call when she was feeling up to it, he hung up the phone and went to write a note on the sheet of paper next to the phone. What he read made his face turn white and he almost passed out.
'Take one tablet after breakfast and one after supper to get iron count up and to ease morning sickness, eat a few dry crackers
or dry toast. Office checkup at 2:30 Saturday afternoon.'
My God, no wonder all the questions about a baby. She was pregnant. He had to be the world's biggest fool right at that moment. At least he felt like one.
Walking down the hall to her bedroom, he knocked softly and when there was no answer, he walked in. Destiny was laying on the bed, face down with a few sobs still wracking her body. Going over to her, he sat on the bed and stroked her back.
"Des? Honey, wake up for a minute. I need to talk to you. Des?"
Destiny woke slowly to the sound of a deep voice. "Cory, is that you? I thought you would leave me."
"I can't leave you now."
"Why not?" Destiny still wasn't fully awake, but the next words did the trick very effectively.
"I think you know why. I want to see my baby being born and growing up." Cory spoke softly, but the words had enough of an effect for her to sit straight up and look at him like he was nuts.
"Why do you think that I'm pregnant?"
"If you're not, deny it." Not hearing any denial, he went on. "I spoke to Hope and-"
"You don't have to say any more. Hope spilled the beans, didn't she?"
"Hope didn't say a damn thing. As usual, she is still very protective of you and wouldn't tell me anything even if I had a steamroller and threatened to run her over with it. The iron pill instructions and how to keep morning sickness at a minimum was proof enough. Why didn't you tell me?"
"You already said that you wanted a family, but you weren't ready for one. Why burden you with a baby when you really don't want one in the first place?"
"Honey, a baby is a blessing to me. A second chance at what I didn't have in the first place. I want to stay here and watch my baby grow in your stomach and feel it when it kicks."
"You can't. You have a job back in Rainbow Falls and there is no way I'm moving back there and you wouldn't be happy here. This town isn't hopping the way you like it. I'll let you know how I'm doing and after the baby is born, I'll let you know what it is. You can come anytime to see it and I'll send pictures, but you're not staying here."
"I want to, Des."
"No you don't. You want to stay here out of a sense of duty and some fantasy you have about Whitney. This baby isn't like Whitney. Whitney was made out of love, this baby was made out of carelessness. Don't get me wrong. I'm going to have this baby and love it, but I don't want you here out of obligation."
"It's not obligation, Des. For me, it's love. I do love you Des. It has never left. The love will always be there just like it was in high school and every day since then. You can't turn me away."
"Believe me, I want to believe you, but I can't. I can't turn you away, that's for sure. You can stay here all you like, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. As for being in love with me, you've told me you love me, but I think it's just leftover emotion from high school and a close call to getting shot."
"That had something to do with it, but I've always been in love with you. I've told you way before you were pregnant and kidnapped, if you'll think back. Destiny, I want you to marry me."
"No! I'm not marrying anybody for the sake of a baby. For me it has to be based on love and right now, that wouldn't be. When I'm ready, I'll be sure to let you know. Until then I would like to go back to sleep. I'm very tired."
Destiny lay back down and turned away from him. Closing her eyes, she prayed he would leave and it happened, but not after these words were spoken, "You might get away from me now, but I'll never be too far away from you again."
Cory walked out the door and into the spare bedroom he had used the last time he was there. It seemed like it was a lifetime ago. It was so hard for him to believe that Destiny was going to have his baby. Somehow he had to convince her to marry him and move back to Rainbow Falls with him. Why was she so adamant about not moving back?
Her parents might have the answer, but he knew the two people who definitely did were Hope and Michele. Michele wouldn't answer any of his questions, but Hope, not that was a different story. Making sure Destiny was still in her room, he glanced at the clock. Eight o'clock wasn't too late to call. Before long he was speaking to her.
"I just need an answer. Why doesn't she want to go back? If I'm with her, who can hurt her? She'll have her parents there and some friends from school. You and Michele go back to Colorado a lot more than Wyoming. In a way you will be closer to her there and can visit more than what you have been."
"It's not that simple. She didn't tell you about her parents after she had Whitney?"
"Not a word. What did they do to her?"
"Cory, you have to promise not to tell her I told you this. She'll kill me and our friendship will be finished. Promise me." At his affirmative answer, she continued, "Des called her parents and told them she had Whitney. They seemed happy for her. She sent them some pictures and then when Whitney died, she called them and they didn't believe her.
"It took the doctor's admission for them to believe her that the baby was dead. That's when they called her up and told her they didn't want anything to do with her since she killed her baby. To this day, they still believe that she did it. Nothing the doctors told them seemed to change their feelings toward her. They disinherited her and claim they have no children."
"I can't believe that they would do that to her."
"Well they did and that's one of the reasons she's never returning to Rainbow Falls. She's told me and I believe her."
Cory made some small talk and then hung up the phone. He had a lot to digest and he sure as hell couldn't do it while he was in the house with her. All he would want to do is hold her and try to comfort her.
Thirty minutes later he was talking to Chris at the radio station. Cory didn't really trust him, and wanted to find out what he knew.
"So Chris, why were you so scared for Destiny? I knew the guys were out of prison, but I thought that Destiny could handle it herself. She had told me many times she could."
"I've known her for fifteen years, Cory. I love her." Seeing the other man's eyes darken, he quickly rectified the statement he had just made. "I love her as a friend. Nothing has ever happened between us, except for maybe a few kisses when she first came here. I knew she was in love with someone else, and obviously it's you."
"How well do you know her, though? There were some incidents that she told me abut and I've often wondered how she coped with it."
"Are you talking about the attempted rape?" At Cory's nod, Chris continued, "I knew about it. She talked to me right after it happened and it made me shudder to think that something could have happened to her. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish that on any one, but it served right at the time."
"You better explain that comment!"
"Destiny was walking around in short skirts and, at the time, she was doing her radio show under the name of Rockin' Roxie. The themes were different and almost all concerned rape and sex. It was like she wanted it and when it finally happened, she cried and said it was wrong. She tried to press charges, but no one could verify where she was that night and if she actually went out with anybody. Even the guy said he was at home and his wife alibied him."
"Even if she did go out with him or any one else, Chris, that doesn't automatically mean she has to have sex with the guy or she gets raped. I thought even someone like you could understand that."
"I do, but circumstances sometime prevent it from being right or wrong. She had it coming and she damn well deserved it! Now get out of my radio station and you can tell Destiny that she is due in to work tonight at the regular time. If she's late, she loses her show. I've had enough of her taking off work in the last month. It isn't professional."
"She needs the time off, Chris. If you fire her, I know of a real good job she can have, no questions asked. She's the best in her field, and you know that."
"I know, but we need her here. Ratings are needed to keep the show running, and without her, the ratings are slipping."
Cory turned on his heel and left. Chris just didn't know who he was messing with. With a determined shake of his head, he vowed that Chris would find out sooner than later. Jumping in his rental car, he headed toward Destiny's house to have a talk with her.
Quietly unlocking the door and walking in, Cory saw Destiny sitting on the couch. Startled, she swung her head around when the door closed. Her hand over her heart, she looked at him in anger.
"Don't you ever do that again. You scared the life out of me." Just then a thought came into her mind. "When and where did you get a key for my house?"
"Faith." Nothing more was said about it and Destiny looked hurt. Cory went over to her and wanted to comfort her, but as soon as he came close to her, she shrunk away from him.
"Don't touch me. I don't want you hands on me ever again. Right now, I don't want anybody touching me."
"You sure like me caressing and stroking you a couple of months ago. Come on Des, why are you so angry with me? Is it because you know deep down that you love me and that my feelings for you are real? If was hard for me to admit after all these years, my feelings for you hadn't lessened, only gotten stronger. What will it take for me to convince you I'm telling the truth?"
"The day that you can come to me and talk to me and not about the baby, or Whitney, that will be the day I believe you. Until then, you can propose all you like, but my answer will remain the same. Now, until that time, do whatever you want. Have fun going out, make some friends, go back to Rainbow Falls and work as a cop, or stay here, I really don't care. One thing will remain the same. I will continue working and do whatever I want to. Is that perfectly understood?"
Cory just stared at her like she had sprouted two heads. He slowly nodded his head, knowing with awful certainty that Destiny would never come to him if he kept pressuring her. He had to go back and let her make her own mind up. She would never be ready for him if he didn't leave her alone.
"Fine, Des. You've made your mind up and apparently I'm not in any future plans with you, so until I am, I am returning home. I will keep in touch with you and I want you to call me any time you have a problem or if you need to talk. I want you to keep me informed of how the pregnancy is going. If you don't, I will come back and we will get married, if I have to force you to."
Destiny looked kind of shocked at that statement, but then it was masked. "I wish you luck in going back. I will keep you informed and I'll call you once a week to let you know everything the doctor tells me."
Cory couldn't believe he was hearing her right. Wasn't she at least going to offer him to stay a little longer? Wasn't she scared of being pregnant and alone? He decided to ask her.
"No, I'm not. I've been alone before and I have Faith to help me if I need it and Chris will understand if I need to miss work. Hope and Michele are there if I need a shoulder to cry on. I've been through this before."
Cory looked at her, knowing that she could take care of herself, and wishing she couldn't. He didn't want to leave her, but he knew he had to. If he stayed, she would never know her true feelings for him and it would be hell on her and the baby. Going over to the phone, he picked it up and made travel arrangements.
"I'll be leaving on the six-thirty flight. How about some supper before I leave?"
"I don't think so. I'll just go in and lay down. When you're ready to leave, come in and say good-be."
Destiny got up and walked into her room and lay on the bed. Why couldn't she have had a small supper with him? Would it have killed her to be polite to him? Getting up, she knew she was being and acting stupid. She went into the living room where he was sitting and said, "Supper sounds good all of a sudden. What's cooking?"
Cory just looked at her. "I was thinking about getting some pizza. What would you like on yours?"
An hour later they were finishing up the last few slices of pizza. "I better start to the airport. Traffic isn't bad in this small town, but Glory is another story. I'm going to miss you."
Cory got up from the table and walked over to the spare bedroom where his suitcase was waiting for him. Picking it up, he walked back over to the front door and opened it.
"Wait a minute." Destiny came out and stood in front of him. Cory looked at her expectantly.
"I just wanted to say I was sorry for acting so irrational earlier. I'm not usually that way, and I don't know why I was to you. I'm not saying that I wish you would stay, but maybe you could leave tomorrow. That way I can answer any questions you might have about the baby. I know you have to have some."
"That would be nice, but I really do have to go. If I stayed tonight, then I would want to stay tomorrow night too. It's best if I go now. Can I ask something of you?" Seeing her nod her head, he continued, hoping he wouldn't be turned down.
"Give me a kiss good-bye." Seeing her eyes widen, he slowly understood why. Those were his words fifteen years ago. "It's only for a while, until I figure out what to do. I'm not leaving you, Des. I'll be around whenever you need me. All it takes is a phone call and I'll be back here like a shot. You have my number, use it often. I'll pay for the calls, if you want."
"No, that won't be necessary. I can pay my own bills. Those words just took me by surprise. I'm in the same condition now, that I was then."
"Yes, but there is one thing that is different now. I know you're having my baby, and I know that I'll be there, no matter what happens."
Cory and Destiny looked at each other for a moment and then Des reached up and touched his face. Leaning into him and reaching him on tiptoe, she very gently and softly put her lips to his.
Cory dropped all pretense and his bags. He put his arms around her and slowly deepened the kiss. Hoping it wouldn't frighten her off, he nipped at her lips and sang with joy at her opened mouth. Cory's tongue ventured into he mouth and tangled with his. At the honking of a horn nearby, Destiny pushed him away.
"You can let me go now." Destiny was a little shaken up.
"Give me a minute or two. I need to calm down a little." Cory had the same reaction, but his was a little noticeable. "I'll call you when I get home. I do love you, Des, and I always will."
Seeing him drive away, she wanted to call him back so bad. She ached inside and she knew it had nothing to do with the baby, and everything to with what he started with that kiss.
That night, sitting in her house watching a rerun of a movie, she wanted so bad for someone to talk to. She was just starting to pick up the phone, when it rang.
"It's me, again. You think you could get away from me that easy? Next time you'll be all mine and we'll have a little fun before your boyfriend rescues you. By the way-"
Destiny didn't let him finish. She slammed down the phone and then picked it back up and called the police. She told them what happened, but they said they couldn't do anything about it.
"Ma'am, they're still in jail and they're being transferred to Colorado and from there to the state prison for killing Dave, the other guy. They won't be getting out of prison again, at least not alive. If he calls again, hang up. There's no way he can get to you, and he knows that."
Thanking the detective, Destiny hung up the phone and just as she was laying down, the phone rang again. Thinking it was Harley or Ed, she didn't answer right away. After three rings, she picked it up, but didn't say anything.
A frantic voice finally penetrated her thoughts. "Hello? Hello? Destiny, answer me, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Why are you calling?"
"I told you I would call when I got home. I'm home."
"Thanks for the update, Cory."
"Why didn't you answer right away?'
Destiny told Cory what had happened and that's when he became upset. "I'm coming back. There's no way I'm letting you stay there by yourself."
"You're not coming back. Have you forgotten that I spent fifteen years without you. I've gotten through rougher times than this. I was just a little jumpy that's all. I'm planning to go to bed after we get off the phone and sleep very soundly."
"Honey, I want you to be safe."
"I'm safe, Cory. I promise you. I'll call Faith and Chris and they can check on me too and call you for reports if you are bothered."
"Don't get sarcastic. I just want to make sure you're okay. I'm worried about you."
"I love you. Isn't that obvious?"
"There isn't any other reason?"
"Should there be? I want you to be safe."
Destiny thought about that for a minute. He only wanted her safe. Of course, he would say that after the conversation they had this afternoon. He wouldn't mention the baby, and say he wanted it safe, too.
"You still there, Des?"
"I'm here. Look Cory. I have to go. I'm getting really sleepy. All this excitement has worn me out. I'll call you sometime this week. Don't worry, I'll be fine."
They hung up. Destiny wondering if he was just saying nothing of the baby, so she would think he loved her and Cory wishing she would say she loved him. He knew she did and so did she.
The rest of the week passed without incident and then two. At the end of the month, Destiny picked up the phone and called Cory. Telling him she was fine, she waited for him to bring up the baby, but he never did. Destiny finally told him that it was doing great and he sounded pleased. The rest of the conversation seemed forced, and when they finally hung up, Destiny breathed a sigh of relief.
Destiny seemed a little sad at work the next night. Talking to Chris, she told him what had transpired that night Cory left.
"You made your position clear and now he's abiding by it. Destiny, he loves you. He-"
"He what, Chris."
"I was just going to say it again. He loves you."
That was something that Destiny thought about in the months to come.
"Hello. Is this Cory Ritchfield?"
"Yes, it is. Can I help you?"
"Yes, I'm from the Colorado State Prison and I have two prisoners on the bus. They were supposed to get here three hours ago, but they never arrived. I just wanted to call and inform you. I don't want to alarm you, but I have men out looking for them and we think they were headed for a lady's house."
"Are you sure? Do you know what her name is?"
"It's right here. A Destiny Devereaux in Rapture, Wyoming. We've had a hunch they would be going there after one of the guards overheard Ed trying to get through to her. As soon as he says something, the phone usually gets hung up, but they found something under his bed."
"What was it?"
"There was a recording of a show called Roxie's Revenge. They were talking about sexual fantasies. One of the callers was Ed. Do you want to hear it?"
"Yes...please." Cory blanched as he heard the fantasy that Ed had been talking about. "I think you better call Chris Marchand and tell him what is going on. He's her boss."
"It's my next call. I wanted to call you first. I was told you knew her personally."
Thanking the warden for calling, Cory went to his chief and told him what was happening.
"I think you should just stay there, Cory. You've spent a lot of time in that little town in the last few months than you have ever traveled before. Is there something dragging you back there?"
"Something very special, Chief. I hope this time will be different."
Getting his flight booked and getting a car was the easy part. The hard part was waiting for the flight time. Picking up the phone, he called Destiny's number. After the fourth ring, he started to get worried. Maybe she was sick or something was wrong with the baby.
"Answer, damn it. Answer. Pick up the damn phone, Des!"
"I did. Why are you screaming at me?'
"Where have you been?"
"For your information, I was outside getting some sun. Am I allowed to do that?'
"Don't get huffy with me, Des. I was worried when you didn't answer by the fourth ring. I thought maybe something happened to you or you were going into labor with our baby."
"What did you say?"
"You heard what I said. I thought something happened to you or the baby."
"No, you said our baby. If you think it's our baby, why haven't you asked about it once, over these last few months? Not one word has come out of your mouth about it."
"Believe me, it hasn't been easy keeping my mouth shut. You told me if I wanted to prove to you how much I loved you, I wouldn't ask about the baby. I was only trying to prove to you."
"I thought you didn't care."
"There hasn't been a night when I didn't wish you were with me. I want to feel our baby inside of you, kicking. I want to hear its heart beat and most of all, I want to see you with our child. I do love you and the baby, Des."
"Is that why you called? To tell me you loved me?"
"No. There's something else. Harley and Ed are on the lose and heading for you. I'll be there in about four hours. I wanted to get there sooner, but that's all they had. I want you to go to Chris or Faith, now. It's not safe for you in your house."
"Are you sure?"
"They were overdue by three hours and they're still not there. The warden found a tape recording of your show when Ed called in about sexual fantasies. They know he's heading your way.
"Okay, I'm going. I'm sorry I snapped at you over the phone, but everything has been too hectic around here."
"I want you to hang up and go. I want you to be safe."
"So do I. Thanks for calling. I'll be at Fai--"
"Don't tell me. If they're listening in, they'll know. Just go. I'll find you. I love you, Des." After he hung up he realized he already told her where to go so Ed and Harley could already know. It was a long shot to think that they had wiretapped her home, but one could never be too careful.
The phone went dead before she could say she loved him too. It took her to this minute before she realized it. She was such a pigheaded fool not to have believed him before. Putting down the phone realization dawned on her. When a person hung up the phone, it didn't go dead, it went to a busy signal. She hadn't heard anything.
Walking over to the window, she didn't see anything irregular outside, but then she heard a noise. It was at her back door. Opening the front door, she ran, or tried to. At six months pregnant it was hard to do. She was in Faith's yard when somebody grabbed her. Swinging wildly around, she saw it was Faith's brother, Terry.
"Terry, I need your help. I have some people after me and I need to get to Faith's house as soon as possible."
"I'm afraid that's going to be a little hard to do. You see, you put away my brother and now, I'm getting even. Harley and Ed were too stupid to do it, so I have to do it myself."
Destiny looked at him in shock. There was no way she could have heard him right. "What do you mean, 'I put your brother away?' I don't even know your bother. I thought Faith was the only family you had.
"Dave was my brother. Faith thinks I'm her brother, but the truth is, I found her and she thinks I'm her adopted brother form her mother's previous marriage. She's never had it checked out or asked to see proof. I tracked you from Rainbow Falls to here and that's when I made the acquaintance with Faith. I thought maybe should could help me, but I saw how much you two meant to each other, so I never tried to involve her. She doesn't know who I really am. The truth of the matter is, I started loving her like a sister. And to tell the truth I sorta started caring about you too. This has to be done, even though I don’t want to. You have to pay."
"What are you going to do with me?"
"Well first, we're going back into the house and then we're going to have a little fun. That stupid cop boyfriend of yours thinks that Chris is in on this. Just precious. Come on, let's get a move on. Fifteen years is a lot to make up for. For every person that hurt Dave, I'm going to hurt you tenfold. But I won't kill you. I just can't do that."
Terry pushed her toward her house, not knowing Faith was looking out the window after hearing Destiny's voice. Faith decided to see what was wrong. She dialed Destiny's number, but all she got was a busy signal. Twenty minutes later it was still there. Faith knew something was wrong. Calling the phone company, her fears were realized when they said it was out of order.
At Destiny's house, she was tied to a chair and Ed and Harley were making lewd suggestions about having pregnant women underneath them in bed. They was laughing and saying some of the same things. Destiny was getting scared and she didn't know what to do.
Meanwhile, Cory was flying the last leg of his journey and was almost to Rapture. Come on Des, you can hold on. Just don't show them that temper of yours and cooperate with them and you should be just fine. Hold on, I'm almost to you.
Destiny tried to talk to them, but to no avail. They just laughed at her and when it was finally dusk, Terry said the one thing she hoped she would never have to her. "Come on guys, it's party time. Who wants to go first."
Ed sauntered up to Destiny and proclaimed it was his turn first. He took off his shirt and was working on the zipper of his jeans when the doorbell rang. The men looked at each other and then at the frightened lady in the chair.
"I have to answer it. It could be Chris or Cory, or it could be Faith." She threw that in hoping Terry would soften a little. Terry got up and looked through the curtains.
"Damn, she's right. It's Faith. You get rid of her. You can't watch Noel and I don't want you talking to her a lot. I have a gun to your back and I won't hesitate to use it. Remember that."
Destiny opened the door on the second peal of the bell. "What can I do for you, Faith?"
"You promised to watch Noel for me today while I went to the doctor. I'm going to be late if you don't take her now."
"I'm sorry. I forgot about it, but I have some company and there's no way I can watch her." Thinking fast, Destiny thought maybe she could signal her friend about the trouble.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to find someone to watch her. Can I get you anything while I'm out?"
"Yeah. Stop by the video store and get me In the Line of Fire by Clint Eastwood." Faith knew Destiny had the movie. They had watched it three times together in the last year. Seeing Faith look at her, she continued. "I've got something cooking on the stove and if I don't go it's gonna blow up. If you see Terry, tell him I said hi. Maybe he can baby sit for you. Sorry again."
"Yeah. Maybe he will. I'll call you later on and tell you what the doctor said. I've got to call the doctor and tell him I'm gonna be a little late, can I use your phone?"
Before Destiny could answer, she heard a loud bang in her kitchen. Faith looked at her and she mouthed Terry, gun, help me. "I'm sorry, Faith, but my company is waiting on a call. I've got to go."
Hoping that Faith got the message, Destiny went back over to the chair and sat down, resigned to the fact that sooner or later something was going to happen to her.
"That was real good. I didn't know Faith had a doctor's appointment."
Smiling to herself, Destiny knew she didn't.
Outside, Faith knew Destiny was in trouble, so she raced back home and called the police. Telling them that it might be a false alarm, they told her to call when she knew what was happening. Then they hung up on her.
Now what was she going to do? She couldn't go back over there, but yet she couldn't stand by and watch her friend get hurt. She had to do something drastic. Putting the baby in her crib, she went out to her car, and started it. This just had to work, or she was going to be in real big trouble. She knew the cops would come for an accident. Taking it out of park, she put it in gear and let it back slowly out of the driveway. Now came the hardest part. Making sure her seat belt was tight, she put it in gear and, seeing Destiny's car in the street instead of the driveway, she put the accelerator to the floor.
The next thing she knew, she was sitting in the car with the steering wheel in her lap. Destiny's door flew open and Terry and Harley came running out. Terry reached his "sister" and tried to help her out. Telling Harley what to do, he was more concerned with Faith than with the prisoner in the house.
"Where's the baby? I can't find Noel. Faith!!!"
"Relax, she's safe in the house. I had her in the crib until I could get the car backed out into the street. I thought I had it in park, but I guess I didn't. I'm in real trouble now, Terry. What am I going to tell my insurance company? And Destiny is gonna kill me when she sees what I did to her Ferrari."
"We'll worry about that later. Right now, let's see if you're okay."
Destiny was till tied to the chair, but the bonds were becoming looser each time she flicked her wrists together. Ed turned around just as she came loose and tried to get her, but when he reached for her, she brought her knee up and got him right in the groin. She smiled at the look on his face.
Rushing to the back door, she raced out and into the woods. About five minutes had passed, maybe less, when she heard Harley's voice calling her. Somehow, she had to find a place to hide. The only thing close was Faith's house and now that was off limits. Think, Des, she told herself. Trying to remember all the escape ways through the woods she had found when she started exploring them, she finally found a way out. Now the only problem was, getting out of the tree she was in.
After a good ten minute climb down the tree, she picked her way slowly through the back woods and came to the intersection where the church met the Italian restaurant. Looking to make sure no one could see her, she crossed to the church. Inside she sat down on one of the pews and prayed like she never did before.
She had caught her breath when she heard sirens going past. They had to be going to her house to check on Faith. A short time later, she emerged from the back exit of the church and went right on the street. Ten minutes went by before she was at the radio station. Chris wasn't there, but he would be in half an hour according to the clock on the wall.
Trying to recall what time Cory had called, she estimated that he should be arriving in less than an hour, if not already. She couldn't be sure of the exact time. The door opened and a familiar face walked through it.
"Chris, thank God you're here. I need your help."
"My God, Destiny. What happened to you?"
"Before I tell you, do you have any brothers?"
"That's a stupid question, but yes I have three brothers all younger. Why? Do you want to date one?"
"That would be funny if the situation wasn't so hazardous. Can I trust you?"
"With my life, Destiny. What's the matter with you?"
Trusting her instincts, she told him the whole story and then he smiled. Destiny didn't know what the smile was about, but it didn't look right to her.
"What? Something is wrong, isn't it?"
"No. For once, everything is right for you. Cory and you belong together. He accused me of being one of them and told me if anything happened to you that I would be dead. Those weren't his exact words, but the meaning is there. He loves you and I'm going to make a promise to you. Nothing will happen to you. I'll make sure of it."
Cory had picked up the car at the rental agency and was on his way to Destiny's house. Knowing she wouldn't be there, he parked a few houses down from hers. Looking out the front window, he could see that Destiny's car and someone else's had been in a crash. He was too late.
Why did his life always have to be so empty? It seemed like everytime he found something, it disappeared. Picking up the cellular phone, he called the local authorities and reported in what was happening. When he hung up the phone, three police cars were heading down the street. Stopping at Destiny's house, they walked over to the cars and talked to Faith. Cory went over to the police and told them what was happening.
Faith pulled Cory aside and told him what she knew and how Terry was a part of it.
"So Destiny might have gotten out alive? Where would she have gone in her condition?"
"If she went out the back way, she would have gone into the woods. She's been walking through there for fifteen years and knows how to get to the highway and from there to the church."
"What about the radio station? Can she get there from the highway?"
"Yeah. It's only five or ten minutes away from the church. She probably stayed at the church because it's right across from the clearing in the woods. If she made it to there, she has hope. Terry said that Ed and Harley were intent on finding her. The cop that was here earlier took Terry in for questioning. Harley and Ed are still around here."
"I've got to find her. I'll look at the radio station first. Chris is there and she would go to him. Thanks Faith. It took guts to do what you did. Destiny is lucky to have a friend like you."
Faith had a bright smile on her face when Cory left and Faith prayed that he would find her in time. She went back into the house and picked up Noel who was sleeping. She wanted to just hold her and try to assure herself that nothing would happen Noel's godmother.
A knock on the station door startled both occupants and they looked at each other. Who would be coming this late? Looking out the window, Chris saw the night security guard. Opening the door to let him in, Chris was suddenly pushed to the right and a figure grabbed for her.
"No! You are not going to take me with you. Let me go!" Destiny fought with all she had, but Harley was stronger than her and threw her against the floor. She landed on her back and got right back up. There was no way she was letting him take her away.
Chris was fighting off Ed and doing a pretty good job of it. Destiny knew if she let Harley get to her, she would be dead, raped, or both. She fought with all she had in her. When Harley went around to her back to get her arms she thankfully remembered the 9 -1-1- training course she took. She tried to flip him over her, but being six months pregnant, it was a little clumsy. Harley ended up on the floor, on his back, but when she turned her back, he got up and grabbed her arms and pulled her down to the floor.
Ed wasn't having too much luck, but all of a sudden he slammed the butt of his gun into Chris' jaw and Chris went down. Destiny knew her time had ended and she tried to fight them both, with no luck.
Chris fought against the blackness that kept trying to drag him down. There was no way he was letting Destiny out of his sight. When their backs were turned, he slowly reached for the microphone wire and pulled at it. The microphone fell into the chair and he reached for it. Getting a good grip on it, he swung it at the two men and hit Ed in the back of the head.
Ed looked around and that's when the microphone got him again, square in the face. Going down to the floor, he didn't move, but Harley held Destiny in front of him, so if Chris tried anything, Destiny would be hurt and him spared.
Out the door, Harley made a run with Destiny holding onto him for dear life. If she fell, she knew the baby would seriously be hurt, if not killed.
"That's it, darlin', hold on tight. In a few short hours, we'll be alone and I'll show you how good it feels to have a real man on top, or underneath you. You'll like it, I promise."
"I don't think so! Let her go, Harley. I've already called the cops and they're on their way." Chris was there holding Ed's gun at Harley. Harley only laughed.
"Do you think that gun is loaded? I'm not stupid enough to give Ed a loaded gun. He can't aim, and I don't feel like gettin' my head shot off."
"Well lucky for me I checked the gun and put in bullets. I keep extra ones in my drawer for my gun. Now let her go. I know how to use this and I won't hesitate to shoot."
Harley looked skeptically at the gun. The question running through his mind is if the gun was really loaded or if Chris was bluffing. He didn't want to take the chance. Raising his hands into the air, Destiny ran to Chris. Getting behind him, Destiny walked slowly toward the protection of the cars in the parking lot. Crouching down behind the nearest car, she looked up and saw Chris put the gun away.
Harley looked at Chris and smiled. Advancing toward Harley, Chris wasn't aware that Harley was reaching into the back of his pants. Destiny tried to shout a warning, but it was too late. Harley had already pulled the gun and had it aimed at Chris' head.
Destiny watched in slow motion as the gun was fired and Chris went down. "Now, hotshot, see what you can do. Come on, little lady, let's get the hell out of here and start celebrating.
"She's not celebrating with anyone! Stay down, Des. I'm here and no one is getting you again. Harley, put your hands up, this gun is loaded and I will shoot. " Destiny looked in shock at Cory. Harley swung around with his gun leveled at Cory, but before he could do anything, Cory shot.
Harley went down, still trying to shoot the gun. Suddenly a round went off, just barely missing Cory's head. Cory shot once more and then Harley went still. Going over to him, Cory saw that Harley was dead.
"Des, are you okay? Answer me, everything is okay, now. I'm here, Harley is dead and you're safe."
Destiny rose up from behind the car and slowly went over to Cory. Cory enfolded her in his arms and then led her to where Chris was. Checking to see if he was okay, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the blood on his sleeve.
"Thanks Chris, for all you did. You tried to protect me and I'll always be thankful. What did you do with Ed?"
"Ed is wrapped up in my microphone cord on the chair. He isn't going anywhere for a long time. He confessed that Harley was the one who killed Dave and made the escape plans. He only wanted to get even with you. He said Terry talked big, but told Harley that if anything happened to you that he would kill Harley. Terry said he loved you like a sister, and wouldn't have hurt you for the world. He just wanted to scare you. I have it all on tape, so you can listen to it for yourself."
"I'm thankful for you trying to help Destiny. I didn't trust you at first, but I'm glad Destiny did. Come on, we'll get you to a doctor."
Cory watched helplessly as Destiny was held hostage by Harley. She was huge with his child and Harley slammed the gun into her stomach and threw her down to the ground. She looked up and saw Cory. She shook her head and then mouthed, "I'm sorry."
Why couldn't he have gotten to her sooner? This was going to be a long lonely life without her. He couldn't let that happen. Rushing forward to save her, Harley pointed the gun at her and fired, once, twice, and finally once more. She lay still, not moving at all and he knew in his heart she was dead.
"No!! You can't leave me now! I love you too much to let you go! Please come back to me. I've never loved any one but you and never will. Come back, Des, please don't leave me!"
"Wake up, Cory! I'm fine. You saved me, remember? Look at me, Cory. Open your eyes and look at me."
Slowly Cory caught hold of reality and looked up. Cat green eyes stared back at him. God, how
loved her, but he knew that the feeling wasn't returned. Right now, it was only a grateful smile and understanding in those eyes.
"I saw it all over again. Only this time, you were shot and he hit you in the stomach." Cory looked at her stomach and felt it. He felt the baby move a little and looked back up at Destiny with wonder in his eyes. Destiny sat down on the edge of the bed and held his hand where it was.
"It's miraculous isn't it? We made this child and now it's moving inside of me. In three months, I'll be able to hold it in my arms." Raising her eyes to his, she put her hands to his face.
"I've never thanked you for saving my life. Thank you." She leaned over and kissed him gently on the mouth. Cory didn't try to deepen it, knowing she would back off if he did. He was tempted, but quelled the desire to pull her closer. The kiss ended and so did the touch of her hands on his face.
"I'm sorry I woke you up, Des. You should be back in bed, sleeping."
"I can't. The panic today and the baby sort of have me sleepless. It's like this sometimes. I usually get up and watch a movie or read a book. Tonight there wasn't anything that was helping and I heard you screaming so I came in here."
"I better get back to sleep. I have to give my deposition at the police station tomorrow before I leave for home. I guess the next time you'll see me is when the baby is born. I do want to be here for that. Go back to bed and we'll talk about that before I leave tomorrow."
Destiny got up in shock and went into the bedroom. So he was leaving tomorrow. The words he said in his sleep, were just that, words. He didn't mean them, or he wouldn't be leaving tomorrow. If he didn't want to stay, there was nothing she could do to make him. Laying down on the bed, she felt the baby shift and she rubbed her stomach as if to comfort him.
Cory leaned onto the pillow. She didn't say anything about his staying with her, so leaving was the only option. He wasn't staying where he wasn't wanted. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep.
It seemed like morning came too soon, but yet it took forever. Destiny knew in her heart that it was now or never with Cory. She had to tell him how she felt. but how would he react to it? Rushing through her morning ritual, she almost ran into the kitchen only to find it empty. Where was Cory? He was usually up by now.
Backtracking, she went into the room he slept in, but the bed was made and his suitcases gone. He had already left. Why didn't he say good-bye? dejectedly walking into the living room, she spied a note on the telephone.
I had to leave. I couldn't face you knowing that you were almost killed yesterday. If I would have been there, nothing would have happened. You don't have to worry anymore. Harley is dead and Ed is locked up in an institution. Terry confessed and he promised he wouldn't contact or bother you, unless you want to see him. You have friends who will look after you. I talked to Faith, Hope, and Michele. They're going to be checking up on you. I want to be there when the baby is born, so call me a week before you are due and I'll come back. I do love you. I love you enough to let you go.
Forever in my heart and life,
Destiny reread the letter and then called Faith. Asking when Cory was leaving, Faith told her he had already left. Thanking her, she hung up the phone. Tears were already racing down her cheeks and they had no intention of stopping. Why didn't she tell him last night when she had the chance? Now it was too late.
There had to be a way to contact him now. She picked up the phone once more and dialed his home number. Getting the answering machine, she hung up and called his office. The police chief informed her that he wouldn't be in today and she hung up.
"Thanks, Chief, I owe you one. I just couldn't talk to her right now. I almost had her killed last night and it hurts too bad right now, knowing she doesn't want me in her life and for the baby."
"Are you sure, Cory. She sounded pretty shook up on the phone. Maybe you should call her back." Seeing his friend shake his head negatively, he let the conversation drop. Cory would realize that he didn't cause her to almost be killed. He was scared and his feelings were all jumbled.
"I'll contact her in a few days. She'll be calm by then and we can talk rationally. If I called her now, she would be hysterical and it's not good for the baby. I better get back to filling out these reports."
Destiny had finally calmed down during the day and called Chris. Saying she would be in to work, she was surprised when he gave her a week off with pay, if she wanted it.
Taking it, she went out to her rental car and drove to the nearby baby store. She had to start redecorating the nursery. Destiny didn't want to have this baby grow up in the shadow of Whitney. The room needed a pick-me-up, so she bought some paint and stencils. New sheets and curtains rounded out the purchases.
Back home, there was a message on the machine from her doctor. They wanted her to come in and give her an ultrasound, just to see how the baby was progressing. An hour later she was at the office.
Dr. Haley had been present at the birth of Whitney and wanted for this baby to be fine at birth and live a happy long life. Hooking her up to the machine, he showed her the picture on the monitor.
Dr. Haley stilled the picture and looked worriedly at Destiny. He didn't want to scare her, but he couldn't find the heartbeat. The baby wasn't moving at all and he didn't want to tell Destiny she might have a dead baby in her womb.
"What's the matter? I've known you long enough to sense when something is wrong. Tell me."
"I can't find the heartbeat."
"Oh God. Don't tell me that. I need this baby so bad. It's my-"
"I found it. It's faint, but it's there. Do you want to know the sex of the baby?"
"I want it to be a surprise. It's not any fun, when you know. Does everything check out okay?"
"The baby and you are fine. I want you to take it easy for a week or two and then come back. I didn't like the feeling when I couldn't find that heartbeat."
"You didn't like the feeling? How do you think I felt when you said that? You're on the level? Everything is fine?"
"I wouldn't lie to you, Destiny. I just want you to take it easy. Have someone come over and help you with the house and don't go to work, if that's possible. I don't want you getting over excited. I want you abstaining from sex too."
"You don't have to worry about that aspect. I have been since six months ago."
"Destiny, you could have had sex anytime you wanted. It doesn't stop as soon as you get pregnant. The baby can't be hurt."
"I know that. The father and I aren't together right now. Thank you for the advice, though. I could use that on my next radio show." Dr. Haley had been told recently that Destiny had a talk show on the radio nightly.
Back at home, Destiny called Hope and told her about the visit to the doctor's and what he had said.
"I'm glad the baby is fine, and I have some good news. I'm getting weekend off and I was thinking about coming to see you, if that's okay. I don't think that this will be like the last time. If you don't mind I would like to know exactly what happened between those sicko killers and you. From what I was told, it wasn't too friendly."
"You can say that again. I'll tell you anything you want to know. After all, if I can't tell my best friend, who can I tell?"
"You could tell Cory."
"Hope, he knows what happened! Both times, he showed up just in time. What more could he possible want to know?"
"How about that you love him?"
"I wanted to say it to him, but he already left. I've tried getting contact with him, but either he isn't at work, or he isn't at home answering he phone. I can't tell him over his answering machine, it just isn't something I can say to him like that."
"Des, you couldn't get a plane ticket and go to him? I'm sure that your manager, what's his name, would let you do that."
"His name is Chris, and I agree with you. I could go to him and there is no doubt in my mind that he would do that for me, but I can't. I'll know when the time is right for me to go to Cory. Right now, I just can't. I would love to talk to him, but again, I can't reach him."
"Des, I'll be there this weekend and we'll get this all straightened out. If it becomes necessary, I'll call him and pretend that I'm at my house. Then when he's talking to me, I'll give the phone to you and you can say you love him. What could hurt? The worst he could do is hang up on you."
"You're right. We'll talk about that when you get here. I love you, Hope."
"Love ya too, Des. I'll see you this weekend and we'll go from there."
Hanging up the phone, Destiny's life suddenly seemed empty. Nobody was with her except for the life inside her body, which at that moment decided to give a strong kick. Smiling, she lay back on the couch and put on a show about going back in time. How she wished she could do that. So much she could change.
Shaking his head in defeat, Cory knew he still loved Destiny. No matter how many times, he tried to talk himself out of it, he still came up with the one thing that was absolutely true. She still carried his child and he still loved her with all his heart.
If only the last time he saw her would go out of his mind and stop haunting him day and night. During the day he could see her, and during the night, he could hear her screams. Whether she did or not, it didn't matter, he still heard them. He had to talk to her and he knew that he should, but he just didn't have the courage to pick up the phone and do it.
Making up his mind, he dialed a number. It began ringing and no one answered.
"Hullo." A sleepy, sexy voice answered. It gave him a kick start to his heart. "Chris, you said I could have the week off with pay. Don't tell me to come in, you know I can't."
"Des, it's not Chris. It's Cory. Can you hear me?"
That effectively woke her up. "Cory? Is that really you?"
"Yeah. I needed to talk to you. Why can't you go in to work? Is there some sort of problem. If there is, let me know and I'll help somehow."
"Dr. Haley told me to take it easy for a couple of weeks, that's all. There's nothing serious. The baby and I are both fine. What did you want to talk about?"
"I just wanted to know what you were doing this weekend. I was thinking about flying you in to Rainbow Falls. I guess that's out of the question. I can't get away. There's some things happening here. Come to think of it, it was a stupid idea. I could get called away or I could put you in danger. I don't want to do that a third time. I couldn't take that again."
"You haven't put me in any danger. Either I'm asleep having a conversation, or you're not making any sense."
"I put you in danger twice by not insisting you go into hiding both times those creeps were on the loose."
"Cory, we're not having this conversation again. We've talked about it until we're blue in the face and I've told you in no uncertain terms, that it was my fault I was caught. You had nothing to do with it. Did you want anything else? I hate to hurry you up, but I haven't ate anything and I'm getting a little sick right now."
"No, Des. I didn't want anything else. I'm sorry I called this late and woke you up. I want you to call the next time you go to the doctor's. I may not be able to see my baby growing in you, but I want to hear about it."
"I'm glad you called and I will call you in two weeks. I wanted to say one more thing. Cory, I-"
"Des, there's someone at the door. I have to go. I'll talk to you in two weeks."
The busy signal in her ear, admitted defeat. Was there really someone at the door, or did he just want to get off the phone? Destiny went into the kitchen and looked in the freezer for something to eat. Getting an ice cream sandwich, she knew it wasn't healthy, but it was quick, and it was food, somewhat.
For the next few days, little happened to Destiny. She stayed on her couch watching movies. A few times Faith came over and talked to her about Terry and how he was sorry anything happened to her and how they had started to become friends. Destiny wasn't mad at that, Terry seemed like a good guy, despite the fact that he had tried to kill her.
Soon, the weekend came and the phone rang. Thinking it was Hope, she rushed to answer to phone and ran from the kitchen into the living room. Answering, she was breathless and alarmed the person on the other end.
"What's the matter? Honey, is something the matter with the baby?"
"No. I thought you were Hope. She's supposed to be arriving anytime and she was going to call before she rented a car. Did you want something?"
"I was just calling to say that I'm not going to be at home very often the next few weeks. If you want to get in contact with me, call my office. I didn't want you calling my house and getting the answering machine. If I'm not available, they'll page me."
"No problem. I'm glad you called. It's so good to hear your voice. The baby is kicking up a storm and I'm getting a few inches bigger around the waist. I've been told by Faith that I have a radiant look on my face all the time now, even when I don't feel that hot."
"Honey, to me, you always looked radiant." The compliment was low, but Destiny still heard it and she smiled.
"You really know how to butter me up, don't you? I need to go, but I need to tell you something first."
"Could you hang on for a second, Des? Someone is at the door. Don't hang up. I'll be right back."
Destiny was still smiling until she heard the female voice on the other end. Obviously Cory didn't think about putting down the phone, so she heard everything.
"You're so sweet to invite me over for dinner. There's going to be a problem with tonight, though. I can't go back to the house until morning. No one's going to be there and I don't like being alone. Plus, nothing will be official until tomorrow morning, so it wouldn't look right with me going back home."
"Don't worry, Candy. I'll make sure you're comfortable tonight. You can have my bed. Supper wasn't a problem. It was the least I could do. After all, you've made me the happiest man in the world. Now I can finally have my cake and eat it too. Let me finish this call. It's Destiny."
"Oh? I'm glad she isn't mad about what's going on with us. You did tell her about us didn't you?"
"Why? She didn't need to know. It's only going to be until tomorrow. I figured what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. After all, what's one night going to hurt. You're just here until we can get you out of here and this is the only time that this will happen without the chief finding out."
That's all Destiny could bear. When she heard Cory's voice on the other end, she took satisfaction in slamming the receiver back on the stand.
Cory looked at the phone in confusion. Why did she hang up on him. He didn't say anything wrong , did he? Then he knew what it was, hormones. The doctor had told him she could be rational one minute and flying off the wall the next. That's what it had to have been.
Candy and Cory had their supper and then talked until bedtime. She went over to him and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Thanks again for the supper. Just think, tomorrow at this time, I'll be on my honeymoon with my new husband. Then you can have his office all to yourself. Tomorrow at his time, people will be addressing you as Chief Cory Ritchfield. How does it feel?"
"Pretty damn good, Candy. I never thought I would be the police chief of this town any time soon. Now all we have to do is make sure that the current one doesn't find out about his party until tomorrow when it happens."
Showing Candy where she could sleep, Cory bedded down on the couch and then tried to go to sleep. It proved elusive, however and all he could think about was the loud slam of the phone hanging up on him. He had to find out, and this was as good time as any.
Destiny had tried to quiet the wracking sobs going through her body. It wasn't doing her or the baby any good. Blowing her nose and wiping her eyes, she looked expectantly at the clock, hoping it would be a lot later than the last time she looked. It wasn't. It was mocking her, slowly going around the face slower than what it should be. Suddenly the phone rang.
Picking it up cautiously, she heard Cory's voice on the other end, pleading with her not to hang up until he could talk to her.
"What do you want? Why don't you go back to Candy, the whore who is staying with you? I think she'll satisfy you pretty well."
"I don't want her. I want you. Candy is the Chief's new wife. She's staying with me until the morning when he comes to take her to Hawaii. It's a surprise, and I'm the only one in the department who knows. We couldn't have her going back to her house, or to the chief's. Her house is being sold and the chief is working late tonight. How would it look for her to be in his house all by herself? After I spring the surprise on them, I'll be promoted to chief. You couldn't seriously think that I was sleeping with her, did you?"
"Of course not. I meant you could if you wanted to, I have no hold on you. You're not obligated to me. I'm just the lady having your baby, nothing else."
"Darlin', you're more than that, and I'm going to prove it to you soon. I love you, how many more times do you have to be told before you believe me? Very soon, I'll prove just how much I do. Honey, nobody could take your place. I certainly wouldn't be sleeping around on you."
"Oh, Cory, I'm sorry. I heard her voice and you sounded so happy, that I just thought the worst. I guess I'm not very trusting, am I?"
"Des, I'm not saying that you don't trust me. Anybody in your position would be a little worried. I should have told you about Candy. I didn't mean to upset you. Can you forgive me?"
"In a heartbeat. It was stupid of me to jump to conclusions. I'm glad you called Cory. Now I can sleep easier."
"I'm glad one of us can. I would fall asleep faster if you were in my arms, where you should be."
"You keep talking like that and you'll find me on the next plane to Rainbow Falls. I can't though. The doctor won't let me fly or do anything for the next week or so."
"Follow his advice, Des. In three months, we can hold our little one. I'm going to be there for the birth, if I have to run all the way to be there. Call me if you want to talk or anything. I'll be at the office most of the time, so call there first. I'll talk to you anytime, about anything. I'm going to hang up now. You need your rest."
"Thanks for calling, Cory. I mean it. I was so worried I lost-" She stopped speaking and then Cory spoke up.
"You didn't lose me. You didn't fifteen years ago, and you won't now. I promise I'll always be there for you and the baby, no matter what happens. I love you, Des."
Destiny couldn't bring herself to say it and when she hung up, she wished she had. She loved him with all her heart and soul. Would a tragedy make her say it to him, only to be too late once more. She hoped and prayed not. Next time she would no matter what the circumstances were.
Going to sleep quite easily, morning came fast and with it, Hope. She was there before Destiny's alarm went off at seven. Rushing to meet the second peal of the doorbell, the two girls rushed into each other's arms. It was good to have a friend who cared.
"I thought you were going to call before you rented a car."
"I tried, but the blasted phone was busy for two hours last night. I spent the night in a hotel room, plus I did some thinking there. I tried this morning, but it was still busy. Who have you been on the phone with all night long?"
Destiny looked at the phone and saw it was only part way on the cradle. "I talked to Cory about an hour last night, and I guess I didn't hang it all the way up."
"I wanted to rush right on over, but thought you might want to think things out. What's the matter? You have traces of red around your eyes. Why have you been crying? Is something the matter with you or the baby?"
"Nothing is the matter with us. I was crying because I thought I had lost Cory to someone else."
"Is this someone else named Candy?" Seeing Destiny's eyes widen, she confessed. "I called Cory last night, telling him I was flying in and he told me the whole story. Why did you get all worked up?"
"Hope, what would you have thought? He tells me that he wasn't going to be at home and to reach him through the office or pager and then a lady's voice ends up on the other end. The father of your baby is saying she could spend the night and then says what I don't know won't hurt me. It sounded very much like he was cheating on me. I'm not saying that he owes me or anything or he should be faithful. It's not like we're married or anything."
"Des, you're rambling on. For one thing, he is faithful to you, he wants to marry you and be with you and that baby for the rest of his life. Why are you making this so damn hard on him. You love him, don't you? You told me you did, and I think it's high time you told him."
"I wanted to, but I just couldn't say it over the phone. One of these days, I will tell him. He's told me, but I'm just a coward. What should I do?"
"You can only do what's in your heart. You're not a coward, you're just scared of revealing yourself. I think I would be too, in your position. How about some breakfast? I could fix some toast, eggs, bacon, and fresh orange juice."
"No way, Des. Cory told me you're supposed to be resting and not up running around taking care of people. Sit down and feast on what I brought." Hope reached into the bag she was carrying and took out fresh baked glazed donuts.
"How did you know? I haven't had one of these in years."
"You craved them with Whitney and I knew pretty well you would crave them now. I just wanted to spoil you."
"I'm just glad you're here. What is the first thing we're doing today? We could go out shopping or go to a movie."
"Hold it just a second, Des. You're supposed to be resting. We're not doing anything until I get an okay from your doctor. We're staying around the house today and we're going to talk about old times and if you're up to it, we'll have a pizza sent in. They do have a pizza place in this town,."
""Yes. I really want to get out though. It's been so boring in this house all by myself and no one to talk to and no one visiting me. One more day of this and I'm going to go nuts."
"I'll call your doctor today and find out if anything has changed. Maybe we could go out tomorrow. I only have this weekend off and then I have to get back home. I talked to Michele and she said she might be able to come down and visit with you next weekend."
The implication of what Hope had just said hit Destiny like a ton of bricks. They were coming down just to make sure she wasn't doing anything stupid.
"Hope, what is the real reason that made you come here? It took twelve years for you and Michele to visit and now you come one weekend and she's going to be coming the next. I think you want to make sure that nothing happens to me and the baby. Is that true?"
"Sort of. I did something I shouldn't have done." Seeing Destiny's eyes darken, she stopped for a second to catch her breath and say something that would end their friendship forever.
"I told Cory about Whitney."
"I already did that, remember? You and Michele were here."
"Listen. I told him everything. Your mom and dad and why you won't go back. I didn't want to, knowing that our friendship was on the line, but I had no choice."
"Damn it, Hope, you had every choice. The right one was to keep your mouth shut. I think you did it to be a martyr. That was the only thing I ever asked of you to never tell anyone. Of all the people, why did you tell Cory?"
"Des, he wanted to know why you wouldn't go back there. I had to tell him. There was no way I could stand by and let you mess up your future with him. You both love each other and you both are going to ruin your future because you won't tell him you love him. You're stubborn, but I still love you. You're my best friend and I did it to save you from your pride."
"I just wish you wouldn't have told him. I wanted to and sooner or later I would have."
"Like when? When one or both of you are dead? I was scared for you and I still am. Destiny sometimes you have to take chances. Isn't love a big enough risk? How about marriage and commitment? Marriages come and go and half end up in divorce. Out of those people who divorce each other, over half of them still are in love with the other."
Destiny had tears rolling down her cheeks, trying unsuccessfully to stop them when the phone rang. The clock said eight thirty so she picked it up thinking it would be Faith. She sniffled a hello into the receiver, some sobs still going through her body. Hope got up off the couch and went out to her car and got her bags.
"Des! Honey, are you okay? Oh my God, is it the baby? I'll be on the next flight out."
"Don't tell me no! I'm not missing the birth of my child!"
"Listen to me. It's not the baby. You have got to quit jumping to that conclusion everytime I'm upset or crying."
"Then why are you crying?"
"Because I just found out what a traitor my best friend is. Hope is here and she told me what you two talked about over the phone." At his silence she went on, "You know why I won't go back?"
"I needed to know, Des. Don't you dare take it out on her. She's a good friend and you need her in your life. If it will make you feel any better, I had to practically drag it out of her. She said this would probably be the end of your friendship. I'm sorry that I did it, but I had to know. You weren't telling me anything."
"I know that I need her in my life." Destiny started crying again, and Hope walked in. Hope's arms went around her friend. This was the time. "It's time to tell him, now." Destiny nodded her head and Hope walked into another room.
"She's not the only person I need in my life. Someone else keeps making his presence pretty well known."
"Yeah, the baby."
"I'm not talking about the baby. I'm talking about you. I need you in my life too. I love you, Cory. I want you to be in my life forever. It's taken me a while to get my heart and my head to merge, but they have."
There was silence on the other end and for a second Destiny thought that Cory didn't hear her.
"You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that. There's only one problem. There is no way I can get to you right now. I'm being promoted to chief today and this demands my attention for the next week. I'll be there when the baby is born so fast that your head will spin."
"I understand, Cory. That's one thing that won't change. You'll still be working in Rainbow Falls and I'll still be here in Rapture. How can a long distance relationship work out with a baby like that? You know I can't come back, and I won't"
"No one's asking you to, honey. I can relocate anywhere I want to. If you want to stay in Rapture with your friends, and where your job is, I want that for you. We'll make it work somehow. I'm not letting you go again. I've got to go, Des. I'm glad you called me. I love you and I'll be there as fast as I can."
"I'll talk to you some other time, Cory. I have a few things to say to Hope and I'll call you later on in the week after she leaves. I'm talking to the doctor today, so unless you hear from one of us, everything is great. I love you, Cory." Destiny hung up the phone and smiled.
"I see everything worked out for the best, Des. Now, was that so hard to say?"
Hope had been standing by the door and had heard the last part of the conversation. Standing up, Destiny walked over to her and hugged her best friend hard.
"That's the best thing you ever did for me, telling Cory why I couldn't go back. Now I want you to do something for me. I want you to call Michele and tell her to stay home instead of coming out here next weekend. There's no need for her to do that. I understand how protective you two are, but I can take care of myself. Faith is here if something should go wrong."
"Does that mean I have to go back home today? I really would like to stay with you for a while. Just this weekend I needed to get away from it all. I needed some time to myself."
"Yeah, so you came to be with me? I don't think so, Hope. What's really going on?"
"The truth is, I kept getting a feeling like you were in trouble and I needed to get out here. You're not in trouble are you?"
"Not that I know of. I will be though if I don't get a doctor's clearance and go back to work. I have enough in the bank to last for six or so months, but I just want to get back to work before Chris finds someone else to take my place."
"No one could take the place of Roxie's Revenge. I heard a repeat of it last night on my way here. I thought it way great. Chris would be mentally ill if he even thought of replacing you."
Hope and Destiny talked the rest of the morning and around two o'clock Destiny called the doctor. Going in for the checkup, he grudgingly gave her a release with firm orders to slow down if she got tired. Smiling, Destiny gave him a kiss on the cheek and the two women left the office.
The rest of the weekend was filled with fun and laughter. When Sunday night finally rolled around, Destiny found it extremely hard to say good-bye. Why, she wasn't sure, but deep in her heart she knew Hope wouldn't be coming back for a while. All good things had to end and maybe this was one of them.
Saying good-bye outside, no one would ever suspect them of parting for who knew how long. No tears were shed and there were some jokes made, but the minute the car was out of sight, Destiny broke down in tears. Walking the few minutes over to Faith's house, she felt a little better, but no sooner did Faith answer the door when Destiny was crying again.
Telling Faith everything that had happened over the weekend, Faith was sympathetic. Rocking the younger woman in her arms, Faith soothed her with words and soon Destiny quieted down enough to sit down. Noel was crawling over to her and Destiny picked her up.
"I can't believe how big she's gotten. Would it be all right if I watched her tonight. I just need to be around somebody."
"I wish you would have called sooner. We're going out of town for the week. Terry wanted to see the baby. I've gotten pretty close to him to, now that he isn't my brother. I hope that doesn't make you mad."
"Faith it's your life. He didn't hurt me, and tried to help me, I think, and after all, he was worried about you. Tell him I said hi and there are no hard feelings."
"I can't believe you would dismiss everything he did to you. If it were me, I think I would want him killed or harmed in some way."
"Faith, you did dismiss it. He hurt you too, in a different way though. I'm happy for you and Noel. Thanks for listening to me while I rambled on. I'll leave you to pack and I'll talk to you when you get back.
Destiny walked out the door and over to her still home. Why couldn't things be right between her and Cory? He was all for moving to Rapture or wherever she wanted to be. All she had ever done is complain to him how she was never going back. He went back there after what his parents had done. Why couldn't she?
Shaking off the mood, and feeling a little restless, she got in her car and drove to the radio station. Chris was there and she could talk to him. She needed to talk to someone.
Going into her cubicle she lovingly called an office, she spied Chris putting the finishing touches on the show that would air that night. Smiling she went up and touched his back. He jumped like he was on fire.
"What the-. Don't you ever sneak up on me like that again. I'm likely to have a heart attack right now. What are you doing down here? I thought the doctor told you to stay off your feet and not get yourself worked up."
"He gave me a release today. What would you say if I wanted to do a show tonight on parents who want nothing to do with their grown children? I think it's fitting somehow."
"Are you trying to tell me something?" Chris knew her story and he looked a little shocked at what she was suggesting. "I'm not going to get you all worked up and have you go into labor here, Des. I don't deliver babies."
"I'm not planning on having mine for another two months. If I get worked up, it will be good for me and I can think about something that's been bothering me for the last few hours."
"I think it might be a good remedy for what's bothering you. If you want to, then we will. We can't start promoting it until an hour before air time. Do you think it will be long enough?"
"It wouldn't be any worse than some of the shows we've done and no one has called in."
"I don't know which ones you're referring to, because that's never happened to you before. You write down some of the topics you want to hit on and I'll give you the time for the promotional. I want to point something out right now. The first sign that you are getting really upset and I'll cancel it. Is that understood?"
"Yes, doctor Chris."
"I'm serious, Destiny. Your boyfriend will have my head if anything happens to you. When you were being chased by those maniacs, he all but called me one of them and he would kill me if anything happens to you. You have a keeper there, don't let him go."
"I'm not about to. He's the best thing that ever happened to me and I would be crazy to let him go."
"I'm crazy that I didn't snatch you up for my own. But we both knew that nothing would come out of our relationship. Now why don't you go home, get some rest and get ready for tonight's show."
Destiny wrote down a few things she wanted highlighted in the promotional and then left. Instead of going home, she stayed in her office and worked on the hardest thing she had in a long time. A letter to her parents. A little over three hours later, she was finished with the letter and starting her show.
A few minutes into the show, the board was lit up with callers. One or two she felt she had some things in common with, but nothing really until the last caller came in.
"I'm calling from three states away. I disowned my only child and I wanted to apologize for it openly. She listens to this radio station and I know she'll be listening when I tell her I'm sorry for all that has happened between us."
"Could you please tell me your name."
"My name is Emma. My husband and I disowned our only child after learning something had happened to her child. We were stupid and irrational, but it's been a long, hard and lonely road without her. If she's listening, I want her to know how sorry we are about what we said."
Something in the sound of that voice made Destiny stop and think to where she had heard that voice before. It couldn't be her mother, after all, her mother's name was Arielle. Still, there was something about the story she couldn't put her finger on. Maybe it was because something had happened to Emma's grandchild, like her parents went through.
"Emma, if you'll give our radio manager your number and your daughter's name and number, I can personally call her and play this portion of the tape for her."
"That won't be necessary, Roxie. I know she's listening. There's not a radio broadcast that she hasn't listened to yet. I will give you my name and number if you are curious and want some information. You said at the top of the show that this had happened to you, so if you want to talk, I'm a good listener. I just wish I would have been for my daughter."
Seeing the lights go off the phone switchboard, Destiny let out a loud sigh. This had been one hard show to do. Hopefully some of the parents and children had made up or would make up. This had been a special show. After saying her good-bye and putting the microphone away, she put in the music for the next shift to play.
In Chris' office she went over to him to get the number of Emma. Maybe they could talk and Emma could tell her what she should do about reconciling with her own parents. There was no way to know if it would actually work, but there was always a good try, or at least that's what she was taught long ago.
Picking up the paper, she folded it in half, told Chris she was going and headed home. That's when she looked at the folded slip in her purse.
Arielle Devereaux
It couldn't be her. The only thing that had kept her from really denying it, was the name and number in her hand. Picking up the phone with trembling hands, she dialed the number. When a male voice answered, she almost hung up, but she held onto her nerve and asked for Arielle.
"Hello. This is Arielle. Can I help you?"
"Mom. This is Destiny." That's all it took before they were both crying and Destiny's dad got on the other line and apologized for everything that had happened.
"I've got some news for you," Destiny said after half an hour of conversation. "I just hope that you'll be happy. I'm pregnant. The baby is due in two months. It's Cory's baby."
"What are you doing with him? Are you two married?" Arielle was upset and couldn't believe her daughter was involved with that boy again.
"No, we're not married. Seven months ago, those three people that Hope, Michele, and I put in prison got out. They came after me. Cory knew about it and came out to try and convince me to go into hiding. To make a long story short, they wee caught, put in prison, escaped again, kidnapped me, put away, escaped one more time, tried to kill me, and then one was shot, the other is in an institution where he'll never be released, and the other was killed in prison the second time. Cory was at my side, almost all three times. He loves me mom and we were in a very emotional state. We made love and, like the first time, I got pregnant."
"Are you guys going to get married and come back here?"
"That all depends. I can't come back home. I was always told you can't go back. It's been fifteen years since I've talked to you and you were convinced I killed my baby. I didn't, you know. I loved Whitney and I love this baby. I know you don't believe me, and I can't make you do it, but if you want to be a part of this baby's life, you're going to have to learn to forgive. If someone accused you of killing your baby, how would you feel?"
"I know how I would feel. I already went through it. I never wanted to tell you this, but I knew it had to come out sooner or later. If you don't believe what I'm about to tell you, you can find out through the courthouse.
"You were born with a twin. She died a month later. I didn't know what to do and the doctor said it was my fault at first. She had died in her sleep, choking on her own vomit. I had laid both of you on your back, and she died. When I told your grandparents, my mother and father, they accused me of killing her because I couldn't take care of twins. I told them they were wrong and the doctor showed them how it happened. They didn't believe me. That's why I never had another child. I couldn't face the fact that I could let something like that happen to one of my own children."
Arielle was sobbing and then Destiny's dad came on the line. Patrick Devereaux was talking very hoarse like he had been holding back tears. "She's telling you the truth Destiny. We didn't want you to know, but when it happened to your baby, we thought maybe you killed her because you couldn't take care of her. We knew you weren't married, and it's hard to take care of a child being a single parent. The anger only stayed with us a few months. We tried to contact you, to tell you how stupid we had been acting and to apologize for our actions, but we couldn't reach you."
"I had my number changed after Whitney died. It's unlisted in the phone book, but you could have reached the radio station."
"What does the radio station have to do with you?"
"You don't recognize my voice? I'm the one you talked to on the phone. I'm Roxie. It's my show. How do you like it? Do you listen to it much."
"All the time," admitted Patrick. We listen to it nightly. Some of the topics are a little harsh, but when last night's came on, we couldn't hold back. I told your mother to call. I figured it hit home and we needed to talk to our little girl again. You're not little anymore, though."
"No, I'm not, but at least I have my parents back. I'm sorry I didn't try and contact you again after a few years, but it hurt too much. Only Hope, Michele, Cory, Chris, who's my station manager, and Faith, a good friend here, know the story. I just want everything to be okay."
"How is the pregnancy going? Any problem?"
"None, so far. A couple of weeks ago they couldn't find a heartbeat, but the baby is doing fine now. Cory is going to be here for the birth. I'll call you and let you know what it is. I can't come for a visit right now. I don't think the doctor will let me travel being it's this close to delivery."
"Don't take any chances. Just give birth to a healthy baby and we'll see you when we get the chance."
"By the way, what was the name of my twin, mom?"
"We had named her Amanda Elizabeth. Why?"
"I was just curious. Look, I've got to run. If I don't get to bed, I'm going to get up cranky. I'll call you sometime. It was good to know you don't think I killed Whitney. I love you both, I always have."
"We love you too, Destiny. We'll be talking to you soon. Take care and let us know if you need anything for the baby."
They hung up the phone and Destiny broke down in tears. Her parents were still there for her. Why couldn't she have tried to contact them? Thank God she had done the show tonight or she might never had talked to her parents. Her baby would have grown up never knowing its grandparents. Then she smiled. She had her parents back.
Going to bed, she slept soundly for the first time in weeks. That night she dreamt of Whitney and a baby that had to have been her twin. They were smiling at her and telling her everything would be a right now. When she awoke she had tears on her face, but a great burden had been lifted from her chest.
When she talked to Cory a few weeks later, she told him what had happened with her parents and he said he had talked to them himself.
"I wanted to ask you a question Des. When the baby is born and I'm there, I want to have a preacher marry us there. That way the baby can have my name. I know you're not coming back home with me, but it can be worked out later. I just want to know you're my wife and the baby is mine."
"But Cory, the baby is going to have your name regardless of us being married or not. I've already decided to do that, so you don't have to marry me for that reason."
"I'm marrying you for so much more, darlin'. Love, security, honor, just to name a few. I don't want to lose you."
"I can't marry you, Cory. How can we live so far apart and still be married? It wouldn't work. You would hate me for not coming to you and I would end up hating you because you wouldn't come here. I don't want to marry you out of love and windup divorcing you out of hate. I just couldn't bear that. I hope you understand. I do love you and one day we will be married. It won't be now, but it will happen. That I can promise you."
"I wish you wouldn't be so cynical about this. People have long distance-"
"Don't tell me they have long distance relationships. I've thought about that many times, and we've already discussed it. Just let me marry you in my own time. It will happen and soon, just not as soon as you want it to. Look Cory, I do love you, and you've been patient with me this far, can't you be a little more patient?"
"It's getting harder, but yes, I will be. Take care of yourself. Call me two weeks before the baby is due. I want to be there in plenty of time. I love you Des. Just remember that, okay?"
"Yeah. I will. I love you too."
The two hung up, each with different feelings going through their heads and hearts.
Destiny knew what she had to do. She confirmed it with her doctor and had him contact one he trusted. With that taken care of, she called the airlines. She had a reservation to made. She had three weeks before she delivered the baby. At least that's what the doctor claimed. But babies came when they wanted too. It could come in a week or as late as five.
Making the reservation on the next flight out, she packed her bags, called up Chris and Faith, and told them what was going on. Getting in her car, she drove to the airport in Glory. Less than five hours later, she had a car and was heading toward her parents house, hoping they were up for the shock of their lives.
Getting out of the car, she walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. No one answered, so she went around to the back. There was Patrick and Arielle sitting on the back swing drinking lemonade and eating cookies. They never looked better, Destiny thought.
Walking toward them, she made no sound, but they must have heard something, for when they turned their head, their faces went pale with recognition and then Arielle jumped out of the swing and went over and hugged her daughter.
"What are you doing here? I thought your doctor said no traveling until after the baby was born?"
"I talked to my doctor this morning. Everything is fine, and he said I could go. I couldn't stand being away from you guys any more. I just had to see you both and make sure that everything was going to be okay again. I didn't dream it, did I?"
"If you did, then we had the same dream." Patrick Devereaux walked over to his daughter and embraced her. Leading her over to the swing, he sat her down and then lemonade and cookies were pushed at her.
"I can't eat right now. Thanks anyway. I'm staying here until Cory gets off his shift. Well, since he's the chief, I supposed he can get off anytime. I didn't want to make any trouble for anyone, but I needed to come home again."
The three sat and talked out in the yard until Arielle happened to look at the clock. Six-thirty and they still hadn't had any supper, not any plans for it. Arielle mentioned it to Patrick who suggested they eat out.
"Can't you two just go get something? I'm starting to get a little tired. I think the jet lag is starting to catch up with me. What I'd really like to do, is lay down and sleep for a couple of hours. Do you mind?"
"No. Are you sure you don't want anything to eat? We can fix you something."
"Thanks, Dad, but no. I do have to make a phone call. I need to call Chris and tell him I arrived and I'm safe. He's very over protective."
"Go right ahead, Destiny. We'll be back in about an hour. If you do decide to eat, there are some sandwich makings in the refrigerator." Patrick and Arielle gave Destiny a kiss before they left. Destiny went into the living room sat down and dialed the office number to talk to Chris.
"I just wanted to call and say I made it home."
"You're back in Rapture?"
"No, silly. I'm in Rainbow Falls staying at my parents house. The number is on the slip of paper by the phone. I left it there this morning. I just wanted to let you know I'm okay. Tonight I'm contacting Cory and then I'll be back in touch with you to let you know what my plans are."
"Take care of yourself and that baby. You always have a place here if things don't work out between Cory and you."
"Thanks for caring, Chris, but I think everything will work out just fine between us. I've got to go. I'm getting sleepy. I'll talk to you soon."
Less than an hour later, Destiny was sleeping soundly in her old bedroom. Arielle and Patrick looked in on her and smiled at each other. They never thought they would see her like this again. Could they ever let her go and not know where she was? To that they both knew the answer was a resounding NO.
Destiny woke up after a restful nap and glanced at what time it was. Cory should be home by now, after all it was almost midnight. Picking up the phone, she dialed his number and a woman answered.
"Is Cory there?"
"No, I'm sorry, but he is at his office. Who is this?"
"Is this Candy?" Destiny was hoping it was, but her dream was shattered when the reply was no.
"My name is Cindy. I'm his wife. Who is this?"
"I'm Destiny. When did he marry?"
"You're Destiny? I can't believe you're calling him here. He said you were calling him at the office. I'm not really his wife, but he said you might be calling. I didn't know it was you. Cory is at the office, and he can fill you in on why I'm here."
Thanking the woman, Destiny almost didn't call, but she had to know. Dialing the phone once more, she reached Cory and asked about Cindy.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me here? Cindy is my wife for right now. She's part of my case. In a couple of days, hopefully shorter, she'll be out of our lives. I'm her cover for our case. Why are you calling me for? Is the baby coming?"
"No. I just wanted to say hi. I was thinking about coming to visit, but maybe you might not want to see me."
"Honey, I wish you could come and visit me. I miss you so much. I want to feel those lips of yours on mine and your breasts flattened against my chest. You quivering with need and those sounds you make driving me right out of my mind. Sound interesting to you?"
"Interesting enough for me to picture it right now. How much longer are you going to be at your office?" Suddenly Destiny felt her stomach tighten. It wasn't hunger, but then she was afraid to think about what it might be. Noticing the time, she wrote it down and then listened for Cory to answer her.
"I'm going to be at the office for at least another two hours. Why?"
"In case I want to talk to you again. I just want to make sure I can talk to you instead of your "wife"."
"Very funny, Des. Call me whenever you want to. I love talking to you, and fantasizing about you." They hung up and Destiny kept a watch on the clock, but no other twinges came. Smiling, she realized it must have been hunger after all. Going into the kitchen, she fixed herself a sandwich and then went on into bed.
An hour later, she felt another twinge, but put that down to the hurriedly ate sandwich. Laying back down, she went to sleep and slept peacefully until morning.
Morning came and with it, a touch of nostalgia. She could smell breakfast and a few new smells too. Getting up, she got a quick shower and dressed before she went down the stairs. Seeing her parents laughing at some remark brought her back in time.
Patrick saw his daughter standing there and smiled at her. "Come on in and eat with us. It's a little like ole times again, isn't it. All three of us together. If I didn't know better, in a few minutes you'd be heading off to school or one of your friends' houses. It doesn't seem right that we put our pride ahead of our daughter. I'm sorry doesn't cover how we feel."
"It's okay. I'm here now and it's good to be here. It's going to take some getting used to."
"How are you feeling today?" Arielle had picked up the slight tenseness of Destiny's body when she sat down.
"I'm feeling okay. I have a little heartburn after the sandwich I ate last night. It just didn't agree with me that late. I think after breakfast I'm going to take a ride and see the old school and a few old friends that I've kept in contact with. Don't worry if I don't come back until late. I'm going to stop by Cory's too."
"I thought you did last night. Is everything okay between the two of you?"
"Everything is fine, Dad. I stayed here last night and talked to him on the phone. I didn't want to go out after you left last night. I'll be fine. I've been on my own for a long time now and I can take care of myself." Seeing the hurt in her parents' eyes, she quickly amended the last statement and gave both of her parents a hug and kiss.
Breakfast went fast and Destiny walked out to her car. She drove to her old high school and found it was different. Instead of being the red brick building, she found it had changed to a white two story with shutters of black. Everything has to change after some time, she thought.
After going to some of her old haunts, she ended up at a fast food restaurant. Her stomach was growling like she hadn't ate in days, so she ordered one of their bacon cheeseburgers. The food went down easy, but within minutes a sharp twinge interrupted her solitude. It couldn't be the food this time. Noting the time, she reasoned with herself that if it was a contraction, it would happen again in about fifteen minutes or earlier.
Twenty minutes and then an hour passed with nothing at all. Maybe it was just the baby moving around. That had to be it. After that thought, there was a twinge, but not as sharp as the other one. It was only the baby moving. Now she was sure of it.
Going to the local mall, she went into the baby shops and bought a little outfit for Noel. While she was shopping in the baby department, she looked at sleepers and picked up a few on impulse.
Looking down at her packages, she couldn't believe she bought blankets, sleepers, little boy/girl outfits, rattles, sheets, bottles, and stocked up on formula that would last her at least six months. Resting on one of the benches another twinge came, but this was a little more sharper than the other ones. Her watch showed it was only three in the afternoon, and she didn't want to go to Cory's house or office right now.
Twenty minutes later, while she was walking to her car, another pain hit her. She knew right then that this was the first stage of labor. She had to get to the hospital. It was on the other side of town and would take thirty minutes to get there. She knew she had at least an hour or more. Destiny had to get to Cory first. She wasn't having this baby without him.
In the car, she put on her seat belt when another contraction hit her. This was really sharp and had her gasping for breath when it was over. If she took her time driving to the police station, she should make it without too much trouble. What should have taken only fifteen minutes at the most, ended up taking her thirty-five. Sitting in the car, she heard a pop, like a balloon and figured out what that was. A minute later it was confirmed.
Using some of the blankets, she tried to clean herself up, but it was no use. No cars were in the lot, and she prayed that Cory would be there. Walking up to the door with her pants soaking wet, she opened the door only to find a clerk there.
"Could you tell me where Cory Ritchfield is?"
"I'm sorry, but he isn't here right now. He went home to his wife. Can I help you?"
"I'm Destiny Devereaux. When will he be getting back? I really need to talk to-"
The last word was cut off by a contraction and she almost bent over double with the intensity of it.
"You're Destiny? She's out of state."
"Miss. I'm Destiny. I came in last night and talked to him and Cindy. She's not his wife, it's a cover. Do I pass the test?"
"I guess. It wasn't a test. I just wanted to make sure you were who you said you are.
"Do you have a phone where I can-"
"I think you better sit down. I know a lady in labor when I see one. I'll call for an ambulance right away."
"NO! I don't want an ambulance. Call Cory and tell him where I am. Better yet, take me to him."
"I can't do that ma'am. Someone has to stay here. Here comes Cindy. She can take you to the hospital."
"I don't want the hospital. I want to get to Cory. Tell me how to get to his house."
The clerk didn't answer, but told Cindy what was going on. Destiny looked over at the woman who just walked in.. Cindy was about five-one with short black hair and brown eyes. She was too skinny, but emanated warmth and caring. Cindy went over to Destiny and asked how she could help.
"I just want to get to Cory. Tell me how to get there."
"Destiny, you're in no position to drive. I'll drive you. Cory would kill me if anything happened to you or the baby." Getting into the car, they started down the road. "When we get there, I'll help you to the front door and then leave. I'm a cop. Cory has told me all about you. The baby, how you guys fell in love after all these years apart, was just like something out of a romance novel."
Not wanting to attract attention, they only had the lights going and they arrived at Cory's five minutes later. Cindy, true to her word, helped her to the door and then sped off.
Cory had been sleeping on the couch when he heard what sounded like a car door slamming. Looking toward the front door, no one came through it, so he thought he imagined it. A minute later there was another one along with the sound of the doorbell.
Please don't let this be an emergency, he thought. All he wanted to do was go to sleep for a couple of days. Opening the door, he got the shock of his life. Destiny was standing on the step, holding one hand over her stomach and one hand on the door frame. Her pants were soaked and she was gasping in pain.
"My God, honey, is it the baby?" Of course it is, you nimwit. Why else would she be leaving a puddle of water on the floor? "I'm going to call 9-1-1 and get someone out here for you. Just be still, I'll be right back."
"Don't leave me. I don't want an ambulance. They wouldn't get here in time anyhow. I came here with an assurance from my doctor that the baby wouldn't be born for another three weeks. He gave me permission to fly, unless you want to chew me out."
"I just wish you would have went to the hospital and then called me. I don't know how to deliver a baby. The only thing I've ever delivered were kittens once. They didn't make it. I can't do this."
"A contraction stopped her from responding at first, but then she spoke. "I know you can do it. If I can come back here, spend time with my parents and think about a future with us here, I know you can deliver our baby."
"What did you say?"
"I said a lot of things."
"About a future here. Are you telling me you're moving out here?"
She stopped talking and started holding her breath. "No. Don't hold your breath. Focus on something. A song, a picture, anything." Cory knew something about childbirth. If you took your mind off the pain, you could get through it quite easily.
There would be time to talk about the future, but right now, he was focused on the miracle that was about to unfold in front of his eyes. He helped her off with her pants and then lay her on the couch.
"You'll ruin the couch without newspapers."
"I don't care. I'll buy a new one. Now I want you to think about something. Think about how you're going to feel in a couple of hours when our baby is delivered into this world and you can hold it."
The contractions came hard and swift leaving her breathless and gasping for air. Cory finally convinced her that she was doing fine and not to worry about the couch she was so concerned with. He had hated it in the first place.
"Destiny, push with all you have in you. The head is crowning. Come on, darlin', you can do it." Destiny pushed and then once more until the baby was out.
"What is it?"
Cory cleaned out the baby's mouth and eyes, took the baby and put it on Destiny's stomach. He went into the bathroom and got some alcohol and sterilized his knife he carried with him. Coming back he cut the baby's umbilical cord and wrapped it in a blanket he found.
"Yes, honey?"
"I want you to meet Coryanne Elizabeth Ritchfield, your daughter."
"What did you name her?"
"I think you heard me. Coryanne after you and Elizabeth after my twin. Ritchfield is your last name."
"I know what my last name is. Why did you name her Coryanne?"
"Isn't it obvious? I wanted to thank you for giving her to us and this is the only way I know how to do that. Do you like the name?"
"I love the name. It's unusual, just like her mama. I think you came all this way here just to give birth. Who wants to give birth in a hospital. That isn't unusual. Not too many people can claim they give birth in a house and instead of screaming about the pain, they were worried about the couch."
Seeing her face screw up in pain, he knew the afterbirth was on its way. He delivered it with no problem. Getting her to agree to be taken to the hospital was another problem.
"Can't I stay here?"
"Des, I want them to check you and the baby out for my peace of mind. The baby was delivered in less than sanitary conditions and you need to be checked out. If everything works out okay, you should be released by tonight. Do you want to call your parents? How did you get with them anyhow?"
"They called my talk show. I was having a program on parents who didn't talk to their grown children. They cleared up a lot of things and I flew out last night. I didn't want to tell you then. I tried to catch you at the office, but your clerk said that you were with your wife. She's very nice by the way."
"Cindy's not my wife, Des. I thought we had all that straightened out when we talked about it."
"We did. Your clerk decided to tell me that she had to make sure I was me. She must be very protective of you."
"She is. Now, while our daughter is sleeping, I have to ask you what you meant by starting our future here."
"I think that statement is pretty clear. If that offer is still open about us getting married and living here, I'd like to take you up on it. I want to marry you and live here for the rest of our lives."
An ambulance pulled up outside Cory's house before he could answer here. Cory let them in and they took her out with Cory right beside her. The ride to the hospital was short and there was no way for them to talk to each other. Cory was pacing back and forth at the hospital while Destiny and Coryanne were being checked out. In the time she was sin the examining room, he called Chris, Faith, Hope, and Michele.
Later, in Destiny's room, she called her parents and then asked Cory to call his parents. He refused for a minute, but one look at Destiny's face, he picked up the phone and called them.
"What happened? What did they say?'
"They'll be here in an hour to see the baby. They said congratulations and anything they could do to help they would. I don't know what brought around the change, but whatever it was, I like it. Can we talk about that statement you made now?'
"Which one? The one about us getting married?"
"Yes. What brought on your change of mind?"
"A lot of things, but the main one, was you. I kept telling you I couldn't live around my parents and not talk to them, but you had done it, even after that phone call to them months ago. But the real reason is, I love you and where you are, I want to be. I think you'd better tell your "wife" she has to find a new "husband.""
The nurse brought in Coryanne at that time, and both mother and father looked at the newborn with the dark brown hair, blue unfocused eyes, pouty mouth, pert nose, and valentine shaped face and knew that they had come full circle.
Destiny looked at Cory and Coryanne and knew she had all she wanted or would ever need in life. Destiny's loves were right at her side and she needed to look no farther.
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